I have a handful of besties, and this one particular bestie has a very serious problem. If she is given a theme - be it Christmas, Disney, the beach - you name it, and she will TAKE IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL. She is an absolute ninja at finding complimentary goodies, mostly discounted at 50%, to bring the theme alive. She is a theme machine, and she will stop at nothing to dazzle the eye with aaaaallll the things. I bloody love it 🤣 it's quite amazing to behold. So what do you think happened on the 1st of November? Yup, you guessed right. Christmas arrived! 🎅🎄🎁 This house looks like it's been burgled when Chrismas gets packed away. Every possible nook and cranny is filled with Christmas delight. Going for a wee? Jingle like you mean it. Going up the stairs? Mind the reindeer food! Looking for your toothbrush? It's right next to a miniature Christmas tree. So, just recently, we got together to do some Christmas mini shoots at her house, and this was our combined offspring (minus one) the day before. The Christmas vibes were very infectious, so of course we went and bought identical pajamas 🤣 More Christmas mini magic coming later today and spoiler alert - Disney is the theme ❤️