Established in 2007, the NPC Education and Entrepreneurial Development Trust aims to implement education and Entrepreneurial Development projects in areas such as the South Coast communities.
Releasing funds of R50 000, The NPC Education and Entrepreneurial Development Trust reached out to 8 schools and 88 children in the KwaNyuswa community.
“KwaNyuswa is a rural community, with high poverty and unemployment, which makes it difficult for many families to afford school uniforms for their children, and we are so grateful for the support of the The NPC Education and Entrepreneurial Development Trust who continue to empower and champion Educational needs for learners in the Ugu District” said Mrs Nozipho Mbotho from the Ugu Department of Education
The NPC Community Trust along with Qiniselani amaNyuswa Tribal council, whilst working closely with the Ugu Department of Education, have identified further educational projects and programmes they will be involved with during the course of the months ahead.
“We look forward to continuing to build relationships with the schools in order to improve and support educational need of learners and educational resources across many Ugu schools. We believe strongly in the value of education and building a strong generation of minds from our youth in schools today” comment long term SCCDC committee member Samantha Podmore
To know more about the work the SCCDC does on the South Coast District of Ugu, like our page and follow our stories in the communities we work with.