Our Story
Station profile.
X-K Fm targets the San people of Platfontein in the Northern Cape to preserve the !Xu and Khwe cultures, uplifting,
developing and informing the communities.
This community consists of the !Xu who make up 64% of listeners and the Khwe who falls into LSM 1-6. Just under a third of listeners are aged 16-24, 30% are over 50, 34% are 25-34 and 15% are aged 35-49.
Broadcasting in !Xun, Khwe while Afrikaans serves as the stations bridging language. The format consists of talk and music, with a strong focus on the San culture. Music played is predominately traditional San music, as well as South African music and a small amount of international music. Talk revolves around cultural matters and community life.
The community leaders was very concerned because the youth who was mixing home language with Afrikaans and they thought that the language will become extinct.
They approached one of the school teachers and asked him what can they do to preserve the San language.
They did a presentation to ICASA and applied for a broadcasting licence..
A broadcasting licence for a community radio was granted to the SABC for the San people.
The station was launched on the 18 of August 2000 by the late Minister of communication. DR. Ivy Matsepe Casaburi at Schmidt's drift.
The station was broadcasting in containers from 06:00 to 13h00 with only 4 male presenters.
Two ladies joined them on the later stage in 2001.
With the relocation of the San people to Platfontein in 2003, the station played a big role in the community and was moved to Kimberley studios and the broadcasting hour was extended to 18h00.
The SABC who is the mother and provider of everything to the station, moved the station to a new building in Platfontein where the community is, in 2005 the broadcasting hours were extended to 21h00 and from 2017 the 17th birthday of the station on 18 August the hours were extended to 00h00 according to the ICASA mandate for us to broadcast 18 hours a day.
The SABC employed 8 Presenters ,2 Freelancers presenter,1 Station manager, 1 Program manager ,1 Music compiler, 1 Executive producer, 2 producers ,1 archivist ,1 technical lady and 8 news readers, 2 freelancers news readers , Education producer ,presenters and also 1 Sport producer including 4 sport commentators for the station all from the San community of Platfontein near Kimberley in the Northern Cape province.
The station has now a permanent staff compliment of 16, including freelancers, all thanks to the SABC