"Love is...
Finding the one that changes the rhythm of your heart, making you forget how to breathe, but the reason you always choose to start."
~ Natalie Du Preez
Heart Glow: An Unconditional Love Journey: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Inspire #Inspiration #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationThursday #Motivational #QuotesByNatalieDuPreez #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #LoveIsWorthIt #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
"Have you ever found yourself in a moment where every fear you've ever had and felt, fuels your courage to stand in front of the one Soul, completely naked in vulnerability, with your legs trembling, your hands shaking, and your heart feeling like it is about to burst from the very core of you?
It is in this moment, that the fear of the unknown becomes the moment of light, where the darkness dissipates. Why? Because when you take the chance, the risk, to bear your heart and soul out loud for not only them but for the world to also hear, to see, to feel, that is where you find the most beautiful moment in letting another Soul see you, truly see you, in your most raw, most authentic self.
It is in the moment, where nothing and no one else exists but just the two of you, making it an even more incredible experience. It is when you have to catch your breath, that you know it was worth it. The fear was worth it. They are worth it. Where the magic really is, and where everything you have ever felt for them, and every part of who you are, is brought to life through that single moment. And that is the moment that you truly become.
Brave. Bold. Worthy. Enough. Vulnerable. Raw. Naked. True. Love.
Heart. Mind. Body. Soul."
~ Natalie Du Preez
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Inspire #Inspiration #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationThursday #Motivational #QuotesByNatalieDuPreez #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #LoveIsWorthIt #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
"Have you discovered the light within you that you were so scared to shine, because of your past that pushed you into the darkness, but then another Soul comes along and breaks down every barrier that kept you from being the truest, rawest, most authentic version of who you have always been deep inside?
So many times we lose who we are because we are so scared of what others may say, or what others may think. Oftentimes, it is because we are so aware of the voices of others looking in from the outside, judging us, or because of people who broke down the very core of who we are just to fit in. To feel loved.
But then, you find the one Soul who shatters every illusion you ever created to fit into the world, giving you the courage to slowly uncover who you have always been. And it doesn't matter how raw, or naked you feel with your heart exposed, because you know you are worth it, they are worth it, and the love you feel for them makes it worth it. Worth every single fear."
~ Natalie Du Preez
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Inspire #Inspiration #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationMonday #Motivational #QuotesByNatalieDuPreez #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
The Magic of Music with Jared Prior Singer & Entertainer #SoulSessions #SoulSession #HealingThroughMusic #Music #ItIsMoreThanJustWords #Inspired #Inspire #Inspiration #JaredJ #JaredPrior #JaredPriorVocals #JaredPriorSingerEntertainer #TheMagicOfMusic #MusiciansOfTikTok #Musician #Singer #MakingADifference #MusicHeals #MusicHealsTheSoul #CreedenceClearwaterRevival #CCR #ProudMary #Motivation #Motivational #FollowForMore #Love #Light #TrendingReels #Reels
♾️Phoenix's Fire♾️
Full Song here: https://youtu.be/7Bw8jl4Mtm8
Lyrics by Natalie Du Preez 2023 (c)
#PhoenixsFire #original #originalsong #originalmusic #originallyrics #Song #Songs #AwakenYourSoul #OriginalSong #songwriter #lyrics #lyricsvideo #lyricsvideos #lyricsvideosongs #lyricist #lyricists #Love #LoveIsWorthIt #UnconditionalLove #SomeoneSpecial #SafeSpace #Music #Poetry #Healing #SoulTribe #Trending #trendingsong #trendingsongs #trendingreels #reels
"There is nothing more beautiful than looking at another Soul and seeing your entire world flash before you. Where just their entire being is all-consuming and where no space or time in the presence of them exists. Where everything you have ever thought or felt about life or love becomes, and makes you question absolutely everything about your own entire being, and world, making you want to uncover and show them the magic of who they are, and what they mean to you, with reckless abandon because it is on the other side of fear, where love can become."
~ Natalie Du Preez
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Inspire #Inspiration #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationSaturday #Motivational #QuotesByNatalieDuPreez #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
"When you are brave enough to step outside of your comfort zone, it is there that you discover the magic within you, and waiting for you. That is when the world slowly starts to change, because it is with each step, that your heart begins to illuminate the darkness, and the light within you starts to reflect the dawn of who you truly are. And that in itself is a beautiful thing where love starts, love exists, love wins, and love becomes."
~ Natalie Du Preez
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Inspire #Inspiration #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationFriday #Motivational #QuotesByNatalieDuPreez #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
♾️The Magic Of Music♾️ #DailySoulSession #SoulSessions #SoulSession #HealingThroughMusic #Music #ItIsMoreThanJustWords #Inspired #Inspire #Inspiration #TheMagicOfMusic #LoveIsTheMusicOfTheSoul #LoveIsWorthIt #TakeRisks #Singing #BeBrave #BeYourself #MakingADifference #MusicHeals #MusicHealsTheSoul #Lonestar #Amazed #Motivation #Motivational #FollowForMore #Love #Light #TrendingReels #Reels
"Because yes, you will fight the urge to want to cry, yes, you'll want to give in to the fear deep inside. Yes, you will fight the need to close your eyes and push your dreams aside. But, no, don't give in to the fight."
~ Natalie Du Preez
Song: https://youtu.be/zUHDZsDqZhw
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
#ListenToYourHeart #OriginalSong #AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationWednesday #Motivational #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #Inspiration #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
"At times, you may think that everything is going wrong. That you don't know why or how to get it right. As long as you be and know who you are, you will find the answer. Listen to your inner voice, and don't give in to the fight."
~ Natalie Du Preez
Song: https://youtu.be/zUHDZsDqZhw
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
#ListenToYourHeart #OriginalSong #AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationTuesday #Motivational #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
"Once in a while, you get to say, "Thank you for chasing my fears away.""
~ Natalie Du Preez
Book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BXNMFVK2
Song: https://youtu.be/MnN532aDuLA
#AwakenYourSoul #Heart #Mind #Body #Soul #DailyQuotes #DailyMotivation #QuotesDaily #Quotes #QuotesOfTheDay #Motivation #MotivationalQuotes #MotivationMonday #Motivational #Trending #TrendingReels #Reels #Inspired #TrueLove #UnconditionalLove #HeartGlow #Love #Light #SelfLove #SelfDiscovery #SelfHealing #SelfWorth
The Magic of Music with Jared Prior Singer & Entertainer
#SoulSessions #SoulSession #HealingThroughMusic #Music #Inspired #JaredJ #JaredPrior #JaredPriorSingerEntertainer #TheMagicOfMusic #MusiciansOfTikTok #Musician #Singer #MakingADifference #MusicHeals #MusicHealsTheSoul #PrimeCircle #SheAlwaysGetsWhatSheWants #Motivation #Motivational #FollowForMore #Love #Light #trendingreels #reels