Copporate Assets Security

Copporate Assets Security For more than 30years Copporate Assets has been providing safe reliable and professional security gaurd service 24hours a day 7 days a week 365 days a year


Opening up a new branch in Groblersdal!!!!

be safe be smart choose Coporate asset security


We've got you covered

Currently taking over Randfontein!!!!!!

We getting bigger better stronger faster.


Get yourself covered!!!
Corporate asset's security!!!!
079 092 5779

Exited to announce our new branch in Randfontein


Gooday ladies and gents . lookong for work???? You came to the right place!!!! Our company is looking to employ people For security work!!! Men woman all ages from 18 upwards. preferred A B C D grade officer's. Everyone welcome to apply . 49 Cnr Loch&Holiday Meyerton . Just across the Vodacom Shop. Please use my Name as referral Clarissa Muller inbox me. Thank you


Hy het gesê hy sal my doodmaak” – 76-jarige slagoffer aan media na ouetehuisrooftog die afgelope naweek.

Maritza van Zyl | February 15, 2017
Lena Heystek, 76, wat deur vyf indringers beroof is.
Lena Heystek, 76, ‘n inwoner van Sashca’s Ouetehuis, is getraumatiseer nadat vyf booswigte Vrydagaand, 10 Februarie omstreeks 8.30nm haar kamer binnegestorm het.

Lena Heystek, 76, wat deur vyf indringers beroof is.
Die Herald het die ouetehuis gaan besoek, waar Heystek van die aand se gebeure vertel het. Dit was duidelik dat sy steeds aan skok gely het. “Dit was so teen 8.30nm, en ek het in my kamer, wat ek met my man Jan deel, gesit en krieket kyk. Ek sluit nooit my deur nie, aangesien die nagskofpersoneel my man elke nou en dan moet kom draai, aangesien hy bedlêend is,” het sy gesê.

Heystek het verder vertel dat die nagskofpersoneel gewoonlik eers aan die deur klop, maar dié aand het hul kamerdeur net oopgegaan en vyf indringers, sonder enige vermomming, het die kamer binnegestorm. “Ek kan nie onthou hoe hulle lyk nie, ek was in skok. Ek onthou net dat een van hulle ‘n rooi h**p aangehad het,” het sy gesê. Heystek het vertel dat hulle baie haastig was, en ook met mekaar in hul taal gepraat het.

Die een verdagte het dadelik vir haar gesê om stil te bly en gesê, “This is just a robbery“. Hulle het haar ringe, oorbelle en haar horlosie afgehaal en gevat. Hulle het ook haar handsak met al haar bankkaarte, haar man se identiteitsboekie en twee selfone gevat. Daarna het hulle glo dadelik na ‘n spesifieke kas in haar kamer gestap. “Dit was ‘n inside job,” glo Heystek.

Haar kluis was in daardie spesifieke kas.

Lena Heystek, 76, wat deur vyf indringers beroof is.
“Ek dra gewoonlik die sleutels om my nek, maar daardie oggend het ek dit afgehaal omdat dit my seergemaak het. Nadat hulle die kluis gekry het, het die een my beveel om die sleutels wat om my nek is vir hulle te gee, anders sou hy my doodmaak. Ek het vir hom gewys dat daar nie sleutels om my nek was nie, en vir hom gesê dat dit in die groot kluis in ‘n ander deel van die ouetehuis gebêre word. Ek vra myself af, hoe weet hulle ek het altyd my sleutels om my nek? Hulle het toe ook my kluis met alles daarin net so gevat en is na die volgende kamer toe.”

Die rowers het net twee kamers se inwoners beroof, en die ouetehuis se groot plasmatelevisie gesteel. Wat Heystek die meeste pla, is dat haar trouring wat haar man 58 jaar gelede vir haar gegee het, in die kluis was. “Die sentimentele goedjies kan nie vervang word nie,” het sy hartseer gesê.

Hoewel die meerderheid by die ouetehuis glo dat die rowers ‘n rooi BMW gebruik het, glo Heystek dat dit ‘n rooi bakkie was.

Lena Heystek, 76, wat deur vyf indringers beroof is.
Crystal Stellenberg, 30, Sashca’s Ouetehuis se senior toesighouer, het gesê sy was die naweek af, en dat wat gebeur het, skrikwekkend is. Sy en Heystek het vertel dat dit die derde keer was dat inwoners beroof word. Stellenberg werk glo al nege jaar by die ouetehuis, wat vanjaar 11 jaar bestaan.

Stellenberg het gesê dat die besoektyd by die ouetehuis wat altyd van 7nm tot 8nm was, opgeskort gaan word. Toe die Herald vertrek het, het al die inwoners en die eienaar bymekaar gekom vir ‘n vergadering aangaande die roof van Vrydagaand.

“As dit donker word, word ek angstig, as iemand die deur oopmaak, is ek angstig. Ek sal nie so in hierdie kamer kan bly nie. Ek d**k nie ek gaan ooit hieroor kom nie,” het Heystek gesê.
Vir die personeel en ander inwoners van die ouetehuis is beter sekuriteit nou ‘n belangrike kwessie.

Het jy dalk meer inligting rakende dié storie? Stuur gerus vir ons ‘n e-pos na [email protected] (sluit asseblief kontakbesonderhede in) of skakel ons by 011 693 3671.

Lees ook:

Old age home targeted by armed robbers

Vir daaglikse gratis gemeenskapsnuus aan die Wes-Rand, besoek ook ons susterkoerante se webtuistes Roodepoort Record, Krugersdorp News en Get It Joburg West Magazine

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Best security company you can ask for ex army men ex cops!!! Be safe you live the second dangerous country in the world!!???


Protect your business your home ,, we also do es**rting , body guarding, want yor money back !! We the best sharks for that!


Get yourself covered with Copporate Assets Security ...


Need peace of mind when driving home at night? Call in and have one of our gaurds es**rt you to you front door!


Get security !! Protect your things before the wonderfull festive season starts!!! Blessed


For more than 30 years Copporate assets has been providing safe, reliable and professional security guard service 24 hours a day 7days a week, 365 days a year.

Finding the right firm for your needs shouldnt reguire major effort.
The Copporate asset group us proud of our experience expertize and credentials.

But our Clients say its best for us through their repeat business and referals. We really value client referrals because they affirm our commitment to client trust "Confidentally and satisfaction".

You get more with Copporate assets group!!

*33 years of company experience
*Exeptional cost-effective and efficent services
*Expertize, trust, confidentiality and professionalism

*We never lost a case in court
*Free Consultation

We proud of our excellent security guard reputation across Gauteng.

Copporate assets is small enough to be flexible but large enough to handle many service accounts.
We appreciate customer referals share our safety service with family, friends and businesses.!

Dont be vulnerable!!
Dont be a victim!!

Copporate assets investigation are located in Gauteng meyerton, On the corner of loch and holiday street (49).

Get you security gaurd for your festive season...keep your houses and businesses safe

Get you security gaurd for your festive season...keep your houses and businesses safe


Secure your house and business in the festive season!!!!!! Call for your quote today 081 341 0951 .Pretoria - Most households in South Africa fear housebreaking the most compared to other crimes, according to the Stats SA Victims of Crimes Survey released on Thursday.

"At least 60% of households surveyed fear housebreaking/burglary, 50% feared home robbery, and street robbery is at 40%," Statistician General Pali Lehohla told reporters in Pretoria.

Of the 30 000 households that took part in the survey between 2012 and 2013, 37% feared becoming victims of murder and 31% of sexual assault.

Lehohla said the survey comprised crime data from police and Stats SA's own household data.


Violent crimes that South Africans fear most such as murder, attempted murder and robbery have increased dramatically over the past two years. And the bad news is that cases of armed robberies, burglaries, murder, attempted murder and serious assault tend to increase markedly over the festive season.

An analysis of the monthly national crime data for the five years from April 2006 to March 2011 revealed that murder and serious assault increased by as much as 50% during December each year, while incidents of burglary increased by 8%. House robberies increased in the months leading up to the festive season, starting in October and remained high in December, dropping off by about 11% in January.

In October this year, police minister Nathi Nhleko launched a national police operation to crack down on crime over the Christmas season. Dubbed “Operation Duty Calls”, the police action focuses efforts on curbing armed robberies, social crimes, tracking down wanted criminals, road safety initiatives and border patrols.

There are a number of reasons why crime rates increase over the festive season.

Quality ... Saftey... be careful what security u choose u might get him on the news.... Going away this holiday and worr...

Quality ... Saftey... be careful what security u choose u might get him on the news....

Going away this holiday and worried about house breakings,theft .??..No need to worry Copporate Assets got the right security gaurds for u 30% discount for the hollidays... get your quote today.



Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00





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