Copyright ©️ Protection and Authorization Management System
The Digital Media Decoder is a technology that is aimed at protecting the use of copyrighted music and films including ebooks that can be purchased and distributed online.The Decoder uses a system assumed in the business-2-business trading behind the technology.
A system to allow broadcasting businesses to copyright or to obtain authorization of copyrighted content, is required for employment and increased opportunities in the arts , speech, film and music industries.An article on the 4th February 2024 Sunday World Newspaper communicated a fine or penalty billed for using copyrighted registered productions as was reported done by a series recording business , where a music track was selected and used as a soundtrack on the series episodes on TV.
THE Copyright ©️ Protection and Authorization Management System must allow the produced content users who are business users than home end-users to , namely:
■Composer copyright contract Authorization
■Publisher copyright contract Authorization
■Composer Administration Contract
■Renewal Status of
●Composer copyright contract
●Publisher copyright contract
●Composer Administration Contract
The contracts described as production and publishing of content contracts are regulations that prevent the Composer, recording studio and publishing studio to make transactions on the content being sold for income.
They regulate distribution rights, copyrights and publishing or broadcasting rights.They also audit sales quantities and legal requirements of copyrighted content like a music track sales.
The contracts described as production and publishing of content contracts regulate usage of produced content on billboards , Grammy and or Oscar awards charts.
●The proposed system must thus bill a broadcaster for publicly broadcasting a copyrighted music track.
●Billing can be set at a regulated penalty for branching of content copyright contracts, reported to be at R40 000 per broadcast.
●VAT percentage can be assumed for busines -2-business Authorization of copyrighted content. E.g a Radio station or Spotify platform can be required to pay 15% of R40 000 per year for a music 🎶 track or cd or video.
●The system must thus be a billing system by a broadcasting business portfolio of required music tracks, cds or videos.E.g. A community radio station that has a gospel show, will require to pay R6000 or R500 pm for every portfolio of gospel music billboard items it uses.
eTv series used a track as its soundtrack on a series episode of 275 episodes.
Each day the series episode was broadcast, the publishing copyright contract of the recording and publishing studios , 🎙 was expecting an assumed 15% of copyright penalty rate ; than a full penalty of R40 000.
Authorization Management System (B2B)
No. Of episodes: 275
Authorization Fee : R6000 p.a
No. Of episodes: 1
Monthly Fee: R500
Authorization Licence Months : 12
R6000 less 1x R500x 12
●Regulation requires the costs of services used to compose, record and publish a music track selected as a series soundtrack, to be stated on the industry copyright contracts.
● Community and public broadcasting business must pay this 15% of Due penalty if violation is reported by the system.
●Else, the unregulated version of no. Of episodes will bill per reported episode , at a full R40 000 penalty for violation of copyrighted content 👌.
A TV music show allows audiences to request tracks and or music videos for broadcasting live.
Expected functionality
1. Recieve a music track and artist information.
2. Search the artist and music track.
3. Verify if TV show has a broadcasting Authorization of the copyrighted music track.
● check update status of the publishing copyright and composer administration contracts
4. Provide option to cancel broadcasting request or to schedule a 3 months copyright licence fee of 15% of a due penalty for violation of copyrighted music.
5.Notify recording studios , publishing studious , billboards and copyright legal requirements regulating authority.
6.Schedule an invoice for the end of the 3rd month , on a b-2-b contract for all RSA copyrighted content, against the TV music show.
7. File a legal claim against the TV music show of R40 000 for the end of the 6th month failure to settle the invoice.R40 000 billed per recorded usage of the track without a copyright authorization licence.