From the projects I’ve worked on, and films I’ve created, I came to realise how important the story of a film is. In my Origins of Consciousness Documentary Film (working title), my frustrations around finding the story rolled over from weeks, to months to years. This is not unique, I have spoken to many film makers in exactly the same position I have found myself in. One powerful way to move through the fears, is to keep the original vision and passion.
Knowing why I started the project in the first place, and having a solid emotional connection to its purpose, have got me through the hard times of creating. (Working with my creative clients, I’ve found this to be true with all creative and business endeavors!)
And here I am, with my passion project starting to blossom, with the story emerging out of the embers of an ever-present fire.
I’m so looking forward to sharing more of how this story is emerging!