Sandy Wade

Sandy Wade Sandy Wade
Host of The School of Self Reinvention Podcast

“Gentle Yoga For Beginners” was gentle and I loved it.  This is me arriving at class, determined to try new things this ...

“Gentle Yoga For Beginners” was gentle and I loved it. This is me arriving at class, determined to try new things this year. 🤗

I read this in a yoga book that “you are only as young as your spine is flexible.” I tried yoga once years ago and it was anything but a peaceful zen experience. 😫

Today was very different. Which is good. I’m signed up for a 6 week class.😍

What should be next on my try something new journey?? 🤔

Yesterday I went to the Savannah College of Art & Design’s Museum of Art and saw the incredible exhibit from Christian S...

Yesterday I went to the Savannah College of Art & Design’s Museum of Art and saw the incredible exhibit from Christian Siriano! He is the best designer ever to rise up from Project Runway! I am a super fan and this did not disappoint.

The exhibit is called “People Are People” and Christian’s purpose was to show the next generation of designers that every person in every shape & size wants to look beautiful.

Honestly, it took my breath away. Staring at the beauty I just kept thinking THIS is his dream come true from all of his hard work, dedication, and unfailing commitment to his dream.

We all can do this! By THIS I mean whatever our dream is. Wonder if Christian will be a guest on my podcast? Season 2 is coming soon!🎤♥️💛💚💙💜

Helmet head update!  I am pleased to announce that this crazy thing works!  I noticed new hair growing along my hairline...

Helmet head update! I am pleased to announce that this crazy thing works! I noticed new hair growing along my hairline. My hair dresser confirmed I have new baby hair growing all over my head. It’s about an inch long now. 🙌🏻 I still have 3 weeks to go before you’re supposed to see the full impact. So far this thing gets ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from this girl!

What am I doing? No, this is not my Halloween costume. This is my last attempt to restore my hair loss, at the recommendation of my hair dresser. She shared amazing stories from other clients who have used this. iRestore laser hair growth system is what it's called and it looks rediculous. I shall refer to it as my Storm Trooper helmet. If this sucker works, I will call it my best friend! 25 minutes every other day for 16 weeks and we shall see. I took a picture of my thinness in the back so I can compare. I'll share the before & after with you in 16 weeks.

All of the products I've been using have not helped at all, in fact it's continued to get worse. Time to bring out the big guns... the Storm Trooper guns!

Stay tuned and may the force be with me!

Who else is addicted to Christmas movies this year?

Who else is addicted to Christmas movies this year?

This week is the season one finale!We are closing out this first season with something a little different.  I’ve invited...

This week is the season one finale!

We are closing out this first season with something a little different.  I’ve invited back a recent guest that many of you know, Dan Wade, also my husband!  

Today we are doing a bit of a twist on a reinvention and today’s show is HOW to reinvent.  We are talking about relationships and your marriage.  This is how to reinvent your relationship.  If you’re in a good marriage, this is reinforcement. If you are looking for a relationship, this is an excellent foundation to help you when you find that special someone. 

Dan and I have been married for 21 years, happily married I may add.  But both of us have been married before and I think that we’ve learned a lot about our- selves, about relationships, and about marriage.  

So, today we are going to talk together about getting a strong marriage and how to keep your marriage strong. 

Link in bio!

Yesterday Dan competed in the South Carolina Powerlifting competition.  He totaled 1,466 pounds in the three events of s...

Yesterday Dan competed in the South Carolina Powerlifting competition. He totaled 1,466 pounds in the three events of squat, bench press & dead lift. I was exhausted watching him! His dedication and hard work is an inspiration to behold. It wasn't a perfect day and I watched Dan pull it out in spite of the ups & downs. It's all about the journey and the relationships you make along the way. Dan's coach, Danny, is a Gift from God for this journey!

We wore special sweatshirts that our niece got for us. The back says "Wade" and the front says, "By His Grace and For His Glory"... And that sums up Dan's quest perfectly!

Today’s guest is a special guest because this guest is my very own husband and best friend – Dan Wade. Dan was a senior ...

Today’s guest is a special guest because this guest is my very own husband and best friend – Dan Wade. 

Dan was a senior executive at a major financial institution helping wealthy people become wealthier.  He was extremely successful but his life was unfulfilled and he knew something was missing.  

How does a financial advisor and power lifter end up living a life of service all for the glory of God? It starts when God wakes you up in the middle of the night to have a conversation with you, that’s how.  Dan shares his journey of reinvention with his career, his power lifting and most of all with his heart.  

Podcast link in bio.

Spoiler alert- I cry at the end... there’s no crying in podcasting! ❤️

The 2nd anual family Thanksgiving tradition and tree triming weekend was amazing!  Trenton & Sheridan, our adopted kids,...

The 2nd anual family Thanksgiving tradition and tree triming weekend was amazing! Trenton & Sheridan, our adopted kids, were home for Thanksgiving and we had an amazing time!

We had a little memorial ceremony for Grandma Bernadette who went home to be with the Lord on October 9th. The lantern tribute didn't quite go off without a hitch but we managed to get two of them floating into the heavens as a sign of our love and rememberance of Grandma.

Isn't that a lot how life goes?

Out of the ashes of a lantern gone wrong came much laughter of how perfect the imperfect lantern disastor turned out to be. Things don't always go as planned, but too often that's where the magic is.

This Christmas season know that the best moments are the unexpected things you don't plan for, and the things that seem to go wrong. That's how memories are made.

1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.

God is love.  Love is so powerful, when you cross over to the other side you take it with you.  Love remains, even after death.  Here is a symbol of our love to those who have gone before us.  We set these lanturns free as a sign of our love and memory of the love we have for you and the love you had for all of us.

This week’s guest was trapped under a car and nearly killed!  A group of bystanders had to lift the car off of her to sa...

This week’s guest was trapped under a car and nearly killed! A group of bystanders had to lift the car off of her to save her life!

If you’re struggling with what feels like a bad day, or facing an uphill battle in your life right now, you must hear what this amazing incredible woman has to say!

April 24, 2018 is a birthday today’s guest will NEVER forget and a day that changed her life forever. It was the day Kathy was ran over by a car and nearly killed. She was at a math conference with her coworkers in downtown Washington D.C. It’s a miracle she survived and a miracle she is still alive.

Kathy’s reinvention is a physical reinvention from a horrific accident and also an amazing mindset reinvention when everything you know to be true about your life changes in a heartbeat.

Meet Kathy Stanley Wilburn.

You can listen where you get your podcast or at this link:

Link in bio.

People talk about caterpillars becoming butterflies as though they just go into a cocoon, slap on wings & are good to go...

People talk about caterpillars becoming butterflies as though they just go into a cocoon, slap on wings & are good to go. Caterpillars have to dissolve into a disgusting pile of goo to become butterflies. So, if you’re a mess wrapped up in blankets right now, keep going.

Remembering what I'm grateful for helps. What are you grateful for this Thanksgiving?

If you’re dealing with grief, depression, or with your faith, you must listen to today’s story.  The holidays can be har...

If you’re dealing with grief, depression, or with your faith, you must listen to today’s story.  The holidays can be hard for many of us, today’s show comes at the perfect time.

My vision for this podcast is to create a safe space for ordinary people to share their extraordinary stories of self-reinvention.  Today’s show left me in tears.

Imagine meeting and marrying your best friend, the love of your life.  You are a faithful God loving family.  Suddenly you’re your life changes on a dime when your wife dies unexpectedly and you are left a single father of five children under the age of 11! 

Two years ago, Roderick was also in a horrible fall at home which landed him in a wheelchair for over an entire year.  The doctors didn’t think he’d be able to walk again. 

Roderick is one of those people who radiates God’s love.  His light shines bright and his story inspires!  You will be touched in your soul when you hear of how Roderick got himself and his five children through all of this.  His story is how your faith can reinvent unimaginable grief.

Here’s a link:

Link in the bio


Born & raised in Hungary, today’s guest had a passion for running & sports and wanted to become a PE teacher.  But life ...

Born & raised in Hungary, today’s guest had a passion for running & sports and wanted to become a PE teacher.  But life had different plans.  In 1994, at the young age of just 14 she started to experience severe joint pain and was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis.  The prognosis given to her meant a wheelchair by the age of 30.  

But in 2002 Viktoria started to reinvent herself by asking bigger questions about who she is, her purpose and what is life all about.  When the student is ready, the teacher appears.  Viktoria’s incredible journey is proof that a reinvention can happen no matter what your circumstances! 

She says her illness is one of the million obstacles that people experience every day. One can learn to perceive obstacles as transformational tools that enable us to find our light and connect with the God. 

Viktoria also believes we came here with a purpose but not without guidance; we all were given a map imprinted in our hearts. Our job is to reveal and follow it in partnership with God. And as we do so, miracles happen.

I couldn’t wait to sit down with Viktoria and talk about her journey.  How she was able to turn this crippling diagnosis around and reinvent her life in such an incredible way!  

There’s also a link to a free vision workshop from Viktoria the show notes!

You can listen where you get your podcasts or just click on this link:

Last weekend we had our 21st trip to a haunted bed-n-breakfast.  This is our wedding anniversary tradition.  No ghostly ...

Last weekend we had our 21st trip to a haunted bed-n-breakfast. This is our wedding anniversary tradition. No ghostly encounters but we did stay in the most beautiful inn of all times!

Imagine our surprise to discover no TV's in the bedroom! WHAT? Two nights and three days we seriously unplugged. I must say it was amazing! I only used my phone to take pictures and have laid low on social media all week. I wanted that feeling of true relaxation to continue as long as possible.

If there's one thing I've learned from all of the interviews for my podcast, is that you must take time out to unplug, unwine and go within. You can't hear from God when your mind is never quiet. Those subtle little whispers are impossible to hear when you're scrolling through a feed and watching videos.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

This week’s podcast is one not to miss!  Alan's episode is live tomorrow morning! Meet Alan Hardwick.  Former cop and co...

This week’s podcast is one not to miss! Alan's episode is live tomorrow morning!

Meet Alan Hardwick. Former cop and counter-terror expert turned writer! Alan gives an intimate look his life and how his faith got him through it.

Alan is a multi-career, love and life reinvention story of a recently retired police sergeant, who served as a member of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force living in Edmonds, Washington. He went from single dad raising 5 young kids, with a mentally unstable ex-wife to now a happily married husband, father and grandfather. He’s also a musician and a member of the group One Love Bridge. On top of all of that, Alan is also a writer and published his first novel in 2019. It’s called “Never Been This Close To Crazy,” which he describes as “a love story with a whole lot of crazy going on.” Alan’s novel is fiction but he draws from some of his own life experience.

I wanted to talk to Alan to find out more about his own life story and how he was able to make it through everything he went through, keep his family together and still be able to follow his passions.

You can listen where you get your podcasts or from here:

Link in bio.

What am I doing?  No, this is not my Halloween costume.  This is my last attempt to restore my hair loss, at the recomme...

What am I doing? No, this is not my Halloween costume. This is my last attempt to restore my hair loss, at the recommendation of my hair dresser. She shared amazing stories from other clients who have used this. iRestore laser hair growth system is what it's called and it looks rediculous. I shall refer to it as my Storm Trooper helmet. If this sucker works, I will call it my best friend! 25 minutes every other day for 16 weeks and we shall see. I took a picture of my thinness in the back so I can compare. I'll share the before & after with you in 16 weeks.

All of the products I've been using have not helped at all, in fact it's continued to get worse. Time to bring out the big guns... the Storm Trooper guns!

Stay tuned and may the force be with me!

Today's guest left the movie & film industry because she felt it was a toxic work environment.  Seems to be in line with...

Today's guest left the movie & film industry because she felt it was a toxic work environment. Seems to be in line with the recent headlines of the fatal shooting on the Baldwin movie...

Meet Lisa Rae Bowman. Lisa is from Brooklyn, NY and a graduate of the Savannah College of Art and Design for film. Lisa has worked in the film industry and has worked on various TV shows and movies. Then COVID hit! The pandemic has been the catalyst for Lisa’s own self reinvention. When the world stopped turning and life slowed down, Lisa was left alone with her own thoughts and was forced to look within to address her own mental health. It was through this healing process from sexual and emotional abuse that Lisa left the movie industry and transitioned her career to communications. She’s now the advocacy coordinator for an online community of survivors, running campaigns to empower conversations between survivors and allies.

Anne Lamott said, “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including YOU!”

Her message is that healing never stops. Survivors are not alone and we are fighting to make the world a better place.

Lisa’s reinvention is a mental health reinvention!

You can listen here:

This. There was a time I almost gave up trying to do this podcast thing.  The editing software - are you kidding me?!  W...


There was a time I almost gave up trying to do this podcast thing. The editing software - are you kidding me?! Where to begin! But I kept hearing this little voice inside my heart say "don't give up." Now we just released episode 7!

No matter what you are doing, working on, or dreaming of turn those negatives thoughts around. Everything can be figured out. Every problem has a solution. Have faith in yourself that you have what it takes to find it. Most of all, rely on your faith in God to guide you to that solution. Even if that means you pray about editing software!

God listens to all prayers.

NEW PODCAST!!  And you don't want to miss this one!  It's a gem!!You never know how strong you are until being strong is...

NEW PODCAST!! And you don't want to miss this one! It's a gem!!

You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Brene Brown said, “One day you will tell your story of what you went through and it will become someone else’s survival guide.” I believe this to be true for today’s guest.

Joel Norras is 26 years old. At the young age of 13, they discovered he had a brain tumor. At the same time his dad left him, his mom and older sister. The Dr’s told his mom he would never play sports again and he would be lucky to walk after the surgery to remove it. This young man went on to not only went on to walk, but to run collegiate Cross Country all four years in college at the University of South Carolina Beaufort! He was actually captain of the team his senior year.

You will be blown away by the mindset of this young man. He is truly an inspiration! Joel’s mental strength has made him physically strong. He is proof that overcoming the obstacles of physical ailments and hurt makes us stronger for the ordeal!

You can listen where you get your podcasts or at my website:

Link in bio.

Your influence as a mom, a grandma, and an auntie is powerful!  Don’t waste it.  Little eyes are watching you.

Your influence as a mom, a grandma, and an auntie is powerful! Don’t waste it. Little eyes are watching you.

Today’s show is for anyone who’s ever felt lost and stuck.  Imagine losing a relationship and then losing your direction...

Today’s show is for anyone who’s ever felt lost and stuck.  Imagine losing a relationship and then losing your direction, purpose and drive.  This reinvention is a complete LIFE Reinvention that started just by deciding one day to get off the couch.  Today’s special guest is the beautiful Jacey Weston.  

Jacey’s life didn’t start out easy – growing up quite poor with a single mother, she experienced trauma in her young life.  The instability continued into adult hood and spiraled out of control when she hit rock bottom at the age of 30.  When a long-term relationship completely collapsed, she also lost her friends as a result.  She found herself sad, depressed, bouncing from job to job, and unsure of even where to live.  She was lost without direction.  But at 31 she discovered a way out.  One day she
just decided on a whim to go for a run, thinking she was running as a way to escape and running away from her problems.  Little did she know she was running into a whole new life.  She says that running taught her that you can do pretty much anything if you simply put one foot in front of the other. 
Jacey is now happily married to an incredible husband and a mother of a beautiful little girl living in the Pacific northwest.  She loves to practice yoga and wants to become a writer.  She also as aspirations of owning a nonprofit that targets accessibility and support, in addition to holding space for single mothers.  Talk about reinventing your life! 

Podcast link in bio.

Today’s podcast show is for anyone who’s ever felt lost and stuck.  Imagine losing a relationship and then losing your d...

Today’s podcast show is for anyone who’s ever felt lost and stuck.

Imagine losing a relationship and then losing your direction, purpose and drive. This reinvention is a complete LIFE Reinvention that started just by deciding one day to get off the couch. Today’s special guest is the beautiful Jacey Weston.

Jacey’s life didn’t start out easy – growing up quite poor with a single mother, she experienced trauma in her young life. The instability continued into adult hood and spiraled out of control when she hit rock bottom at the age of 30. When a long-term relationship completely collapsed, she also lost her friends as a result. She found herself sad, depressed, bouncing from job to job, and unsure of even where to live. She was lost without direction.

But at 31 she discovered a way out. One day she just decided on a whim to go for a run, thinking she was running as a way to escape and running away from her problems. Little did she know she was running into a whole new life. She says that running taught her that you can do pretty much anything if you simply put one foot in front of the other.

Jacey is now happily married to an incredible husband and a mother of a beautiful little girl living in the Pacific northwest. She loves to practice yoga and wants to become a writer. She also as aspirations of owning a nonprofit that targets accessibility and support, in addition to holding space for single mothers. Talk about reinventing your life!

You can listen here or where ever you listen to your podcasts:

Our 5th episode published today! When God placed a "Podcast" on my heart, I had no idea where this would lead. God broug...

Our 5th episode published today! When God placed a "Podcast" on my heart, I had no idea where this would lead. God brought such amazing people to me to help share their story. After taping today's show, I knew the purpose of this podcast is to help people.

Childhood sexual abuse – The topic is taboo, surrounded by stigma and shame. People don't often talk about childhood sexual abuse, a silent and devastating epidemic, but a staggering number of men live with the lasting effects every day.

According to reports, one in three women and one in every five men were molested as a child. People aren’t as aware that the number of men who were sexually abused is so high because these men are often so ashamed & don’t speak about it.

I’m hoping today’s guest, and his brave story, will help a lot of other men to be free. Because there ARE so many men who don’t say anything, I hope the courage of today’s guest, and in sharing his story, will help lift the pressure by talking about it. I also know by talking about it, he’ll be able to help someone else.

I want to introduce you to Owen. Owen is 24, a recent college graduate and a high school teacher. He’s engaged to be married and has an extremely bright future ahead of him! His path to get here wasn’t an easy one, but he made it!

Owen agreed to sit down with me to talk about his experience and how he made it through. His story of reinvention is a survival reinvention of the un--imaginable!

You can listen where ever you listen to podcasts:
Link in bio.

When God placed a "podcast" on my heart, I had no idea where it would lead.  God has brought such amazing guests into my...

When God placed a "podcast" on my heart, I had no idea where it would lead. God has brought such amazing guests into my life to help them share their story. After taping today's episode, I knew that the purpose of this podcast was to help people. This has been one of the most scary, challenging and rewarding things I've ever undertaken. I wouldn't change a thing!

School of Self Reinvention is the go-to podcast for people who desire to change. From author and Master Life Coach, Sandy Wade, comes the ultimate podcast for anyone looking for inspiration to totally reinvent themselves and change their life. Featuring candid interviews with people who have done ju...

Pastor Josh said this in church the week I interviewed tomorrow’s podcast guest and it’s stuck with me. I haven’t been a...

Pastor Josh said this in church the week I interviewed tomorrow’s podcast guest and it’s stuck with me. I haven’t been able to get it out of my mind because it’s so very true.

This week’s podcast is going to tug at your heart strings and move your soul. It’s proof that Jesus will put just the right person in your life, at just the right time, to help you get through ANYTHING. Only Jesus knows just what you need to put the broken pieces back together.

New episodes release every Saturday. You can listen here or wherever you listen to your podcasts. The School of Self Reinvention podcast.

This week's podcast is a must!  Erin Gagne is a nurse practitioner who has quite a story of reinvention to share.  Erin’...

This week's podcast is a must! Erin Gagne is a nurse practitioner who has quite a story of reinvention to share.  

Erin’s reinvention story is healing her own health – She shares her story of how she was working in a high stress toxic work environment which was only making her digestive disease worse. She wasn’t sleeping and fighting depression and brain fog.  It started impacting her job.  Medications from her medical doctor weren’t helping and thoughts of su***de as a way out was her wake up call.  

Erin’s reinvention was healing HERSELF – mind body and soul!  She explains that the mind body connection is how to heal your gut!  

This episode hits really close to home for me! Erin has been helping me heal my gut from one of the worst flairs of ulcerative colitis since I was diagnosed in my early twenties. Erin's given me faith that remission is possible!

Podcast link in bio, or anywhere you listen to podcasts!


If you only listen to one podcast episode in your entire life - THIS is the one!  Check it out!!You don't want to miss t...

If you only listen to one podcast episode in your entire life - THIS is the one! Check it out!!

You don't want to miss this episode! Today’s guest is Nick Pumfrey. Abuse sent him to foster care at the age of 14. Abused by his father and abandoned by his mother, he was a young man filled with anger. Thinking his career aspirations would end up somewhere involving a life of crime, God had something else in store for Nick!

Nick went on to become a highly successful senior executive leader in a large corporation but God had even more in store for him.

Nick’s story is proof that no matter what you are going through God is with you every step of the way and there’s a reason why you had to go through what you went through.

Grab your tissues and listen to this very powerful conversation! You don’t want to miss this God reinvention!

If you like it, share it with a friend. Someone out there NEEDS to hear this story today!

You can also listen where ever you listen to podcasts, or directly from this site:



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