1. Avoid the mistake of not having a plan and goal for your relationship, let your relationship have a purpose.
2. You must avoid being a Liability, no matter how rich and generous your partner is, try to give. Don't be the only one receiving.
3. Don't ever make the mistake of sharing all your family secrets especially the confidential ones.
4. Don't ever condemn anyone or spoil the image of anyone in your family before your partner. Cherish the family you are from, good or bad, rich or poor, respect your family.
5. Don't be anxious to know everything about him, family, or friends, let it come gradually in love.
6.. Don't play smart, trying to make secret calls, secret chat et c.he is wise the same way you think you are wise. Be Open.
7. Be observant, know what he likes and what he hates.
8. Respect and love his family and friends
9. Don't make the mistake of doing wife duties or act above who you are to please him, be real to him and yourself.
10. Contribute to the growth of the relationship, have something "say"
11. Run if you observe your partner is someone that doesn't need others' opinion, is stingy, and can't control anger, if he slaps you, treats you like trash, Run 4 Your Life.
12. Have respect for yourself, don't make him see you like someone begging for love, let your No to anything you believe is truth be No. Don't ever make foolish sacrifices you will regret.