Desmond Dries Silawu

Desmond Dries Silawu If you want to make a change,Start with the man in the mirror!


Is it a world s*x day or what? Ngibuta loku Ngoba Ngatsi nonkhe ni busy nishefa ma private parts enu, What's the occasion Vele?


Gents,It is important sometimes kutsi nawuhlangana na girl lomuhle,you greet her politely and compliment buhle bakhe then ucele inamba yakhe and disappear, Don't call her even once!

Just le feeling nje it's priceless 😊☺️


Ungabi nemona uma ubona Labanye bashada, Kumele uvisise kutsi Nkulunkulu akasiso silima ngeke anishadise nonke!

Uma nitoshada nonke tsine siyosendelwa ngbani ma "View Once" ?


Yebo Ngiyavuma siyasebenta tsine bobabe njengoba sivukela ekseni!

But intfo lengiyinakile kutsi labomake lesibashiya etindlili ,ngisho labafati lesibabona ngatsi ba useless sometimes,Ngibo Kanye lebasebentako it's just that we're not ready for the topic 🤞

Uma ungatipha sikhatsi and count one by one utobona kutsi bafati bethu bayasebenta and asibabongi ngalokwanele,Let us appreciate them,Siba support futsi sikhombise kutsi we understand!

Bayawasha,baya cleaner,bayapheka,Banakekela bantfwana baphindze basinakekele natsi bogala,Kute kuphumula for bona ngoba even nasebusuku kusane shift yabo!

Uma uyindvodza noma ungubabe or bhuti lo proud ngemuntfu wakhe,Ndlula ngesitfombe semuntfu wakho,Ungakhohlwa Ligama ne number yakhe!


Uma ungabuta Muntfu Nyalo Utsi "How are you?" Utophendvula atsi "I'm fine" Ungagcini lapho,chubeka umbute Utsi "No,I mean how are you?"

That's where you'll get the correct answer,Utombona abuka phansi kancane atjintje nasebusweni Kutsi this person is not fine,Umane watsi I'm fine just because safundziswa njalo eskolweni!!

So my question is ,How are we going to help you uma Utsi ukahle ekubeni kukhona lekungahambi kahle?


Let Us support black business sikhulise umnotho wethu as a country!

For example if ekasi lakho Kuna mashonisa yekela kuyoboleka imali kulama company ebelungu,Boleka kulomashonisa ukhombise isapoti noma ungasabhadali akuna nkinga!

Uma ekasi lakho Kunalo cherry lotsengisa mtimba and niyamati, Please don't judge her,sapotani nitsenge mtimba naye atokhona kulala adlile!!

Ngisho even nalomuntfu lowathwasa and akungeni Muntfu endumbeni yakhe Hamba kuye noma atokutjela manga as long as atotfola imali xem!


Obviously sonke siyati kutsi butsakatsi bukhona futsi nebatsakatsi bakhona in our society,Ngeke sikubalekele Loko!

Umbuto wami utsi,Kube abazange bakuloye Ngabe ujola/utsandzana nabani nyalo?

The Trusted Process ❤️✊

The Trusted Process ❤️✊

I don't cook everyday neh,But once ngacala nje ngatsi ngiyapheka I make sure! 🤞

I don't cook everyday neh,But once ngacala nje ngatsi ngiyapheka I make sure! 🤞


Yati noma batsi Kuna Zodwa waBantu ngala asikhoni nekumbona ngoba kugcwala kakhulu and intfo lengicakako ngkutsi nani bosesi niyaya kuyombona Zodwa waBantu!

No chazani la,Kani nine nisuke niyofunani? Nifuna kubonani lengaka ?


Ngijola nemuntfu wakho,Uya findouter utsatsa ifoni nebuso benja uyangifonela utsi ngihlukane nemuntfu wakho,Hhayboo ngeke ngihlukane nemuntfu without a valid reason,Nguwe lekumele uhlulane naye ngoba uyakujolela !

Mine ngeke ngihlukane naye just because sewu findouthile 😊


Mfati sibili lotsandza aphindze ahloniphe indvodza yakhe ngilona lovele Akame sihluthu sakhe atigcokele nebherett noma afase liduku!

Mfati lonjani lohamba 3 days ayochina kamngani wakhe abuye sekanema lovebites atsi ulunywe timbuzulwane, Indvodza itsi icoca lendzaba Etjwaleni siyihleke ikhale tinyembeti sikhumbule kutsi linceba lendvodza alihlekwa siyithulise nge nip ye Gordon!


Muntfu lomunye libele wakushiyela kumele umtsandze Futsi umhloniphe,Same thing apply ku Kona lojole ne partner wakushiyela ,Why kumele nilwe ngoba lomuntfu umunye/ukhotse intfo yekuchama wakushiyela!


Benikuphi nine 11 years ago ngisatsi ngizama lentfo yemjolo ngahlangana nalenye intfombi ,Sayengana wangivakashela agcoke sketi sebhokati , Okey sahlangana via Smiggle dot mobi then after 3 months wafika langihlala Khona!

Sitse sesitivalele endlini sakhisana for about 15minutes lapho nami sekuningi lengikucabangako,Ngisatsi ngimkhumula lesketi se jean wangibuta Kahle politely watsi "Wentani?"

Eish ngaphelelwa magama emlonyeni kepha impendvulo yatifikela fast ngativa sengitse "Ngifuna kusiwasha"

Angati kutsi ngahlulwa yini kusho kutsi ngifuna kuwasha inkomo! 😊


Empilweni kubalulekile kutsi nibambisane, especially when it comes to relationships and or dating,Uma ubeka kuncane🍆 lonako bese nalomunye Abeke lanako🍑 nikuhlanganise bese impilo iyachubeka kanjalo!

Uma batsi we are better together basuke bachaza Loko kutsi uma ngibeka zuka🍆 nawe beka lishumi🍑! Kuthula ebandleni🙏


You told your wife that you were going to work but you went to her best friend's house whose husband is a soldier.
Her husband comes back, and you hurriedly hid under the bed.
The soldier sends his wife off to the market while you are still hiding under the bed. you overhear him, inviting a lady over the phone.
The lady comes, and shortly after, his wife comes knocking, citing that her clothes are stained and she wants to change them.
Before the soldier husband opened the door. He tells the lady to hide under the bed.
Now, the lady who comes face to face with you under the bed turns out to be your wife, and both of you are looking at each other under the bed like rabbits without saying a word.
In school, We call it REUNION
In social gatherings, we call it GET TOGETHER
In mathematics, we call it a simultaneous equation
In Psychology, we call it "what goes around comes around"
In chemistry, we called it chain reaction
In economics, we call it demand and supply
In Physics, we call it nuclear fusion! In agriculture, we call it crop rotation
In English, we call it a coincidence
In government, we call it check and balance
In food and nutrition, we call it a balanced diet.




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