Our real skills lie in:
1) The tailoring of messages to specific audiences
2) Maximising communication strategies to build responses from reading audiences and
3) Building integrity and trust between the client company and its customers
Word for Word Media will perform the above functions and include editorial management, collection, compilation, and page production, printing and d
istribution (if necessary). FUNCTIONS
Editorial Management
1)Word For Word Media designates special communication and management skills at researching topics and content
2)Developing strategic communication directions
3)Attending per-issue editorial planning meetings, planning content
4)Drafting pagination schedules; following input leads to fruition
5)Monitoring other communication media for content opportunities
6)Responding to input requests, scheduling inputs, content drafting, repro, and print programming to meet required timings and frequency
Word for Word Media takes inputs from numerous sources (text submissions, existing articles, interviews, attendance at functions, specific websites, direct and phone discussions with management) and drafts stories to prescribed lengths, styling and positioning. These individual drafts are then approved or confirmed at source of collection before being submitted for page make-up. Final Proofs will be made available at editorial panel level; and then all the corrections that are necessary take place before preparing to close the PDF’s for final signoff. COMPETENCY
As indicated by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) in codes of good practice released on the 14 Dec 2006, Word for Word Media, with a turnover of less than R5-million a year automatically qualifies for a level 5 BEE contribution status. The company has a joint venture with the QuadPara Association and has a 25% profit share going back into the disabled community. Over the last 7 years the company has contributed to well over R850 000 to the QuadPara Association. For more information please contact Karen Joseph 083 259 0208