Diary of a deppresed gay.

Diary of a deppresed gay. This page/blog is supposed to help me (admin)get of my comfortzone want to write about love shar


Guys andsena phone so I wont post anytime soon .


Continuation of insert fivee!
So kuye kwa caba umama uvumile ,fine nda whatsApp.ela u Lwazi wathi gqi around 9:36pm sakhwela no Nica apha endleleni ndimamele earphones ndithe cwaka so we first dropped u Nica kokwabo then saya ko Lwazi.
When we arrived at Lwazi's and he opened the door car for me &the house'door okay guize xandingena the lights were off at the table there're lots of movie cd's bekukho nee ho**ah plus ne combo yayo with ice-cream and strawberries there was even a champagne and u Lwazi ebephekile i spaggheti with tomato pilchard hay he can make a girl smile shem .


umh hey guys ,guys i ain't got a computer or laptop i'm using my phone so that's why my insert are short and most inserts has continuations but once i've logged on a laptop or computer i'll make sure to give you long insert .another thing guys please comment and tell me what you think about the inserts .

your adm:
>>Ncumoree .L


Insert fivee !
"We arrived at the beach &looked for a place to chill under the tree's then sakhuphaa cooler box which has food ,snacks &alcohol besiphethe ne ho**ah pipe ne combo yayo then sayoqubha since kungabiwa pha sazishiya izinto sayoqubhaa ,around 5:32 sagoduuka ndiqale ndagodussa u Nica no Ncumo then i went home" .
On our way :
Me :so baby uzozondilalisa mos tonight
Ncu:haa baby umama ukhona nje and you know nawe mama soze avume lonto
Nica :hay mntassse its not like umama uzoyazi uyataka ,i'll cover for you sothi solala ekhaya soy two"awww smile savele sazizelaa thank god ekhona u Nica for undthethelela ngoba like we've been dating for six months now kodwa nqi uphiwa ,ndingumjita kalo ndineezidingo zam but andifuni umcheatela u Ncu but she leaves me with no choice "
Ncu :okay ke mntase "she looked so so down ,okay we arrived at Ncu'ss bahlikaa "
Me :baby ?
Ncu :mhh
Me:cela sthethe torho"fine wahamba u Nica wayongena endlin sashiyeka soy two emotweni "
Nica :yeah thetha
Me :yintoni ingathi udikiwe ndim ,its fine Ncu hlala kokwenu i won't force you xa ungafuni
Ncu :mxm uNica uthe uzand cove.ela nje so whats the big deal hay sundqhela lwazi sundqhela
Me : andikqheli but the way endikbona ngayo ingathi you're being forced ukwenza into ongafuni uyenza
Ncu :ndizawza kokwenu or ?
Me :if you want to
Ncu :ohkay nzak whatsApp.ela around 8"she then went out nam ndaqhuba and went straight to pnp "


"Sometimes Nica uyandidika yeah bendimkhumbula but i so wish ba khange aze today coz uyathanda undithethela ngathi ndisis'mumu esingakwazi uz'thethela .i know why ndingafuni uya ko Lwazi worse soba soytwo qha the last time i went there Lwazi made me feel less than a girl just because i wasn't ready to have s*x with him ,i'm still a virgin and yeah i know its strange that a grade 12 learner is still afraid breaking her virginity ,not that i'm afraid but i don't trust Lwazi to me it's like this guy ufuna undizuma andi dump.e even though ndimbona he loves me well thats what he tells me ,okay fine ndiphindele endlini and u Nica was in the shower that time wahlamba ke wagqiba then nam ndayohlamba while i was in the shower i heard voices from downstairs and ibe ngu mama no Nica ndayqonda nje bathetha ngala wei okay fine gqiba kwam uhlamba i went to my room &lotioned my body then ndanxiba zampahla bendiz'nxibile ,took out my pink and white onezy and blue sleepers ndazifaka ku bhaka nee toilet bag yam and went downstairs and bendinqumile .

I'll post insert five later ,so long can you please invite your friends to visit the page.React.Read.Comment&share the i...

I'll post insert five later ,so long can you please invite your friends to visit the page.React.Read.Comment&share the inserts&page.



Continuation of insert four !
Ok so u Nica did the dishes while i was cleaning up my room then ndayohlamba naye wahlamba.
I wore my Black swiming suit ,blue redbad jean &my black-and-white Vans then u Nica wore a blue with white dots swimming suit ,black redbat mini skirt &blue sandals and let her braiding loose mna i did a neat bun.
12:15 i received a call from Lwazi
Me :ayees
Lwazi:ndilapha phandle
Me: okay "i dropped the call"
Me :(screaming)Nicaaaa
Nica:ndiyezaaa mntase "she came downstairs running"
mamam:haybo g'sss what i'm happened niyaphi na spruss ekseni
Nica:sizi girls kalok
mamam:hehake g'ss nibuye ne chocolate ye mint ke or anizungena apha
Me:yho hay sis uzphethe kakbi ,sobona wethu bye "saphuma then sahamba saya ngakwenye i corner house ulwazi athanda undilinda kuyo kalok akafuni ubonwa nguu mamam ,we arrived there safika u Lwazi eme phandle kwe moto"
Lwazi:Nicaa "they hugged ke ,Lwazi is my first boyfriend u Nicaa avana nayo abanye sana ebengawaqheliseli tuu"
Lwazi:usuka phi bitch unqabile
Nica:bendibusy wethuu
Me :mxxm so mna andizuhugg.wa ?
Nica:(laughing)yhuu unomna ke lo sum.hugga chom
Lwazi:haaa aasoze iza sthandwa sam "i came running to his hands oh im inlove guys ,wandi hugga and kissed my forehead then sangena emotweni and drove"


heyyss Lwazi Mahangu here (18)doing grade 12 ndihlala kwi double story house eKhayelitsha site b ,i'm dating a gay but aint gay lets say i'm bis*xual coz ndyajola ne g**s &girls phof u Ncumo is the first gay endike ndajola naye ,ndindedwa kwi parents zam .My mom is a teacher and my father is one of those politics man usebenza e parliament.
Description of me :i aint tall nor too short just like u Ncumo ,i'm a yellowbone ,like stylish hair cut & ndine brackets .
So today i made plans with Ncumo but apparently her bestfriend also came bendicinga izoba sithi soytwo but andimayndi coz akanangxaki u "Nica"her bestfriend's name ,i borrowed my mom's car for the day we first went kwa pic'n'pay then went to buy some booze nyana ne flavour ,w**d namalahla then we went to the beach .


Insert four!
The week went by swiftly and within the wink of an eye ,it was Saturday morning .
Words can't express how i love Saturdays i just feel lighter ,liberated and happier on a Saturday.

My morning commenced on a good start with Lwazi doing a video call .

Lwazi :hey mamakhe ,how did you sleep "i love it when he calls mamakhe"
Me:i slept well tatakhe ,youu?
Lwazi :the feeling aint mutual babe yho
Me:why ,ubunxilaa ?
Lwazi: ha!ha uyaythanda intwe dibene notywala i just had a bad dream
Lwazi :do youu have any plans for the day ?
Me :umh yes ,no ,maybe i don't know .do you ?
Lwazi:umh i'll go to the beach with my girlfriend ,thats if she agrees to go with me
Me :ha!ha and that girlfriend aint me
Lwazi :who's it then if it aint you ,siya e beach sis nzazokthatha ngo 12.
Me: okay ,let me wake up then
Lwazi: okay i love youu vah "i can't say i love you too to mna i don't know why so i dropped the call ,just after i dropped the call i heard voices downstairs ibingu mamam no Nica my bestfriend she's two years older than me but ingathi ndim omdala kunaye klk ndiyathanda uzenza mdala mna i was very happy to hear her voice yoh ndamgqibela kdala kalo lomnt ,f**k i missed her so i ran downstairs while screaming her name".
Me :(screaming)Nicaaaaa!
Nica :hay uyangxola sis yhuu
Me :i missed you bitch unqabile
Nica:haa!haa i know ,bendibusy mntase "we hugged and went to my room "
Nica :tell me everything thing that happened to your life while i was away
Me:whats there to tell uyazthand iindaba sis yhu"we both laughed"
Nica:ha!ha duh Lwazi ,your f'ss balisa wethu
Me: oh speaking about lwazi ebendenzele morning video call today and ufuna siye e beach so wena hlamba izitya while ndisondlula apha umama will do the dining room ngoba akaphangelanga mos ,uuhlambe ngo 12 uzozosthatha
Nica :uzos?ngubani uzos mntase ,uzothatha you hay me
Me:mxxmm khoyogqiba wethu sizohamba ftsek


Ngomso i'm posting insert four .


d.p support !


Insert three!

When i arrived at home i took off my school uniform,did my self something to eat and when i finished eating i took a nap coz i was tired Af.
By the time i was up Lwazi's phone rang and the caller id was written "my world"for a second i just froze and i asked mySelf "is Lwazi cheatin'on me? I'm am his chick ?argh no man! but who would his world be except me?"but i ended up picking it up
Voice:hey babe its me"argh that was Lwazi"
Me:owh,hey you
Lwazi:i'm outside your house can you come out?
I got up,wore my sleepers then went out to him,he was driving his mom's black Mecedize Benz .i opened for my self and got in.
Me:are you still angry at me?
Lwazi:Nah babe i'm over that
Me:oh ,but babe........
I didnt even finish talkin'he "shushed"me with his finger and gave me a deep deep kiss which he has.gaven me before not that he has never gave me a deep k before but this one had that vibe that thing which i cant explain&i replied back,God damn!after a minute or so i pushed him.
Lwazi:I missed you
Me:The feeling is mutual babe
Lwazi:okay now my phone back Please
I gigled and gave it to him.
Me:Babe whose phone did you use when you called?
Lwazi:my mom's ,why?
Me:just askin'
I was kinda relived hearing that it was his mom's phone,argh i'm in lovve with this soul yho.
Me:okay bye,i gotta clean the house before my mom arrives
Lwazi:okay...i love you
Me:way more
We kissed the last time then i got out ,he started the car then i went inside ,charged my phone then started cleaning.


++Tonight or maybe tomorrow i'll be posting insert 3&4,stay tuned.


Insert two!

Right after the school bell rang since the was no teacher in the class i took my backpack and went out,i found Lwazi "myboyfriend"sitting onthe school bench with headphones on and exam pad on his lap
He didnt even look at me nor replied he just kept on writing on his exam pad but from his facial expression i could see the anger in him
Me:babe whats wrong?
Lwazi:whats wrong ?huh i sent you massages on whatsApp izolo but you didnt even replie
Me:babe i didnt see any whatsApp massages from you
Lwazi:oh really Sasha ?
He was so angry he threw his phone at me and went .i got up went to the bus when i arrived i had no seat the was only one sit the sit next to Awethu and we aint talking to each kalok she was Lwazi's one night stand and now she has a huge crush on Lwazi but i just took the seat,i sat and opened Lwazi's phone went on his WhatsApp and nyani he did send me massages it was nine massages and They're all marked seen,but how i dont understand maybe mylittle sister went through myphone wacofa nge mistake andazi


Insert one❤️!

It was on a Thursday morning,I woke up took a shower ,wore my school uniform,did myself breakfast &went to brush my teeth and when I was all done I took my phone and backpack and went to the bus stop.When I arrived I saw a nice boy with long sideburns and short hair and a white shirt ,he stood Infront of me in the bus queue &when the bus came he stood back to let me climb into the bus Infront of him ,I turned to thank him.
Me:owh'thank you
Him:the pleasure is all mine.
He gave me a radient smile,it warmed my heart and made my day beautiful.I climbed in and went to take the seat next to the window and put my earphones on,I was listening to Tamia's song"almost"before he took off one earphone plug from my ear and I just stared at him.
Him:can I sit?
Me:yeah you can seat but there was no need for what you just did.
The bus drove and he sat on the left hand side sit right next to me
Him:I'm sorry for if that offended you but I was tryna get your attention
Me:no!no worries
Him:by the way I'm Themba and you are?
Just when I was about to tell him my name the bus stopped and ndabona friends zam outside so I went out ndingekamphenduli.


I chose the name "depressed"because my friends say it suits me ,not that i cant make my own choices but on thiss one they're right i can also see it my self that i'm really depressed:

It all started when a boy i loved broke my heart into million pieces which now i cannot repair.
At first i never loved him,like i never had feelings for him ndamvuma just because ndandifuna ukujola wethu and into yethu weren't that serious coz we dated in the app"facebook"uqondba ndandingamthandi nyani i remember him asking"uyandithanda nyani fethu or wenza nje"and i was like "lol ndiyakuthanda nyani"but inside i knew "arrgh i dont love this guy"ndade ndambuza oneday "babe sibangaphi kuwe"he replied"nguwe wedwa babe"and since i wasn't inlove with him and ndingenaxesha lakhe i told him"there's no need to lie coz andizukulahla "then he replied "nibay two".oneday wandi dump umfana (i won't mention names ke coz he wants to stay anonymous)and i didnt damn care i just said ok, but saphinde sabuyelana ,but waphinde wandilahla still nalapho i didnt care i just said ok.

As time passes by i gained feelings for umfana but i never wanted to tell him,i even became friends with his girlfriend i thought that would help in some way but that never worked and that truly hurt me but i loved seeing him happy even if he aint happy with me,i just wish he could love me oneday.




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Thursday 04:00 - 16:00
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