Unemployment issue vs South Africans in South Africa.South Africans please allow me to say time for debating is over and we want time for action against the issue of unemployment rate(South Africans),which is causing by too much undocumented foreigners in this country.We see the government that,don't care about its own people especially when comes to the rate of undocumented foreigners.Young South Africans youth are graduating from different varsities,believing tomorrow they will have a better life in their future and at the end of the day their unable to get employed.I think we have gone beyond of debating especially in this issue of undocumented foreigners,and rate of South Africans who are not working in their own soil,we are now asking for action from the people of under ground,we must rescue our country and prepare the future for our children.Any politician who think to take adequate step against this critical issue,is so called self hate,we will peacefully ask that kind of empty minded politician to excuse us,bcs we want to sort ourselves and our children first.I think South Africans must do away of allowing politicians to tell us,what to do and what is the best for our country?We gave them the opportunity to lead us and to listen to them,they gave us nothing but shameless.Their always looking for opportunities to enrich themselves,South Africans we must take a stand and defend our country, and to create opportunity for our future generations,otherwise our generation are going to bag and kneeling down the food from foreigners if we don't take action against this people,so called our African brothers and sisters.Im talking to South Africans who understand our current situation in this country,not Malema's puppets worshippers who don't understand the situation in this country,but their like a church following who are ready and dance any song that comes from their leader,so called government in waiting leader.Pls comment only if u have the facts,if u are in th