HCM Publishers

HCM Publishers HCM Publishers is an independent publisher of faith-focused inspirational books.

Kom kuier gerus by ons winkel! 💙As jy van ons boeke op die webblad gesien het en dit graag in persoon wil bekyk, het ons...

Kom kuier gerus by ons winkel! 💙

As jy van ons boeke op die webblad gesien het en dit graag in persoon wil bekyk, het ons alles beskikbaar in die winkel! En as jy enige vrae het, voel gerus om vir ons 'n boodskap te stuur – ons sal so vinnig as moontlik terugkom.

Ons sien uit daarna om jou te ontmoet! 😄

Joël 2:1 - Blaas die basuin op Sion, en blaas alarm op my heilige berg! Laat al die inwoners van die land bewe, want die...

Joël 2:1 - Blaas die basuin op Sion, en blaas alarm op my heilige berg! Laat al die inwoners van die land bewe, want die dag van die HERE kom, want hy is naby...

Die gewagte is oor! Shofar is nou beskikbaar! 📖✨ Kry jou eksemplaar vandag!

Dit is beskikbaar in Engels en Afrikaans vir R365

Wat ’n geseënde dag was dit! Ons het soveel insigte en openbaringe ontvang oor Goddelike Skepping en die lewegewende bla...

Wat ’n geseënde dag was dit! Ons het soveel insigte en openbaringe ontvang oor Goddelike Skepping en die lewegewende blaas van die Shofars. Ons wil ons opregte dank uitspreek aan elke persoon wat dit bygewoon het – julle teenwoordigheid het hierdie dag nog meer spesiaal gemaak.🤗

’n Spesiale dankie aan ons outeurs, Eugéne Marais en Lynette Basson, vir hul ongelooflike bydraes, sowel as aan almal wat agter die skerms gewerk het om hierdie dag moontlik te maak. Ons harte loop oor van dankbaarheid!

🔥🔥Goeie nuus!🔥🔥 Hierdie kragtige geleentheid sal weer aangebied word in Pretoria op 7 Desember. Moenie dit misloop nie – merk jou kalender en sluit by ons aan vir nóg ’n wonderlike ervaring!

Foto’s van die dag is hieronder beskikbaar – geniet!

Breath of God • Bethlehem23 November 2024Ons is so opgewonde om hierdie nuwe boeke aan almal bekend te stel! Sluit by on...

Breath of God • Bethlehem
23 November 2024
Ons is so opgewonde om hierdie nuwe boeke aan almal bekend te stel! Sluit by ons aan vir die Breath of God tema asook die bespreking en bekendstelling van 🌳Goddelike Skepping - Ewige Verlossing deur Eugéne Marais en 📯Shofar: Die Asem van YHVH.

Sien julle daar!🥳

Besonderhede is hier onder beskikbaar!⬇️

HCM Publishers Boekwinkel 📯Kom besoek ons gerus vir:Geestelike boekeShofarsSalfoliesBy Plot 42, Eden, BethlehemBesigheid...

HCM Publishers Boekwinkel 📯

Kom besoek ons gerus vir:
Geestelike boeke

By Plot 42, Eden, Bethlehem

Besigheidsure: 8:00 tot 14:00 of per afspraak vir naweke en ander tye!

Kontaknommer: 0615868365

Die klank van die shofar bring die liggaam van Christus bymekaar-Lynette BassonHierdie boek sal beskikbaar wees vanaf di...

Die klank van die shofar bring die liggaam van Christus bymekaar
-Lynette Basson

Hierdie boek sal beskikbaar wees vanaf die 20ste November, in Afrikaans en Engels @ R365,00 per boek!
Julle is welkom om bestellings te plaas deur die volgende inligting aan ons te e-pos ([email protected]) of te Whatsapp (061 586 8365):
Spesifiseer hoeveelheid en taalvoorkeur!
Shofar Shalom📯

DON’T FORGET! Available in Afrikaans and EnglishDivine Creation Eternal Salvation by Eugéne MaraisThis book is, first an...

Available in Afrikaans and English

Divine Creation Eternal Salvation by Eugéne Marais

This book is, first and foremost, about the creation of man in God’s image. It provides
in-depth insight into the perfection of creation and the enemy’s attack on each of
these dimensions to work corruption and thus prevent and pollute the relationship of
the children of God with the Father.
Second, this book sets out to study the lines of the prophecy that has arisen
throughout the Bible, that is, between good and evil, the seed of woman and the
seed of Satan, as well as the enmity between them. In-depth insight and discussion
from Genesis to Revelation around this aspect and eternal salvation through the
blood of Jesus Christ.
This is a valuable book, not only for the spiritual counsellor but also a benchmark for
us to gauge the corruption of the enemy, not only in our own lives but also in those of humanity. In this way, then, purposefully discerning and resisting the enemy’s plans.
Every aspect of this book pushes us to deeper reflection and revelations around
creation, the attack, and the redemption.

Goddelike Skepping Ewige Verlossing deur Eugéne Marais

Hierdie boek handel eerstens rondom die skepping van die mens na die beeld van
God. In diepte insig word gegee rondom die volmaaktheid van die skepping en die
aanval van die vyand op elkeen van hierdie dimensies om korrupsie te bewerk en
sodoende die verhouding van die kinders van God met die Vader te verhoed en te
Tweedens stel hierdie boek hom ten doel om die lyne te bestudeer van die profesie
wat regdeur die Bybel ontstaan het, dit wil sê tussen goed en kwaad, die saad van
die vrou en die saad van Satan, sowel as die vyandskap tussen hulle. ‘n Indiepte
insig en bespreking van Genesis tot Openbaring rondom hierdie aspek en die ewige
verlossing deur die bloed van Jesus Christus.
Hierdie is ‘n waardevolle boek, nie net vir die geestelike berader nie, maar ook ‘n
maatstaf vir onsself om die korrupsie van die vyand, nie net in ons eie lewens nie,
maar ook in die van die mensdom te peil. Sodoende dan doelgerig die planne van
die vyand te onderskei en te weerstaan. Elke aspek in hierdie boek dring ons tot
dieper nadenke en openbaringe rondom die skepping, die aanval en die verlossing.

If you are interested in the book, please see the link to buy the book below:

🔥Afrikaans:Goddelike SkeppingEwige Verlossings🔥English:Divine CreationEternal Salvation-Eugéne MaraisSpesiale Aanbod🍃Bes...

Goddelike Skepping
Ewige Verlossings

Divine Creation
Eternal Salvation

-Eugéne Marais

Spesiale Aanbod🍃

Bestel voor die 4de November om die boek te kry vir ‘n goeie aanbod van R250!

Die boek is beskikbaar in Engels en Afrikaans, sien die titels bo😁

Besoek ons webwerf! Ons het baie opwindende dinge wat binnekort kom en gebeur✨

The Principles for Successful Marriage 💍Samson Mofokeng If your marriage is on a rocky path, it’s not too late! The Bibl...

The Principles for Successful Marriage 💍

Samson Mofokeng

If your marriage is on a rocky path, it’s not too late! The Bible provides practical counsel that can benefit both husbands and wives. This should come as no surprise since the One who inspired the Bible is also the Creator of marriage.

This book offers hope for marriages facing challenges, highlighting practical Biblical advice for both husbands and wives. By focusing on personal growth rather than blaming each other, couples can implement positive changes and discover renewed hope in their relationship. Dr. Samson Mofokeng, the author, is an experienced educator and pastor, bringing a wealth of knowledge to this topic🙏🏼

📚For those interested, a link to purchase the book is provided:

The Principles for Successful Marriage – HCM Publishers

A big thank you to everyone who attended our book launch!🥳📖This past Saturday was truly special as we celebrated the rel...

A big thank you to everyone who attended our book launch!🥳📖

This past Saturday was truly special as we celebrated the release of 📚 "The Principles for Successful Marriage" by new author, Dr Samson Mofokeng. We are grateful to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable event and supported the launch of this life-changing book.

Dr Samson's wisdom and insights into building strong, lasting marriage relationships are invaluable. His dedication to the upliftment of families and its relationships is truly inspirational. We are proud to be a part of this journey and excited to see how this book will impact marriages and families far and wide! 💍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦⛪️

Thank you once again to all the attendees, readers, and supporters for making this launch a great success. Stay tuned for more updates, and grab your copy 📖 if you haven't already! www.hcmpublishers.com


📚 Mark your calendars! We are thrilled to invite you to the launch of our newest book, "The Principles for Successful Ma...

📚 Mark your calendars! We are thrilled to invite you to the launch of our newest book, "The Principles for Successful Marriage" by first-time author, Pastor Samson Mofokeng.

📅 Saturday, 05 October 2024
⏰ 10:45 AM for 11:00 AM
📍 Plot 42, Eden, Bethlehem

Come meet the author, learn more about this insightful new book, and enjoy a time of fellowship!
RSVP by 02 October to Loraine at 082 377 3000 to secure your spot.

This is an event not to be missed! Looking forward to seeing you there! 🙏📖

GREPIES UIT MY LEWE 💙 Joey MeyerGrepies uit my lewe, geskryf deur Joey Meyer is ‘n boek kleurvol gepak met ‘n reënboog v...

Joey Meyer

Grepies uit my lewe, geskryf deur Joey Meyer is ‘n boek kleurvol gepak met ‘n reënboog van emosies. Dit bestaan uit ware staaltjies uit die skryfster se lewe wat sy vaspen met ‘n lekkerlag humor, maar ook met ‘n diep deernis wat spontaan ‘n traan ontlok. Sy vertel ook van ‘n swaarkry lewe en neem ons op die pad van gevangennisskap en die bevryding van ‘n narsis. Met hope humor en ‘n binne-vreugde leer sy ons dat daar oorwinning is in en deur ons Abba Vader en dat Sy genade vir ons genoeg is. Grepies uit my lewe…

As jy belangstel in die boek, klik op die skakel hieronder:


As jy eerder aan die e-book belangstel, klik op die skakel hieronder:


We extend a warm welcome to everyone to visit our store. Our store is a place where you can find personalized high-quali...

We extend a warm welcome to everyone to visit our store. Our store is a place where you can find personalized high-quality products. Come see what we have to offer and experience the joy of shopping with us. We hope to inspire you and many more people✨

We would love to tell you more about our products and our story in person when you come visit

Some of the books we sell on https://www.hcmpublishers.com is available in the shop as a hardcopy

Address of the Store:

Plot 42, Eden Small Holdings, Bethlehem, South Africa, 9700

Can’t wait to see you😊

Having a God-ordained relationship in your marriage is excellent, but it requires effort from both partners. You should ...

Having a God-ordained relationship in your marriage is excellent, but it requires effort from both partners. You should invest as much thought and energy into building your marriage as a top scientist would into a groundbreaking invention. Successful couples do not take their marriage for granted. Faithful Christians pray about their marriage and study the Bible and other resources to enhance it.

Marriage is a covenant rooted in a union where unconditional love and respect prevail.


"Seloma Gouws het haar storie met Rosa gedeel oor wat haar boek, Spore, vir haarbeteken het in ‘n baie moeilike tyd van ...

"Seloma Gouws het haar storie met Rosa gedeel oor wat haar boek, Spore, vir haar
beteken het in ‘n baie moeilike tyd van haar lewe.
Sy deel die hartseer verhaal van wat sy en haar gesin deurgemaak het met haar
liefdevolle man se afsterwe. Dit was ‘n hartseer pad. Hy het vir haar alles beteken en
toe sy hom verloor het, was haar hele wêreld omgekeer.
Sy het leeg en alleen gevoel, maar het nooit haar geloof en vertroue in Jesus verloor
nie. Haar man het Jesus nooit bevraagteken nie en hy het ‘n pragtige verhouding met met Jesus gehad – gevul met geloof. Die boek het op haar pad gekom asof dit vir haar bedoel was. Iemand het die boek vir haar gegee end it was asof Jesus geweet het dat sy daardie boek op daardie oomblik odig gehad het.
Die boek het vir haar soveel troos en berusting gebring. Nadat sy die boek klaar gelees het, het sy net berusting gevind dat haar spore loop nie meer in sirkels nie."

Ons waardeer haar so baie dat sy hierdie emosionele inspirerende storie met ons
gedeel het.

As jy belangstel in die boek, klik op die skakel hieronder:


As jy eerder in die e-book belangstel, klik op die skakel hieronder:


Super Victorious Living “Exploring the importance of a relationship with Jesus and outlining what it takes to achieve a ...

Super Victorious Living

“Exploring the importance of a relationship with Jesus and outlining what it takes to achieve a Super Victorious Living! This is a life-changing book full of inspiration and wisdom from someone who has learned through his own real-life experiences.

Faith is the confident assurance that what you hope for is going to happen. In your heart you already have the evidence of things nobody can see yet and you are convinced of its existence.” - Corrie Zaayman

If you are interested in the book, please follow the link below to our website:


If you prefer the e-book, please click on the link below:


“Amy always wanted a little sister. When she received a kitten for her birthday. Misty, the kitten, became like a sister...

“Amy always wanted a little sister. When she received a kitten for her birthday. Misty, the kitten, became like a sister to her. During a stormy day Misty disappeared. Will the family be able to find Misty before it is too late?” - Neoleene Timmins

Thank you to Welma and the following organizations for the support and spreading the word out there. The hope and strength you provide is so appreciated and needed🩷

Comfort my People
Friends of Israel
Bridges of peace

“Those who know Your name will put their trust in You” - Psalm 9:10

If you are interested in the book, please see the link below:



Plot 42, Eden Small Holdings

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 15:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 15:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 15:00
Thursday 09:00 - 15:00
Friday 09:00 - 14:00




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