Kudzie PM

Kudzie PM Creating ,Informing,Dispersing. Welcome to Afri-Pride Publishers! Whether you're a writer eager to share your story.

At Afri-Pride, our passion lies in Creating, Informing, and Dispersing stories that resonate with Africa's vibrant spirit. As a publishing company, we specialize in bringing books to life and distributing magazines that capture the essence of our diverse continent. Our mission is simple yet powerful: to empower emerging African voices and connect them with global audiences. or a reader hungry for

new perspectives, Afri-Pride is your platform for discovery and celebration. Join us in our journey of amplifying African narratives and fostering a sense of pride in our rich cultural heritage. Together let's inspire, inform, and create a brighter future through the pages of of Afri-Pride.


Think like a farmer Think like a child Think like an artist ゚      ゚viralシ

Think like a farmer
Think like a child
Think like an artist

゚ ゚viralシ

Poem & Quote ✨ ~ dejarae

Poem & Quote ✨ ~ dejarae



"How to Attract Money" by Joseph Murphy is a classic self-help book that explores principles of prosperity, abundance co...

"How to Attract Money" by Joseph Murphy is a classic self-help book that explores principles of prosperity, abundance consciousness, and the power of positive thinking.

Here are 10 lessons from the book:

1. Power of Positive Affirmations: Affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind to attract wealth and abundance by focusing on positive beliefs about money.

2. Law of Attraction: Like attracts like; cultivating a mindset of abundance and gratitude can attract more wealth and opportunities into one's life.

3. Visualization: Visualizing specific financial goals and success can help manifest them into reality, as the subconscious mind works to align actions with desires.

4. Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs about money, such as guilt or unworthiness, can pave the way for financial success.

5. Taking Inspired Action: While mindset is important, taking consistent and inspired action towards financial goals is essential for manifesting wealth.

6. Value Creation: The importance of offering value through skills, products, or services in exchange for wealth, highlighting the principle of giving and receiving.

7. Financial Discipline: Developing financial discipline, such as budgeting and saving, is crucial for managing and growing wealth responsibly.

8. Gratitude and Abundance Mindset: Cultivating an attitude of gratitude for current blessings and future abundance can attract more positive financial outcomes.

9. Persistence and Resilience: Perseverance in the face of setbacks and learning from failures are integral to achieving long-term financial success.

10. Spiritual Laws of Prosperity: Understanding spiritual laws that govern prosperity, such as the law of circulation (giving and receiving), can foster a harmonious relationship with money.

These lessons reflect the principles of prosperity consciousness and practical strategies for attracting wealth outlined in Joseph Murphy's "How to Attract Money," offering insights into mindset shifts and actionable steps toward financial abundance.

Follow Books Galore for more amazing book reviews!!

WHEN TO BE SILENT?1.  Be silent - in the heat of anger.2.  Be silent - when you don't have all the        facts.3.  Be s...


1. Be silent - in the heat of anger.
2. Be silent - when you don't have all the
3. Be silent - when you haven't verified the
4. Be silent - if your words will offend a
weaker Person.
5. Be silent - when it is time to listen.
6. Be silent - when you are tempted to make
light of holy things.
7. Be silent - when you are tempted to joke
about sin.
8. Be silent - if you would be ashamed of
your word later.
9. Be silent - if your words would convey the
wrong impression.
10. Be silent - if the issue is none of your
11. Be silent - when you are tempted to tell
an outright lie.
12. Be silent - if your words will damage
someone else's reputation.
13. Be silent - if your words will damage a
14. Be silent - when you are feeling critical.
15. Be silent - if you can't say it without
16. Be silent - if your words will be a poor
reflection of your friends and family.
17. Be silent - if you may have to eat your
words later.
18. Be silent - if you have already said it more
than one time.
19. Be silent - when you are tempted to
flatter a wicked person.
20. Be silent - when you are supposed to be
working instead.



Tenge Tenge's journey to stardom has taken an exciting turn! After his collaboration videos with Zam Zam Electronics ama...

Tenge Tenge's journey to stardom has taken an exciting turn! After his collaboration videos with Zam Zam Electronics amassed over 30 million views, Tenge was not only rewarded with millions but also named the brand ambassador for the company.

It's incredible to see how quickly life can change. Who would have thought that Tenge would achieve this in such a short time?

Now, Tenge travels internationally, has built a house for his parents, and continues to pursue his education.

A huge congratulations to Tenge Tenge!

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your co...

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.

Why did you spill the coffee?

"Because someone bumped into me!!!"
Wrong answer.

You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.
Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea.
Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.

Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.

So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"
When life gets tough, what spills over?
Joy, gratitude, peace and humility?
Anger, bitterness, victim mentality and quitting tendencies?

Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.

Gear Shifting in Car Palming Method ExplainedThe palming method is a technique used for gear shifting in manual transmis...

Gear Shifting in Car Palming Method Explained

The palming method is a technique used for gear shifting in manual transmission cars. This method is particularly useful for quick and efficient gear changes. Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how to use the palming method:

Position Your Hand: Place the palm of your hand on the gear shift k**b. Your hand should be open and relaxed, allowing the palm to rest naturally on the k**b.

First to Second Gear:

Grip: Place your hand over the gear k**b, with your palm facing down.
Push: Push the gear stick forward and slightly to the left (depending on the car’s shift pattern) to engage second gear.

Second to Third Gear:

Grip: Position your hand so your palm is on the left side of the gear k**b.
Push: Pull the gear stick straight down (most cars have a neutral zone in the middle, so you may need to pass through this zone) and then push forward to engage third gear.

Third to Fourth Gear:

Grip: Place your hand over the k**b with your palm on top.
Push: Push the gear stick forward and slightly to the right to engage fourth gear.

Fourth to Fifth Gear (if applicable):

Grip: Position your hand so your palm is facing down on the gear k**b.
Push: Push the gear stick to the right and forward to engage fifth gear.

Downshifting: When downshifting, use the palming method in reverse:

Fifth to Fourth: Pull the stick back and slightly to the left.
Fourth to Third: Pull the stick back and straight down.
Third to Second: Push the stick forward and to the left.
Second to First: Push the stick forward and slightly to the right.

Tips for Effective Gear Shifting:
Relax Your Hand: Avoid gripping the gear shift k**b too tightly. A relaxed hand allows for smoother and quicker movements.
Know Your Gear Pattern: Familiarize yourself with the gear pattern of your specific vehicle, as patterns can vary.
Use Your Body: Use your whole arm and body to assist with the movement, not just your wrist.
Practice: Regular practice will make the movements more intuitive and natural.

Advantages of the Palming Method:
Speed: Allows for quick and efficient gear changes, which is beneficial in performance driving or when merging onto highways.
Control: Provides better control over the gear shift, reducing the chances of misshifts.
Comfort: Reduces fatigue in the hand and wrist during long drives.
Using the palming method effectively requires practice and familiarity with your vehicle’s gear shift pattern, but once mastered, it can greatly enhance your driving experience.

Reasons Why Reading Books Should Be Part of Your Life:1. Knowledge Highway: Books offer a vast reservoir of knowledge on...

Reasons Why Reading Books Should Be Part of Your Life:

1. Knowledge Highway: Books offer a vast reservoir of knowledge on virtually any topic imaginable. Dive deep into history, science, philosophy, or explore new hobbies and interests.

2. Enhanced Vocabulary: Regular reading exposes you to a wider range of vocabulary, improving your communication skills and comprehension.

3. Memory Boost: Studies suggest that reading can help sharpen your memory and cognitive function, keeping your mind active and engaged.

4. Stress Reduction: Curling up with a good book can be a form of mental escape, offering a temporary reprieve from daily anxieties and a chance to unwind.

5. Improved Focus and Concentration: In today's fast-paced world filled with distractions, reading strengthens your ability to focus and concentrate for extended periods.

6. Empathy and Perspective: Stepping into the shoes of fictional characters allows you to develop empathy and gain a deeper understanding of different perspectives.

7. Enhanced Creativity: Reading exposes you to new ideas and thought processes, potentially sparking your own creativity and problem-solving skills.

8. Stronger Writing Skills: Immersing yourself in well-written prose can improve your writing style, sentence structure, and overall communication clarity.

9. Improved Sleep Quality: Swap screen time for a book before bed. The calming nature of reading can help you relax and unwind, promoting better sleep quality.

10. A Portal to New Worlds: Books transport you to different times, places, and realities. Experience thrilling adventures, historical events, or fantastical journeys from the comfort of your armchair.

11. Lifelong Learning: Reading is a journey of continuous learning and self-discovery. There's always something new to learn, regardless of your age or interests.

12. Conversation Starter: Books provide a treasure trove of topics for conversation, fostering connections and enriching discussions with others.



𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 👇 𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛-𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣"Real...

𝘽𝙤𝙤𝙠 𝙧𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬 👇
𝙞𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 𝙖 𝙡𝙤𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛-𝙝𝙚𝙡𝙥 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠𝙨, 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙖𝙡𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙖𝙨 𝙙𝙞𝙨𝙘𝙪𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙞𝙣

"Reality Is Not What It Seems" by Carlo Rovelli offers a fascinating exploration of modern physics and our understanding of the universe. Here are 10 key lessons from the book:

1. Reality is Fluid and Ever-Changing: Our understanding of reality is constantly evolving as discoveries and insights emerge from scientific research. Reality is not fixed but rather dynamic and subject to revision.

2. The Importance of Quantum Mechanics: Quantum mechanics revolutionized our understanding of the microscopic world, revealing the bizarre and counterintuitive nature of particles and forces at the subatomic level.

3. Space and Time Are Not Absolute: Einstein's theory of relativity transformed our conception of space and time, showing that they are not absolute but rather interconnected and relative to the observer's frame of reference.

4. The Fabric of Spacetime: According to general relativity, gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime caused by the presence of mass and energy. This unified view of space and time provides a deeper understanding of the gravitational force.

5. The Quantum Nature of Reality: Quantum mechanics describes the behavior of particles at the smallest scales, where traditional notions of determinism and causality break down. Reality at the quantum level is probabilistic and characterized by uncertainty.

6. The Role of Information: Information plays a fundamental role in shaping our
understanding of reality, from the quantum realm to the macroscopic world. Concepts such as entropy and information theory provide insights into the underlying structure of the universe.

7. The Quest for a Theory of Everything: Physicists seek a unified theory that can reconcile quantum mechanics with general relativity, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding all the fundamental forces of nature.

8. The Limitations of Human Knowledge: Our understanding of reality is limited by the constraints of our senses and the tools of scientific inquiry. There are inherent limits to what we can know about the universe, leading to uncertainty and speculation.

9. The Beauty of Science: Science offers not only insights into the workings of the universe but also a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty and complexity of the natural world. The pursuit of knowledge is a deeply human endeavor that transcends cultural boundaries.

10. The Interconnectedness of All Things: Despite its apparent complexity, the universe is governed by a set of elegant and interconnected principles. Through scientific inquiry, we can uncover the underlying unity and simplicity that lies beneath the surface of reality.

By embracing these lessons from "Reality Is Not What It Seems" by Carlo Rovelli, you can gain a deeper appreciation for the mysteries of the universe and the remarkable insights of modern physics.

Each sword is made with needle nose pliers and two straightened paperclips. by Grokostimpy on Deviantart

Each sword is made with needle nose pliers and two straightened paperclips.

by Grokostimpy on Deviantart

In the Dani tribe of Papua Guinea, a unique and extreme tradition is practiced. When a man marries, he must sever a fing...

In the Dani tribe of Papua Guinea, a unique and extreme tradition is practiced.

When a man marries, he must sever a finger from his right hand as a dowry for his bride.

If he later seeks to divorce her, he must cut off two fingers from his left hand. And if he passes away, his widow is expected to sever all ten fingers of her own hand as a symbol of her devotion and loyalty to him, indicating that she will not remarry.

This practice is a stark and permanent manifestation of the tribe's cultural beliefs surrounding marriage, divorce, and death.

Source: history_daily.





The book "Why 'A' Students Work for 'C' Students and 'B' Students Work for the Government" by Robert Kiyosaki challenges the traditional notion that academic success is the key to financial prosperity. The author argues that many successful entrepreneurs and business leaders were not necessarily the top students in school but instead developed skills like creativity, problem-solving, and communication outside of the classroom.

👉 Chapter 1: The Myth of Straight A's

- The traditional education system emphasizes the importance of getting straight A's, but this doesn't necessarily translate to success in the real world.
- Straight A students are often too risk-averse and lack creativity and innovation.
- C students are more likely to take risks, learn from failure, and have an entrepreneurial spirit.

👉 Chapter 2: The Importance of Financial Education

- The education system does not provide adequate financial education, which is necessary for success in the real world.
- C students are more likely to learn about finance through hands-on experiences, such as starting a business or investing in the stock market.
- A students often end up in debt because of their lack of financial education.

👉 Chapter 3: The Power of Networking

- Success often depends on who you know, not just what you know.
- C students are more likely to develop strong networking skills because they prioritize building relationships.
- A students may struggle in the real world because they focus too much on academic achievement rather than building connections.

👉 Chapter 4: The Importance of Sales and Marketing

- Sales and marketing skills are crucial for success in most industries.
- C students are more likely to have developed these skills through practical experience, such as running a business or working in sales.
- A students may struggle to acquire these skills because they are not typically taught in the traditional education system.

👉 Chapter 5: Embracing Failure

- Failure is a necessary part of the learning process.
- C students are often more comfortable with failure because they have experienced it more frequently.
- A students may struggle with failure because they are taught to avoid mistakes at all costs.

👉 Chapter 6: The Benefits of Entrepreneurship

- Entrepreneurship provides opportunities for financial freedom, creativity, and personal fulfillment.
- C students are more likely to excel in entrepreneurship because they have a risk-taking mindset and the ability to learn from failure.
- A students may struggle in entrepreneurship because they are risk-averse and less likely to embrace failure.

👉 Chapter 7: The Value of Taking Action

- Success requires taking action and implementing ideas, not just thinking about them.
- C students are often more action-oriented and willing to take risks.
- A students may struggle with taking action because they are taught to focus on analysis and planning rather than ex*****on.

🙋‍♀️💁😍 "Kind Words for Unkind Days: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Difficult Times" by Jayne Hardy is a compassion...

🙋‍♀️💁😍 "Kind Words for Unkind Days: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving in Difficult Times" by Jayne Hardy is a compassionate and insightful book that offers solace and guidance during life's challenging moments. With her warm and empathetic tone, Jayne provides a gentle reminder that even in the darkest of times, there are always opportunities for growth, healing, and the cultivation of inner strength.

Here are7 lessons from the book:

1. The Power of Language: One of the central themes of the book is the impact that language and self-talk can have on our emotional well-being and resilience. Hardy encourages readers to be mindful of the words they use, both when speaking to themselves and when communicating with others.

2. Acknowledging Difficult Emotions: Hardy emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and validating difficult emotions such as sadness, anger, and fear. She encourages readers to embrace these emotions without judgment, as they are a natural part of the human experience.

3. Cultivating Self-Compassion: The book stresses the value of self-compassion, which involves treating oneself with kindness, understanding, and forgiveness, especially during difficult times. Hardy provides practical exercises and affirmations to help readers cultivate this essential quality.

4. Finding Strength in Vulnerability: Hardy challenges the notion that vulnerability is a weakness and instead presents it as a source of strength and resilience. She encourages readers to embrace vulnerability, share their struggles, and seek support when needed.

5. Practicing Mindfulness: Hardy explores the power of mindfulness in navigating difficult times. She offers mindfulness exercises and techniques to help readers stay present, reduce rumination, and find moments of peace amidst the chaos.

6. Reframing Perspectives: The book emphasizes the importance of reframing perspectives during challenging situations. Hardy provides strategies for shifting negative thought patterns and finding alternative, more empowering ways of viewing life's difficulties.

7. Nurturing Relationships: Hardy highlights the significance of nurturing supportive relationships during difficult times. She offers guidance on building and maintaining connections, setting healthy boundaries, and communicating effectively with loved ones.

Thank you for Reading 🫂
~ Afri-Pride Publishers

Understanding How the Subconscious Mind Works to Create Wealth.

Understanding How the Subconscious Mind Works to Create Wealth.

Celebrating New Voices From Africa🎉Constance K Zhakata

Celebrating New Voices From Africa🎉
Constance K Zhakata

Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest installment of the Assassin's Creed series - Shadows, launc...

Get ready to embark on a thrilling adventure with the latest installment of the Assassin's Creed series - Shadows, launching on November 15th!

This time, the action unfolds in feudal Japan, where you'll take on the roles of two unique characters: a stealthy shinobi assassin and the legendary Yasuke, a real-life African warrior who rose to become a samurai.

With Zimbabwean actor Tongayi Chirisa bringing Yasuke to life with his voice, this epic journey is packed with double the danger and a touch of African flair. Gear up for a gaming experience like no other!

"How to Finish Everything You Start" by Jan Yager offers practical advice for overcoming procrastination, staying focuse...

"How to Finish Everything You Start" by Jan Yager offers practical advice for overcoming procrastination, staying focused, and achieving your goals. Here are 7 lessons from the book:

1. Set Clear Goals: Define your goals clearly and specifically. Having a clear understanding of what you want to achieve helps you stay focused and motivated throughout the completion process.

2. Break Tasks Into Manageable Steps: Break down larger tasks or projects into smaller, more manageable steps. By tackling one step at a time, you can avoid feeling overwhelmed and make steady progress towards your goal.

3. Create a Schedule: Establish a realistic schedule or timeline for completing your tasks or projects. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to work on your goals, and stick to your schedule as much as possible.

4. Eliminate Distractions: Identify and eliminate distractions that may hinder your productivity. Minimize interruptions, set boundaries with technology, and create a conducive work environment to help you stay focused and on track.

5. Develop Self-Discipline: Cultivate self-discipline and willpower to resist the temptation to procrastinate or give in to distractions. Practice self-control and perseverance, even when faced with challenges or setbacks.

6. Stay Accountable: Hold yourself accountable for your actions and progress towards your goals. Share your goals with others, enlist support from friends or family members, or join accountability groups to help you stay motivated and accountable.

7. Celebrate Your Achievements: Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Recognize and reward yourself for reaching milestones and making progress towards your goals. Positive reinforcement helps maintain motivation and momentum.

These lessons from "How to Finish Everything You Start" provide valuable strategies for overcoming procrastination, staying focused, and ultimately achieving success in your endeavors. By implementing these principles, you can develop the discipline and habits necessary to finish what you start and reach your full potential.


You can get the audiobook for FREE by using the same link above when you register on the Audible platform.

"Manners Begin at Breakfast" by Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece is a comprehensive guide to cultivating good manners an...

"Manners Begin at Breakfast" by Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece is a comprehensive guide to cultivating good manners and etiquette in daily life. The book covers essential topics such as table manners, communication skills, personal grooming, and digital etiquette, emphasizing the importance of respect, gratitude, and lifelong learning. Princess Marie-Chantal provides practical insights and guidance to help readers navigate social situations with grace, confidence, and consideration for others.

Here are 10 lessons from "Manners Begin at Breakfast" by Princess Marie-Chantal of Greece:

1. Importance of Etiquette: Princess Marie-Chantal stresses that good manners and etiquette are not just formalities but essential tools for building strong relationships. Understanding and practicing etiquette helps us interact with others respectfully and considerately, creating a harmonious environment in both personal and professional settings.

2. Respect for Others: Treating others with respect and consideration involves recognizing their feelings, opinions, and boundaries. Princess Marie-Chantal emphasizes that simple acts of kindness, like holding the door open or listening attentively, can make a significant difference in how we connect with others.

3. Table Manners: Proper table manners are more than just knowing which fork to use; they reflect our respect for the dining experience and those sharing it with us. Princess Marie-Chantal provides guidance on using utensils correctly, engaging in polite conversation, and being mindful of our dining companions' needs and preferences.

4. Communication Skills: Effective communication is crucial for expressing ourselves clearly and understanding others. Princess Marie-Chantal highlights the importance of listening attentively, speaking with clarity and confidence, and using polite and respectful language to foster successful interactions.

5. Personal Grooming: Taking care of our personal appearance and hygiene is a form of self-respect and shows consideration for others. Princess Marie-Chantal encourages maintaining a neat and tidy appearance, which not only boosts self-confidence but also leaves a positive impression on others.

6. Gratitude: Expressing gratitude and appreciation towards others strengthens relationships and fosters goodwill. Princess Marie-Chantal emphasizes the importance of saying "please" and "thank you," acknowledging acts of kindness, and showing appreciation for the efforts of others.

7. Social Etiquette: Understanding and navigating social norms and customs help us interact with confidence in various social situations. Princess Marie-Chantal provides insights into greeting others warmly, introducing oneself with grace, and engaging in polite conversation to create a positive impression.

8. Respecting Differences: Embracing diversity and respecting cultural differences enrich our interactions and promote inclusivity. Princess Marie-Chantal encourages being open-minded and accepting of others' backgrounds, traditions, and perspectives to foster a more harmonious and understanding society.

9. Digital Etiquette: In today's digital age, Princess Marie-Chantal emphasizes the importance of practicing good manners online. Respecting others' privacy, being mindful of what we share, and practicing kindness and empathy in our digital interactions are crucial for maintaining positive relationships in the digital world.

10. Lifelong Learning: Etiquette and manners evolve over time, and Princess Marie-Chantal encourages continuous learning and adaptation. Staying informed about new social norms and customs ensures that we remain courteous, considerate, and respectful in all our interactions, reflecting a lifelong commitment to personal growth and development.

Book: https://amzn.to/44fSeYv


I Met Zimbabwe’s Tribe With 2 Toes (Crazy Adventure)

"The Opposite of Spoiled" by Ron Lieber is a thoughtful exploration of how parents can teach their children about money ...

"The Opposite of Spoiled" by Ron Lieber is a thoughtful exploration of how parents can teach their children about money in ways that cultivate virtues like generosity, patience, moderation, and perspective. Lieber, a personal finance columnist, argues that open and honest conversations about money are essential to raising kids who are not spoiled.

Here are some of the key lessons from the book

1. Start Money Conversations Early: Lieber emphasizes the importance of talking to children about money from a young age. These conversations should be age-appropriate and evolve as the child grows, covering topics from savings and spending to debt and philanthropy.

2. Allowance as a Teaching Tool: An allowance can be a powerful tool for teaching children about money management. Lieber suggests that allowances are not payment for chores but rather a way for kids to learn how to handle money independently.

3. Teach the Value of Money: Children should understand that money is earned through work and has value. This can involve discussions about why parents work and how decisions are made about spending and saving family money.

4. Encourage Saving for Goals: Helping children set saving goals teaches them patience and planning. Lieber advises allowing kids to experience the satisfaction of saving for and eventually purchasing something they really want.

5. The Importance of Giving: Instilling a sense of philanthropy and a desire to help others is a key lesson. Children can be encouraged to donate a portion of their allowance or money from a piggy bank to causes they care about.

6. Fostering a Work Ethic: Lieber suggests ways to foster a strong work ethic, including encouraging teenagers to find part-time jobs. Working for money teaches responsibility, time management, and the value of a dollar.

7. Smart Spending: Teaching children to make thoughtful spending decisions helps prevent impulsiveness and fosters a healthy relationship with money. Lieber recommends discussions about wants vs. needs and the concept of waiting before making a purchase.

8. Financial Literacy: Basic financial literacy, including understanding interest, investments, and the impact of debt, is crucial. These lessons can be tailored to the child’s age and understanding, setting the foundation for responsible financial decisions in adulthood.

9. Transparency About Family Finances: Lieber argues for a certain level of transparency about family finances. This doesn't mean sharing every detail but rather discussing general principles, decisions, and dilemmas in an age-appropriate way.

10. Create a Culture of Curiosity and Learning: Encouraging questions and discussions about money can create a culture of learning and curiosity. It's important for children to feel comfortable asking questions and expressing their thoughts and feelings about money.

11. Lead by Example: Perhaps the most powerful lesson of all is the example set by parents. Kids are observant and will mimic attitudes and behaviors towards money they see at home. Demonstrating wise financial habits, generosity, and a balanced perspective on money is key to raising financially savvy and grounded children.

"The Opposite of Spoiled" offers practical advice for integrating financial education into everyday parenting, aiming to produce not just financially competent young adults, but also ones who are compassionate and grounded in their understanding of the role money plays in their lives and in the world.

Summary of "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga"The Courage to Be Disliked" is a book that e...

Summary of "The Courage to Be Disliked" by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga

"The Courage to Be Disliked" is a book that explores the teachings of Alfred Adler, an influential psychologist. It presents a dialogue between a philosopher and a youth, discussing Adlerian philosophy in comparison to Freudian notions of psychology and philosophy.

The book emphasizes the idea that we can all live happy and fulfilled lives without worrying about the past or future. It encourages readers to focus on the present moment and to free themselves from the shackles of past traumas and societal expectations.

Adlerian psychology, as discussed in the book, suggests that all problems are interpersonal relationship problems and that people have the ability to change and be happy from this moment onward. It emphasizes the importance of courage and self-acceptance in transforming one's life.

The authors, Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga, have brought Adlerian psychology into the 21st century through relatable exchanges between an elderly philosopher and a young student. The book aims to help readers unlock their full potential and find true personal happiness.

Ichiro Kishimi, one of the authors, is a philosopher, Adlerian psychologist, and translator of English and German languages. He has a background in philosophy and has taught at various institutions. Fumitake Koga, the other author, is an award-winning professional writer who encountered Adlerian psychology in his late twenties and was deeply affected by its ideas.

Overall, "The Courage to Be Disliked" offers a transformative and practical guide to personal happiness and self-fulfillment, drawing on the principles of Adlerian psychology.


275 Silverglen Drive, Silverglen, Chatsworth






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