Proper Film is a fiction and documentary film production company based in ape Town, South Africa; specialising in elevated-genre films and entertainment products across a variety of popular media. Proper Film also offers services for minority international co-production and foreign production facilitation in South Africa and neighbouring African countries. While its service offerings span many for
mats, its main focus is the development of South African projects with international crossover potential. A discerning spirit, professional integrity and obsessive attention to detail has led Proper Film to develop and produce works that have won acclaim from leading institutions worldwide; and has fostered a diverse yet selective co-operation network that spans over fifteen countries. Proper Film aims to provide innovative, engaging and through-provoking media content and strives to always serve the core means that makes this all possible; people, talent, experience and the colours red, green and blue. Proper Film is also the proud sister-company to Rivet Production Services, which specialises in foreign production facilitation of advertising, music video, online and branded lifestyle content; and the African Producers Workshop, a continental training and networking initiative endorsed by Europe’s leading tertiary film training organisation, the European Audio-visual Entrepreneurs.