The launch was opened in prayer by Mr Totso follwing that Miss Makotoko CPF malestwai Police Station, did the welcoming after her introduction of stateholders was done by sid Bulelwa Nqaza
Safety and Liason
Colonel Dlabantu (Station Commander)
Captain Mam Putumani Ncumisa
Maletswai Peoples Voice
Spiritual Crime Prevention
Community Patrollers
Purpose of the day was done by Mama from Maletswai People Voice Deda Mhlangani, who gave a background about killings in Aliwal North, "so we sat down as the community to assist SAPS and work with them to fight crime and we therefore set this Maletswai Peoples Voice, crime is committed but no arrests it was not nice"
The community needs to know how patrollers dress after they were inducted and it needs team work and working together between the patrollers and the community, they will be identifiable as the reflectors have official logos on both sides of the vests
Safety and Liason conducted the induction and handing over of the new reflectors.
THE station commander Collonen Dlabantu asked patrollers who went to the induction, to come infront and addressed them which manner they need to conduct themselves, and he will dress them so the community can know, also no patroller needs to ask money from the community , how many patrollers and how they will work, also misconduct from patrollers need to be addressed. He also mentioned that the reflectors is the property of Safety and Liason not for personal use, so all wrong doing should be reported.
Colonel said 25 reflectors for Maletswai were given by safety and Liason but its not enough for all the patrollers we have, no one owns a reflector vest, they will be stationed at the police station they will be a register for collecting and bringing back the vest
You need to be screened and have an induction and im sure you have better understanding and more information on your conducts, we will sign code of conduct, on how to conduct yourselves through the cause of your work, you need to be an example to the community, we will wear these vest so the community feels safe, you will sign indemnity forms so if you are find doing criminal activities we will charge you, no asking of money from the community, we want to know how many patrollers per ward also to have leaders and commanders those who are responsible, we will visit to hear your reports please community support these patrollers, the community said they dont trust the police now they community can liase via the patrollers who are trained in such matter. We still need more patrollers, selling alcohol without license wont be tolerated, Selling ginger wont be tolerated,
Theres no law that says a person suppose to be home by 8pm, our bylaws dont say that, and no patrollers has the right to beat up a person, patrollers dont close traverns, they only monitor if there are no crimes committed when traverns are closing and people going home, they only report if the Taverns is not closed after a closing time, on the issue of noise making patrollers report to the saps personnel in charge, the patroller has no right to go and close down the music in that house as your are tresspassing.
Captain Putumani did a vote of thanks, Thanking the community, if beningekho we wouldn't be here we thank you and we dont take it for granted, she thanked the organisers, and thanked Malestwai People's Voices, department of Safety and also thanked the Station commander and her self
There were no remarks or questions from the community
The gathering was closed by Prayer by Mr Totso who also thanked Stroke 5 News for being part of this gathering , also showed a whistled when you pull a string it makes an alarming sound which alerts patrollers which side a crime is committed
Article by Lazola Bottoman