
Indlovukazi Indlovukazi is a healer who uses water and traditional medicines. I assist with izinto zedlozi nomsa

MakhosiI pray that all is well with everyone, I just wanted to clear something out. Having a gift does not make you invi...


I pray that all is well with everyone, I just wanted to clear something out. Having a gift does not make you invisible, in fact it makes you a target, I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. It does not give you a free pass in life, you are still going to experience pain. Maybe more than anybody else, you are still going to lose your loved ones, you will be attacked in every way possible and it’s going to hurt like a mother $@&$?! . You will wish you were never born. You will wonder what’s the whole point of having ancestors if they will not protect you.

That’s where we go wrong, we expect things to flow smoothly once we accept the calling. We think we will never be broke again, well think again, it usually gets worse after you accept, it does get better though. The gift is not given to you to make you a millionaire, it’s not given to you so you can bully others….. it is given to you to heal. To help those who are in trouble. To give light to those who are in the dark. The challenges that you are facing everyday are there to help you grow. It is not easy but it’s also very worth it, one thing you can be sure of is that no matter how challenging life can be you will always get through it. You will get hurt but you will survive, you will be broke but you will not go to bed hungry. You will be lonely but never alone. As long as you allow them to lead, there will be light ahead.
Stay blessed beloved, don’t stop praying.❤️

Face to Face consultation R200
Online consultation R200
Tarot card reading R250

Sanibona, ngashawa ngoduka nezwe. 😂😂😂. Tjoh it’s been ages. Almost a year I think. It’s been tough and I appreciate ever...

Sanibona, ngashawa ngoduka nezwe. 😂😂😂. Tjoh it’s been ages. Almost a year I think. It’s been tough and I appreciate everyone who has checked in. I pray everyone is safe and well. I will be checking in more often from now on…..I’m also taking a few dreams today, my way of making it up to you for being away for this long. Please send them to my WhatsApp 0657094781. Stay blessed beloved.❤️

Face to face consultation R200
Online consultation R200
Tarot card reading R200



I'm still around family, I pray everyone is well and warm.....this cold is not playing.....especially us spiritually gifted, sishimile shame.....our feet are always cold and the spinal cord has ice ngoba woow ........hang in there....if it's not time for umjolo don't rush it or you're going to mess what little progress you've made in your spiritual journey. Don't be tempted into doing something you will regret. Your time is coming and you will be glad you waited. It's not easy I know, the wait is worth it tho. Stay blessed beloved.
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



I pray everyone is well, i would like to apologize for not responding to my whatsapp text and calls. I'm absolutely not ignoring you, I have been dealing with personal issues and still are. As you know there comes a time where you need to focus on yourself because you can never pour from an empty cup. This time my guides need me to work on me. Unless it's urgent then do call I will try by all means to get back. Personally this is an emotionaly draining time for me and I don't have much to give to anyone else. I hope I don't sound selfish, I believe I need to be healed in order to heal. Stay blessed beloved ❤️
Face to face consultations R150
Online consultations R150
Tarot cards reading R200



I pray you are well and safe, I would like to share something private with you. As you have probably noticed I never post about something unless I have experienced it, every topic I have written about I have experienced first hand which is why when I say it will be ok I really do mean it. It's another reason why I don't write about different types of spirits because I believe that our experiences are different and once I tell you about what my spirits want me to do or behave you might start feeling like you're doing something wrong because things are happening differently for you which could be your worst mistake. In spiritually we all have our own paths, nothing is the same. We can dress up the same but spiritually we are very unique, if we were not then really there would be no need for so many of us in this world. This time I would like to share my story about my paternal side of my family.

My mother and father never married so automatically I'm using my mom's surname. I have been to my father's side of the family, lived with them at some point for a few years when I was growing up.....lost touch when I was 9 years old and that was that. They are good people in their own ways......long story short as we know when we are at the beginning of our spiritual growth the people who are ahead of us tell us that the father's side does not matter in your spiritual healing journey and go as far as to say not to include them mawuphahla. We are taught to ignore them. Infact they are called useless, trust me I am not kidding. For a few years I have been only focusing on my mother's side of the family, I won't lie it's been good, tho everytime when I was communicating with my guides I would feel like I'm missing something, it would feel wrong leaving them out, but what did I know....I didn't know much and was desperate to do the right thing and that always meant listening to those "above" me. It's sad how when you are at this stage in your journey no matter how clearly your ancestors speak to you you always what confirmation and validation from other healer, sadly this is one of the reasons people fall prey to witchcraft. Stolen gifts, ukuthwebulwa and so on.....going back to the topic at matter how much I would dream of my paternal side I would ignore them, I mean they don't have the least that's what I was taught. This is absolutely wrong, they have every right to you, without either of the families you wouldn't're taking out your father's failures on to them, you're punishing your ancestors because your father could not handle his responsibilities. Some of you have gifts from both sides of the families and you find that you're stuck in your journey because you are neglecting one side, you go for initiation and come back home but you find that after a while you get stuck again.....that's because you're not finished. You're shutting out your guides..... after a while I decided to include them when I'm doing things, whenever I do some sort of ceremony for my maternal side I would also do for them. I noticed some change, some spiritual growth. I was careful to do this only at the river ,sea,veld,mountain or waterfall. It never felt right calling them out at my grannies house......until ngitshelwe ngomsebenzi wokubahlanganisa.
After that was done besengibabiza bonke kwimpepho eyodwa mangiphahla or ngenza iladi unless I'm specifically told to do iladi differently. I have now been told to go to my father's home in Eastern Cape. I feel this too will help me grow spiritually, I'm not going to question it, it's been ages since I have been but because I was instructed by my guides I will and I believe if I don't I will be delaying my spiritual growth and healing.
I'm sharing this with you because I know a lot of you are stuck only because you're told to ignore your father's side of the family, some even ask me why I'm asking about the father's surname when I'm cleansing them. They are also a part of you, a part of your DNA ignoring them is ignoring yourself. I'm not saying don't listen to your Gobelas, just listen to your ancestors more. Abanye badla izinkamba badlela isibongo esi wrong. You then go home saying they stole your gift kanti cha, inkinga lomuntu obefuna izinkamba akakazitholi ngoba ububiza okungesiyena so kufana nokuthi awenzanga lutho. Let's try to balance things out, I'm only sharing this because I want all of us to grow spiritually and to stop relying on other people. Stay blessed beloved ❤️

Bookings for the Joburg weekend river cleansing are still open, whatsapp for more details on 0657094781
Online consultation R150 Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200 don't worry about it



A good day to you all, I pray everyone is well and safe....guys winter is within😫 keep warm.....just remember that in winter that's where idlozi liphakama. The water is as cold as a slushy, expect brain freeze 😏....ngyadlala, but not about the part yedlozi litoyitoya nge winter. That part is true....notice how many people go ephehlweni in winter....notice how many people are forced to eat igobongo....yes I said forced. Sometimes asibuzwa siyatshelwa. .....anyways, if umbethwe, lindela a very uncomfortable winter, forget the what you must speaking from experience. Now about the Sunday cleansing ceremony in joburg.....this is what we will be focusing on but before I do.....

I feel I need to clear something out, mina ngiwu Mthandazi, that's what my guides told me. I heal ngeziwasho and water. I use candles and crystals and sometimes tarot cards. Just because the water I'm cleansing you with is not colorful it does not mean you are not going to get help. This is how I will always work until I'm told otherwise by my guides. If you feel clear water is too weak for you please feel free not to book. Every time you doubt I can feel it and trust me it won't be easy healing you.

The cleansing will be for the following......
●Deaths, famil or partner
●Idlozi /isithunywa
●Ukukhuphula amajazi
●Ukuzalwa umbethe
●Soul ties cleansing (when you can't get over that ex)

I won't be able to post everything here so if you're interested please send me a whatsapp on 0657094781 for more information. Stay blessed beloved❤️
Online consultations R150
Face to face consultations R150
Tarot/card reading R200



I pray everyone is well, remember it gets dark before dawn. Akukho okungadluli, no matter how dark your life is right now, that too shall pass. I'm not just saying that, I'm speaking from experience, eventually kuyadlula, learn to grow from your challenges. Easier said than done kodwa good news is it's possible.

Still on the Joburg river cleansing topic, once the soul cleansing have been completed.....(don't expect a miracle, it's not magic. It will not all disappear but it will feel better and when you continue doing what we will be teaching each other on Saturday eventually you will wake up one day and realize that the past no longer haunt or hurt you.)
Our Sunday is about Spiritual cleansing. Here we will be dealing with spiritual growth. We will be cleansing for all types of spiritual blockages. We will be connecting with our guides. If you're owing izembatho zabadala ziphathe. Amabhayi, amajazi,iziphika,bhidane,izikhali and so on.....If you're owing iladi and haven't done anything for your guides for example thanking them for something they have done for you or just remembering them this will be your chance.
If you've lost a loved one and never cleansed I would advise you not to miss this chance since we all know how that can mess ones life. You lost a baby or terminated for whatever reason don't ignore the signs, they are always there. Go for a cleansing, it only gets worse. Kuyagezwa mawushonelwe , the consequences of ignoring this are never good. This also applies to people who lost baby daddies, baby mammas, boyfriend or girlfriend. Unfortunately these people are forgotten or ignored, this also affects them.

We will be cleansing for isilwane, nezichitho. We all know how damaging all this can be in someone's life. I'm sorry I don't do send back to sender....I trust the ancestors to fight for you. My next post will explain exactly what we will be focusing on on Sunday, if you have anymore questions do contact me on my whatsapp 0657094781. Stay blessed beloved ❤️
Online consultation R150 Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



The list of things below are what one will have to bring for the Saturday soul cleansing ceremony. It will begin at 7 in the morning, dress as comfortably as you can, pants are allowed. If you smoke do bring your ci******es, if you drink I will only allow wine, I want you as comfortable and relaxed as possible. Please bring something to sit on, grassmats are always ideal. The aim is to be comfortable.

2 white candles
Box of matches
Bay leaves
Cinnamon powder
Enamel plate
Ink pen

This list is only for Saturday, if you have anymore questions please don't hesitate to whatsapp 0657094781. Stay blessed beloved ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



I pray everyone is well, the joburg river cleansing will be by the end of this month, i will post the exact dates soon. It will begin on Saturday where we will be dealing with cleansing the soul. We will be healing from loss. Child loss....parents loss...sibling member loss....loss if a partner....loss of innocence due to abuse, any lind of abuse.....assets loss......any kind of loss, this will help in letting go of the past and to actually start enjoying the present, living in the moment. We make a mistake of spending too much time regretting what was and ignoring what is.

The past can never be changed and no matter how you plan you will never know the future.....the present tho is the is where you's what's you're experiencing. Live it, enjoy it or you will keep waking up with regrets of "eish....if only I did it that way" starts by accepting the past and moving in the present and looking forward to the future. It's impossible to live in the present when you're still thinking about the past and wishing it could have turned out won't, it never will be, its gone. It happened and no amount of wishing can change it. Just accept it and let it go. Focus on the now so the tomorrow turns out better than the yesterday......once again, I hope I make sense.

I will only be focusing on the ladies this time. I'm not saying only women deserve healing. I feel sharing will be easier amongst women only. Some women because of some traumatic experiences still do not trust men. My next post will be of things to bring for Saturday for the soul cleansing ceremony.

If you have questions don't hesitate to contact me on my whatsapp 0657094781....stay blessed beloved ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



Everyone has experienced loss first hand in life and some more than once. That empty feeling you get in your gut. The pain in your heart and the constant fear of the unknown after you've gone through it is terrifying. No loss is greater than the other, all pain goes to the heart and to me nothing can ever beat heartache....heartache can not be cured with medicine. It has no time frame and the worst part is it's always and night. Healing from loss can be difficult. It takes time and fully accepting the loss and finally moving on is the hardest part of the healing process.....I have noticed that most people try to avoid the grieving stage.....I feel this is a mistake. You feel the pain because you loved, and the grief is part of the love you had for what you have now lost. You cannot avoid it. If you do then you're just prolonging the pain. I hope I make sense.

Some people say talking about your loss helps...I'm not so sure anymore, the times we live in are dark. We tell people about our most vulnerable feelings and instead of giving us a solution they make the situation worse by broadcasting our pain. This causes more pain, I believe the only thing we can do when someone shares their pain is to give them an ear and comfort. All they need is an assurance that everything is going to be OK.

Loss comes to us in different forms and again I say this, no loss is greater than the other. Pain is pain. It all hurts.

The loss of a loved one isvery traumatizing. Be it a partner I don't care if you're married or me it doesn't matter, loosing a partner can break someone to the core. This person who was a part of your daily life is now no longer with you, it can be enough to make a person loose their mind. .....loosing a family member makes you feel like a part of you has suddenly been cut're no longer're still you but at the same time you feel incomplete. I can't explain it, you do get used to it but you never get over it.
This is why accepting is so important in the healing process.....Loss is not only about loosing people who are close to you. Loosing a job or business can be as damaging .....loosing a partner through separation or devorce can be as painful. Having your assets taken away can be as devastating. It's all loss. Loosing something that you love and have worked hard for for years is soul crushing. People are depressed today because of loss. It's sad just how many people are experiencing the pain of loss but not being able to get healing for themselves because they were told to get over it....they are expected to have recovered by now.....some are told "it's not like they were that close".....some are told they don't have a right to feel that way because they caused it.

Here's what I'm saying....don't wait for someone to give you permission to grieve. It's your loss, it's your's your responsibility to heal. No matter what part you played in loosing whoever or whatever you don't deserve to hurt. Accept....embrace....and move on. It's not going to be easy but it's possible.

i have been putting it off for a while due to other comitiments kodwa its time now, The joburg river cleansings will commence soon and this time we will do things differently, on a Saturday we will be focusing on healing, we will be sharing our experiences in dealing with loss. There is too much pain buried in our hearts that needs to be let out in order to begin the healing process. This is one of the most important part in the healing process as well, letting out that which is blocking your spiritual growth. letting go of regrets, hurts, pains, anger disappointment etc, after all a healed heart is a vessel of clean spirits. I will only take 10 people, it will be a very intimate session that's going to focus on healing your soul. Accepting...processing and letting go. The following Sunday will be for cleansings and amaladi. You will have to be available for both Saturday and Sunday. Will post more info on my next insert, do send me a whatsapp text for more information on 0657094781. Stay blessed beloved ❤️
Online consultation R150 Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200

MakhosiIt's been months since I've posted, it could not be avoided. Healers are called to heal but it would not be possi...


It's been months since I've posted, it could not be avoided. Healers are called to heal but it would not be possible if you as a healer still needs healing yourself. It's a constant journey that takes time as we all know healing is a process.

I haven't abandoned you, since last year I have been instructed to learn meditation. Her exact words were...."you need to start meditating and always count to 10 before you respond ".....didn't think it was a big deal until I went to the meditation center. It was the best decision I have ever made. It's basically a 10 day meditation course. Total silence as in no communication whatsoever for the whole course. No talking amongst students even when you walk pass each other....phones are confiscated when you arrive, no drugs or alcohol allowed in the premises. You're not allowed to leave the center once the course begins. The food is prepared for you and it's only vegetables.

I'm sharing this with you because it changed me in such a positive way. I can't explain it but it was an amazing experience. It's different for everyone. I found myself having to face situations I have avoided for years. Issues I thought I was over and had overcome only to find out that I was still affected by and didn't heal from it but only suppressed.

It was so emotional and emotionally painful but it was necessary to go through. You find yourself thinking about your childhood traumas.....the loss you thought you were over......the betrayal you thought you no longer cared about. The abused you went through. It taught me to face everything headon but mostly it taught me to accept everything I've been through good or bad and finally move on knowing that there is nothing I can do about it now ,it's all in the past and nothing is permanent. Konke kuyadlula.

I found myself forgiving my family, my friends and most importantly I learned to forgive myself.

I could go on and on but all I want to say is if you find yourself living in the past....angry all the time...depressed....sad... just not making sense of anything around you, try the 10 day course. I wish I could put it into words just how this could be the best healing journey for you. This is one of the things you would have to experience for yourself to fully understand.

The place is in worcester It's free, everything is provided you just need to get yourself there. I will attach a link below and if you have any more questions do contact me on my whatsapp 0657094781.

Now that I am back, I will be planning a joburg weekend river cleansing. Will explain on my next post. This one will be different and will be for women only. I will explain why. Stay blessed beloved. ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



Greetings dear beloved, I hope you're well and safe. I've been meaning to post about this issue because it's been disturbing me of late. I hope I don't trigger you, it could be a really sensitive topic for some. I don't mean to bring back painful feelings but instead I'm hoping for healing.

Most people have stopped believing in anything that has to do with idlozi because of a terrible experience that they had with a healer. It's sad because some of you have gifts that need you to accept but because someone took advantage of you and your gift you're now reluctant about ancestors. Too many disgusting things have been done to people to make them respond negatively to ancestors and trust me I don't blame them.

Just a few examples.......some people have gone to healers hoping to be helped and healed but instead they have been abused and traumatized by

As much as they might not like to share their experiences but most people have reached out to healers In hope of getting healed but instead they have been abused and broken.

How does beating someone's child help them heal spiritually? does treating someone's child like a slave heal them.
How does verbally abusing someone help them spiritually?
How does depriving someone of sleep help them spiritually.....let's not argue about this, you know what I mean.
Izingane zabantu azilali ebusuku nasemini they are zombies. Yeah yeah akulalwa edlozini so they say kodwa not like this....remember lomuntu akasilo idlozi, ungenwe idlozi. Lomzimba uyinyama.

Dear child your ancestors will never put you through something so traumatic that it would require someone to sleep with you in order to heal you. No spiritual healing would require you to be intimate with a healer be it a man or a woman. The day you're told that dear beloved run. Run and never look back, instead of getting help things will be worse. ......asikho isilwane esilahlwa ngokuthi ulale nomuntu......ayikho inhlanhla evulwa ngokuthi ulale nomelaphi and I will keep saying this and I don't care what anyone says. If ever you have done anything this horrible to your patients then ungumthakathi. Yes I said it. Some even tell amathwasa that if they let them sleep with them their power will grow....power yokunuka yini......akekho onamandla adlula owomunye.....we grow spiritually nge pace yabadala.

The moment you start feeling uncomfortable then khona okungasahambi kahle. If it was ever done to you I'm so sorry.....I hope you heal and keep trusting in your guides. Most people don't report it because they are afraid....ngeke banenze lutho bayasabisa. I know it's disappointing and frankly it's enough to make you want to give up on your ancestors, DONT.....don't let anyone turn you against your need them and they need you. I would strongly advice you get a cleansing if ever something like that happened to you.....this applies to anyone who was ever sexully abused. It helps more than you know.

I pray that you heal and I pray that God and your ancestors fight back for you. Don't stop praying and stay whatsapp is opened for anyone who wants to talk. ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



It's been a minute, I hope everyone is well. I pray you're all safe especially from the floods that we seem to be constantly having. I do apologize for being scarce, this has been a very busy month for me. I have been owing my guides kakhulu so it was time ngilungisa some of izinto zami zikamoya.....akuqedwa edlozini.

I have been asked about the joburg cleansing weekend that I spoke about, the dates have not been confirmed yet. I had originally planned on the end of February but I think it's short notice since its alread the 18th. I could do it by the end of March but I have a spiritual retreat that I'm going to for 10 days on the 29th. I would appreciate it if you could suggest a date that would work for everyone of course besides the 29th of March to the 11th. I will post the details once we settle on the date. Stay blessed ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



Stop telling people when your parents do something nice for you.
Stop telling people when you find a loving partner.
Stop sharing when things seem to be going well for you.....that new car....that new job. When you get isikhundla esisha (promotion)

Stop sharing about your relationship.......stop sharing about your pregnancy. Stop sharing about your relocation. Yeeeyyyy wena ngithi Stop sharing. Not everyone is happy for you. Not everyone wants to see you prosper. Not everyone has your best interests in their hearts. I don't care it it's parents.... siblings or family one will prioritize you like you. Keep it private. Don't act shocked or know what I'm talking about, your interview.....suddenly you were not called......remember when you told everyone about your pregnancy......I'm sorry about your loss. Ohhh ohhh started packing and it got too much for you so you stayed told friends about you relocation......where you at now? point exactly.

Do you.....keep private.....your blessing are yours and yours alone.
Stay humble and loving.❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200



Dear child of the most high......mtane thonga......I'm not bringing anything to you but hope......I'm only bringing love and perseverance......I'm only bringing guidance and acceptance. I am only isithunywa and I gladly accept. I'm not in anyway special or different from you. I'm only here to remind you and most importantly show you how important you are. I don't mean to make anyone feel isolated but today I have a direct message. Read.......understand......decide

I'm here for you....I'm offering myself. I'm here to remind you that you're have a're here for a reason.

I'm calling out to everyone who has lost a marriage.........this is a call to the people who has lost their houses.....your cars.....your jobs.... The people who had families turn against them. The people who lost their children no matter how, we are not here to judge. I'm talking to everyone who had to start afresh. ........whether it was because of abuse or loss.....Mina I know what you're going through. Remember abuse is not only from a romantic relationship. Our families abuse us....we're abused at work.....friends abuse us. Any forms of abuse from anyone should not be tolerated.......let's talk about's depressing and painful. All I can say is if you're still feeling that emptiness in your heart because you're missing someone or something then please reach out. We loose partners......we loose family....we loose friends....we loos ourselves. Loss is never comfortable. Will never be comfortable. I have experienced my share of loss. I have seen and experienced abuse. I'm not saying I'm a pro in all of it but I do say this......if you feel like you have had enough.....please call.

If you feel like this is it and this is the end, please don't hesitate.

Whenever you feel like you've tried it all......remember you haven't spoken to me, please make me your last option.

I'm not saying I have magic, all I'm saying is when I was at my lowest I had someone come through to save me....maybe I could return the favor. Stay blessed ❤️
Online consultation R150
Face to face consultation R150
Tarot cards reading R200


Demat Road





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