Manhota Taanaye Mlambo.

Manhota Taanaye Mlambo. Everyone is a genius at least a year

Procedure to the marriage

Procedure to the marriage

David's empty chair

David's empty chair




*_Chinangwa Chedu: Kubatsirana nenzira yekubvisa mari panenge paitika dambudziko._*

*Mashandiro edu ose anobva pasi peBumbiro rino!!*

*1. [i].*
Ngatizivisei Chairperson dambudziko rerufu, ndiye *Chete* ane mvumo yekuzivisa Shoko rerufu pano pagroup, kana Board member (achinge atenderwa _naChairperson_ )

*1. [ii].*
Zviziviso zvose tinoisa kuCommittee yoongorora kuti zvinokodzera here kuunzwa pano.

*2. [i].*
Tinobatsira nhengo yegroup *AKAZVIPIRA* kubatsirawo vamwe.

*2. [ii].*
*Joining fee iR100+* (Plus) inenge ichibviswa nemaMembers padambudziko rawajoinira.

*3. [i].*
*Tinochema Vabereki (Baba naMai veMember yedu vari kumusha) uye Mwana wemember yedu (25 years zvichidzika) ari kumusha, asati aroora kana kuroorwa.*

*3. [ii].*
Kana member ari *munhukadzi;* tinochema *Vabereki vaari kugara navo.*

*3. [iii].*
*Takanangana neNhengo uye mhuri yake yadomwa, Kana dambudziko rawira dzimwewo hama dzisina kudomwa kana Umwewo wenharaunda asineyi negroup rino, tinochemawo tiri kune mamwe magroup KWETE pano.*

*4. [i].*
*Tinosungirwa kubvisira:*
(a). Member yedu *R200* Kumusha kana kuDiaspora.

(b). Mkadzi kana Murume wemember yedu *R200* kumusha kana kuDiaspora.

(c). Mwana kana Mubereki wemember *R100* kumusha.
R200 kuDiaspora, (kana ari mumaoko emember yedu).
*Asi kana achizvishandira anofanira kuva member pachezvake.*

(d). *Mwana wemember ashaika achangobva kuberekwa:* kumusha; *R50.*
KuDiaspora; *R50* Kana Achipiswa.
*Kana achivigwa R100*

*4. [ii].*
Member ine dambudziko ndiye anotipa Account yatinoisa mari.

*4. [iii]*
Kana body yeMember yedu yava kuendeswa kumusha inoperekedzwa neMumumiriri umwechete weGroup redu anenge adomwa neCommittee.

*5. [i].*
Kana tanzwa chiziviso cherufu, senhengo tinosungirwa kubvisa mari yakakwana mukati memazuva manomwe, *(7days)*

*5. [ii].*
Full member anobhadhara pamatambudziko ese, ukajamba unenge watozvibudira.

Kana member yedu achinge arwara,

Psalm 19:1-3

Psalm 19:1-3

Bible study

Bible study



Happy birthday 🎉 Lanny Manhota

Happy birthday 🎉 Lanny Manhota

Hew harbour Hermanus 📍

Hew harbour Hermanus 📍

Next to New harbour, Hermanus

Next to New harbour, Hermanus

Onrus beach 🏖️

Onrus beach 🏖️

On way back from onrus beach 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️

On way back from onrus beach 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️

A joyful heart is the inevitable results of a heart burning with love 😍

A joyful heart is the inevitable results of a heart burning with love 😍

Taanaye Manhota

Taanaye Manhota

Healing process

Healing process

Takarova zvedu mabhingo, takahwandisa madziso, 👓🕶️🎤🎧

Takarova zvedu mabhingo, takahwandisa madziso, 👓🕶️🎤🎧

May your soul rest in peace ☮️ tete

May your soul rest in peace ☮️ tete

Chengetwai naShe

Chengetwai naShe

*What is Christmas.??*-----------------------------------------------------------Ndingaitanga sei zviya 🤔 . Ngandipetuke...

*What is Christmas.??*
Ndingaitanga sei zviya 🤔 . Ngandipetuke kumashure mbichana kuti muzwisise.

Genesis 10:1- Nyaya yaNoah tinoiziya tese,,, mwana waNoah uyaaa wekuona baba vakaita mushwete anonzi *Hami* .
Hami wakabara Kushi,, Kushi akabara Ni**od. Ni**od waiva muvhimi Mukuru,, iri mhondi chaiyo,, ririZimambo.

Pakafa Kushi baba vaNi**od, *Ni**od wakatora Mai ake _Semiramis_ kuita mukadzi akatobara navo mwana anonzi _Tammuz_*

_Tammuz means son of a sun god_

Ni**od wacho ndiye _Sun god_

Mai vacho Semiramis ndivo _moon goddess_ vanonzi havazi kubarwa vakabva muzai ndoosaka kuine *Easter egg*🥚

Tammuz was born on 25 December.

Christmas is made up of two words *Christ and Mas*

Celebration iyi yaitoitwa before Jesu kristu asati abarwa 😀

Jeremiah 52:31-34 Evilmerodach king of Babylon wakabudisa Jehoiachin mambo weJuda mujere musi wa25 Dec. It was the day of celebrate the birth of Tammuz.

#. Saka vanhu varikuita zvinyangadzo mumaChurch umu. Azvipindirani neChiKristu izvi.
*Ezekiel 8:1-16* _people are weeping for Tammuz in the house of the Lord_

*Ezekiel 8:16 vanhu vanonamata vakatarisa kumabvazuva, vachinamata zuva, (Sun god).*

Easter is the part of Baalism *Acts 12:1-4.* Eostre or Ostara. Easter chirungu.🤨
Easter inochinja chinja mwakamboona date of death reichinja chinja ere 🤗
Easter (moon goddess) celebrated when there is full moon. Vanounamata mwedzi vechiuona sakei veitara maDays peunenge uri Mukuru pakutawa kwawo.

Ndoosaka kuine Easter egg 🥚 ndimo munonzi mwakabuda *Semiramis* ( moon goddess) ndiye anenge achipembererwa paya😁

*1Corinthians 5:7 Christ is our Passover*

_Audience of the Lord supper is not Easter_

*1 Peter 2:9 we must celebrate God 🙏🏽*

A woman have sêx because she wants the man.A man have sêx because he wants sêx. You see the difference?Sêx is a physical...

A woman have sêx because she wants the man.

A man have sêx because he wants sêx.

You see the difference?

Sêx is a physical thing to a man.

But for a woman, sêx is both physical and emøtional.

A woman can have sēx because of love. But a man can have sêx because of sêx.

Before a woman can have sêx with you, she must have feēlings for you. She must have that emøtionally attachment to you, Not talking about those trāding their for møney in the name of Hoøk up, Stop it. Heaven is watching ❤️🙏

That EROS dimension of love will be there.

Hārdly will you find a woman having sêx with a man she does not love. Except if she's a prøstitute.

But for a man, reverse can be the case. A man may have no iota of love for you, and still have sêx with you.

This is why a man can hire a prøstitute just to have sêx. He doesn't need to love the prøstitute before he fulfills his sèxual desire.

Now, understand this:

As a woman, a man can use you to feed his sexūal desires. He can even give you money. He can take you out. All because he wants sêx, not you!

If you want to know if a man truly loves you, don't give him sêx. Sit back and watch.

If he leaves you because you don't give him sêx, then he doesn't love you. He only loves sêx!

Dear young adult girl!

As you're growing up and getting closer to the journey of marriage life..pls try to understand that you can choose a husband for yourself but your kids can't choose their own father,while choosing a father for them pls choose a father,a friend,a tutor,a prophet,and a guidance for them...

And don't forget to be good mother you can raise a hero and not a zero
Wedding ring is the smallest handcuff ever made, so think deep, choose your prisøn mate carefully and sentence yourself wisely, to avoid prisøn break.





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