Available in Afrikaans and English
Divine Creation Eternal Salvation by Eugéne Marais
This book is, first and foremost, about the creation of man in God’s image. It provides
in-depth insight into the perfection of creation and the enemy’s attack on each of
these dimensions to work corruption and thus prevent and pollute the relationship of
the children of God with the Father.
Second, this book sets out to study the lines of the prophecy that has arisen
throughout the Bible, that is, between good and evil, the seed of woman and the
seed of Satan, as well as the enmity between them. In-depth insight and discussion
from Genesis to Revelation around this aspect and eternal salvation through the
blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a valuable book, not only for the spiritual counsellor but also a benchmark for
us to gauge the corruption of the enemy, not only in our own lives but also in those of humanity. In this way, then, purposefully discerning and resisting the enemy’s plans.
Every aspect of this book pushes us to deeper reflection and revelations around
creation, the attack, and the redemption.
Goddelike Skepping Ewige Verlossing deur Eugéne Marais
Hierdie boek handel eerstens rondom die skepping van die mens na die beeld van
God. In diepte insig word gegee rondom die volmaaktheid van die skepping en die
aanval van die vyand op elkeen van hierdie dimensies om korrupsie te bewerk en
sodoende die verhouding van die kinders van God met die Vader te verhoed en te
Tweedens stel hierdie boek hom ten doel om die lyne te bestudeer van die profesie
wat regdeur die Bybel ontstaan het, dit wil sê tussen goed en kwaad, die saad van
die vrou en die saad van Satan, sowel as die vyandskap tussen hulle. ‘n Indiepte
insig en bespreking van Genesis tot Openbaring rondom hierdie aspek en die ewige
verlossing deur die bloed van Jesus Christus.
Hierdie is ‘n waardevolle boek, nie net vir die geestelike berader nie, maar ook ‘n
maatstaf vir onsself om die korrupsie van die vyand, nie net in ons eie lewens nie,
maar ook in die van die mensdom te peil. Sodoende dan doelgerig die planne van
die vyand te onderskei en te weerstaan. Elke aspek in hierdie boek dring ons tot
dieper nadenke en openbaringe rondom die skepping, die aanval en die verlossing.
If you are interested in the book, please see the link to buy the book below: