Prophetic Flame International

Prophetic Flame International Raising, Training & Equipping God’s End-time Company of Prophets.


I have absolutely no desire to belong to any ministry cliques, friendship circles, or hierarchies or any ministry cults (because that's how some of you operate).

Firstly, I don't have the time for that, and secondly, I am okay with the title of not being liked.

None of you needed to, nor were you consulted, when He called me.

Absolutely no desire 😏

 # You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Psalm 23:...

# You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Psalm 23:5


We really don't need to attack and throw our toys out of the cot when we disagree with someone. Do it in love and one-on-one!

You're not scoring any extra points in heaven for attacking anyone.

Bear with one another in love!

"Ephesians 4:2 - Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.


it's so weird how we boast about accolades but we lack emotional intelligence 🤣🤣🤣Lord Jesus help us please!!!!!


I am just coming on here to say JESUS IS STILL KING‼️

And I am coming to make an announcement that the spirit of religion and legalism is ABOUT TO FALL IN THIS NATION 🇿🇦

Also, nobody cares about your theological certificates, degrees, and what Bible school you attended. I attend bibile school, school of ministry etc. It means nothing to me.

We didn't come to speak in enticing words of men, but to demonstrate the power of God!

Scripture References:

Jesus is Still King:

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." - Hebrews 13:8

The Fall of Religious and Legalism Spirits:

"For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life." - 2 Corinthians 3:6

Value of Theological Certificates and Degrees:

"For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and him crucified." - 1 Corinthians 2:2

Demonstrating the Power of God:

"My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power." - 1 Corinthians 2:4


Let's me kill a mindset quickly.

Posting bible verses & quotes don't make you a believer‼️


I have something important to address‼️

Sometimes, God places us in a season of solitude to prepare us for a specific assignment. In light of this, please refrain from questioning why I am quiet or implying that my relationship with the Lord needs validation through frequent postings or scriptures.

Take your religious mindset elsewhere and mind your own business. I am fully submitted to my leadership, mentors, and accountability partners. If you are not one of them, please respect my process and journey.


I have a very controversial question! Because I am not scared.

What is this about the church community allowing celebrities or well-known people who recently got saved to preach from the pulpit just two weeks later?

Firstly, what happened to deliverance, healing, and getting equipped? Or is that not for them because of their money and influence? Or do the standards change based on how deep their pockets are?


Love people where they at, & keep your self righteous attitude & critical spirit to yourself‼️

Living life from a healed perspective is an incredible feeling. I've learned to embrace the process and become intention...

Living life from a healed perspective is an incredible feeling. I've learned to embrace the process and become intentional about healing soul wounds and childhood traumas.

This journey has led to phenomenal changes in my personal life, professional life, and ministry. By facing and addressing these deep-seated issues, I've experienced significant personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

The transformation I've undergone underscores the power of healing and its impact on every aspect of my life.

God, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again. You are my praise! Jeremiah 17:14


In this season Forgiveness, Compassion & Grace 🩵

May that fill your hearts as you navigate through this challenging times.


The ability to show someone love, after they hurt you, ia called GRACE ❤️


A wounded soul is a breeding ground for demons‼️


Stop leading from a broken place! Submit to process. Your brokenness & pride by refusing to deal with it has done more damage‼️


Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situations that threaten your peace of mind, self-respect, values, morals or self-worth


Jeremiah 17:14-18 MSG

GOD, pick up the pieces. Put me back together again. You are my praise!

If this helps someone today, God takes your brokenness personally!

Don't for one minute think, He overlooks what was done to you intentionally.

But His first priority is to pick up the pieces and put you back together again!

Before He shifts attention to your enemies!

Allow Him to put you back together again.

 # Over here we choose to live out our healed versions. Never build an alter for your pain! You own yourself the opportu...

# Over here we choose to live out our healed versions.

Never build an alter for your pain!

You own yourself the opportunity to live out your most healed and healthy version.

#2024 is a year to recover & heal!

Beloved, I urge you: go pick up your brother and sister!I don't care how hard and deep they have fallen. Go pick them up...

Beloved, I urge you: go pick up your brother and sister!

I don't care how hard and deep they have fallen. Go pick them up. This world and life have dealt them a hard blow.

Don't forget who had to come pick you up when you were down!

Galatians 6:1

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path.


People who are intimidated by you speak negatively about you, hoping to diminish your appeal to others.

Just know this… they can’t stop nothing. Stop focusing on them. Be passionate.

Light up every room you walk in.

Give this world all the love you have. Life is too short to wait on the next best thing.

What's meant for you won't pass you by. This moment was intentional.

Act like it.


Soul Care: Heart Matter- Darkrooms

We need to get to the point where we have real conversations about the dark rooms of trauma that many find themselves in within the body of Christ. Instead, we often overspiritualize everything and teach people to push through their pain and hurt.

We teach them that it's okay to bleed while leading others.

We bind demons when it's really a matter of soul care.

We have created unsafe environments for people to express themselves, speak out, and seek answers on how to deal with sexual trauma, emotional trauma, childhood trauma, etc.

All we do is call them to the altar, make them confess sins, and give them a microphone. There's no time for them to allow the Holy Spirit to address, confront, and walk a journey of deliverance and healing with them.

We are doing a great injustice to so many by not creating a safe space to express, confront, confess, and address deep wounds and trauma.

Many won't like what I am saying because they, too, are still suffering in silence and won't be transparent. According to them, being open about their struggles would make them look weak and not so anointed.

Who lied to you? The same Jesus who healed and still heals physical ailments also heals soul issues (sexual traumas, emotional traumas, and childhood traumas).

This is why so many, don't know how to navigate themselves around relationships, callings within the body. Nobody wants to have these uncomfortable conversations, nobody wants to take accountability for a generation of young believers, who simply just struggling with soul issues, they are not allowed to talk about.

We will start seeing how Holy Spirit will dig this up, in the next weeks, months because of the hindrance it causes to many.


"Untreated pain blurs discernment".


"Wholeness is controversial to a people who benefited from your Brokenness"


I want you to make this declaration with me"




"Unhealed trauma and woundedness are like ticking time bombs 💣. They can detonate when least expected # Gethealed


I am telling you, the Holy Spirit is about to address uncomfortable matters and issues we've been concealing behind titles and gifts! You will never be effective in ministry if you do not heal!

You can fast, pray in tongues, jump, and shout all you like!

Woundedness and hurt are destroying relationships, ministries, and churches!

You can hide behind your giftedness all you like.

Until you heal that inner child, you will always be seeking validation in people and things!

You won't be able to truly connect with your Heavenly Father because the image of your earthly father, Satan destroyed, and you're operating under a religious, legalistic spirit, trying to mask your pain while standing behind the pulpit!

You're trying to exhibit strength in public but crumbling in private!

You're searching for love in bedrooms because you never received love in the living room (your home)."

Allow the Holy Spirit in, Let Him deal with your trauma!!


" Until we heal, we will always find chemistry with those who have similar childhood dynamics"

Just remember this, your light will alwayx expose their hearts ✨️Regardless of their jelousy, KEEP ON SHINING.

Just remember this, your light will alwayx expose their hearts ✨️Regardless of their jelousy, KEEP ON SHINING.


The sheep that are My own hear My voice and listen to Me; I know them, and they follow Me." - John 10:27 (AMP)

The greatest injustice believers often inflict upon themselves is succumbing to spiritual complacency. There's a prevailing mindset that someone else should be responsible for guiding us toward our purpose and destiny. It's disheartening to witness believers resorting to seeking validation and direction from others, often online, even willing to pay exorbitant amounts for a fleeting sense of reassurance.

Too often, individuals become overly dependent on external sources to hear the voice of God on their behalf, either due to laziness or a lack of adequate teachings on nurturing their own spiritual connection.

Encouraging believers to take ownership of their spiritual journey and fostering their ability to discern and interpret spiritual messages for themselves is essential. Empowering them with the tools, teachings, and support needed to cultivate a personal relationship with their faith is crucial in fostering independence and spiritual growth.

It's imperative for spiritual leaders to provide the necessary resources and guidance to instil a culture of personal responsibility and empowerment in matters of the spirit.


Meridian Drive, Umhlanga





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