My beautiful daughter. You are awesome in Christ❤️🙏🌸 I love you and I know your heart. Be blessed. This testimony warms my heart❤️
I want to share something personal with you today. 🤍
In 2018 I started journaling, just becasue my mom was doing it for years and she has nudged me a couple of times to try it. At first it felt strange because when you pray, you can talk fast, but when you write it's as if it's much slower, draaaaaging the words out one by one.
( I laugh at myself every time I think about it like that 🤣)
However, today I once again realized how MUCH HEALING, FREEDOM and PEACE journaling has brought me. I've met Jesus so many times. I've laughed so much, cried so much and traveled with Him through so much stuff.
I was battling with something for the last few months, and I've been praying about it a lot. I couldn't understand why it's taking so long to work through it, but finally, 2 days ago, Jesus met me there. I was writing it all out again and then...
In a vision, I was inside of my heart, and I walked with Him, closing the doors that was weighing me down.
Immediately I started sobbing, and I knew it was over.
Right there, He freed me.
Why am I posting this?
Journaling is such a personal journey with Jesus. No one knows your heart like He does. Through Brave & Co, I want to create stationery that you can use to connect with Him. Pages, workbooks, stickers etc. that will lead you to open your heart and deal with stuff.
Stuff can weigh us down, but Jesus came to set us free.
Free from any bo***ge.
He is waiting for you, too. ❤️