Revival On The Air Today

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Revival On The Air Today Podcast Interviews of testimonies of amazing, miraculous things God has done in people’s lives.

I want you to imagine kids you know who are around the ages of 11 and 13, maybe they’re your kids, or your nieces, or ne...

I want you to imagine kids you know who are around the ages of 11 and 13, maybe they’re your kids, or your nieces, or nephews, or grandkids, or neighbours…and now think what life would be like for them if they were left in a house, no parents, to fend for themselves.

For years.

This is the story of Barbra and Rose, whom you will hear from in this interview. I’m not going to spoil it by going into any details, but this is a heartbreaking, terrifying, but ultimately, wonderful story.

If you could see them both today, with their loving families, you would have no idea of their backstory – that’s the power of God right there.


Contact us via [email protected] or social media, wherever you are in the world (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, search for “Revival On The Air Today”).

Until next time, God bless.

MJ shares with us his story of how he grew up in South Africa, in the Apartheid era, before becoming an SAS soldier.  He...

MJ shares with us his story of how he grew up in South Africa, in the Apartheid era, before becoming an SAS soldier. He was just lost in life and decided to become a Mercenary in the French Foreign Legion. But, before he went, he was led to spend some time in Australia where he was told how God could change his life.

And change it He did.

God took away MJ's heavy addiction to smoking, changed his thinking about the racial prejudice that was part of his upbringing, and provided him with a family like no other.

Link to the episode in the comments below, or find it on Spotify, YouTube or your favourite podcast app.

Imagine you are driving along a road at 80kph (50mph).  Think about how quickly things pass you, maybe your window is do...

Imagine you are driving along a road at 80kph (50mph). Think about how quickly things pass you, maybe your window is down and you can feel the velocity of the wind coming through.

Now imagine a cyclist rides straight out in front of you and you have no time to react, swerve, or slow down…and you hit the cyclist. That’s exactly what happened to Pr Nick, except he was the cyclist.

In this episode, I talk to Pr Nick and Brenda, who recall what happened, his horrific injuries and the amazing things God did.

A powerful story.

Listen on your favourite podcast app or Spotify, or head to the Revival On The Air Today webpage (we have some pictures there too)

Womaniser, Smoker, Drinker….you can’t see in Pr Akuila today the man he once was.Why?  God changed him.  Miraculously.He...

Womaniser, Smoker, Drinker….you can’t see in Pr Akuila today the man he once was.

Why? God changed him. Miraculously.

He shares with us how when he was Spirit-filled and Baptised his life changed – not because of his actions, but through God’s Spirit. He had a newfound desire to follow Christ, to understand the gospel, and to learn from the elders of his Church.

This ultimately led him to start and lead a church fellowship himself as a pastor.

It’s an inspiring story. Enjoy.

God can change you too! Contact us via DM or email [email protected].

For more wonderful stories of miracles that have happened to people just like you, head to

Here's a wonderful testimony of God’s power from Rosie.Rosie talks about how she was healed from Cancer of the cervix.  ...

Here's a wonderful testimony of God’s power from Rosie.

Rosie talks about how she was healed from Cancer of the cervix. As a nurse, she had worked in the cancer ward, and she struggled initially with faith in her healing need, but God bestowed upon her the “peace which passeth all understanding” (refer to Philippians 4:7).

There’s also a wonderful story from Rosie about the importance of fellowship with other saints.

Listen to this episode on your favourite podcast app (Spotify, Apple Podcasts etc), or go to our website

Want to know how God can heal you too? Contact us via [email protected] or social media, wherever you are in the world (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, search for “Revival On The Air Today”).

Until next time, God bless.

For more wonderful stories of miracles that have happened to people just like you, head to

Craig-Lee talks to David about how he was afflicted with cholesteatoma, which can cause significant damage to the ear, a...

Craig-Lee talks to David about how he was afflicted with cholesteatoma, which can cause significant damage to the ear, and hearing.

In Craig-Lee’s case, one of the bones in his inner ear was eroded – and of course, he tells us exactly what God did for him.

A great testimony of God’s power.

In this episode, we talk to Jane, who shares some remarkable healings from illnesses such as Cataracts, Arthritis and Bu...

In this episode, we talk to Jane, who shares some remarkable healings from illnesses such as Cataracts, Arthritis and Bursitis.

We sure do have a gracious God, who can heal us from all manner of disease. “And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick“. Matthew 14:14 KJV.

Jesus' power is working today.

Thanks Jane for sharing your story.

Erlita, from Vancouver in Canada, shares with us the miraculous story of the birth of her son after being told her son w...

Erlita, from Vancouver in Canada, shares with us the miraculous story of the birth of her son after being told her son wouldn't live (this was after she had already had 5 miscarriages).

It brought her to know the true God after she was prayed for by Spirit Filled Christians.

She also recounts her amazing healing from Vertigo and Cervical Cancer.

A wonderful listen.

This interview was recorded at the Canadian Summer Camp - you can find a link to a highlights video of the camp on the Revival On The Air Today YouTube channel

Louisa, from the Netherlands, tells us of some truly miraculous healings that God has done for her.- She was healed of a...

Louisa, from the Netherlands, tells us of some truly miraculous healings that God has done for her.

- She was healed of a ganglion on her wrist.
- Her grandchild was healed of autism and epilepsy
- Louisa was healed of Depression and Psychosis

Imagine how different her, and her loved ones, lives would be if God wasn’t so gracious.

Praise God.

For more wonderful stories of miracles that have happened to people just like you, head to

This was recorded at the Revival Fellowship International Convention in Adelaide in June 2023.

Want to know more about how God can change your life? Save you? Perform a miracle for you?

Feel free to reach to us via email ([email protected]) or Social Media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”).

I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless.

Meet Zack.  Zack is originally from Fiji, but now resides in Wollongong in Australia.Zack recounts his story of how he m...

Meet Zack. Zack is originally from Fiji, but now resides in Wollongong in Australia.

Zack recounts his story of how he met Trez, and the most amazing way God helped them come together as a couple.

It’s a wonderful example of how, when we try things in our own strength, we often don’t get the results we need – but when we completely hand our problems over to God, his glory is evident in the miracles he does for us.

This was recorded at the Revival Fellowship International Convention in Adelaide in June 2023.

Listen here (or on your favourite podcast app/Spotify.

You can also listen to Trez’s story here.

Proverbs 16:9 “A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.”

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Cherry grew up in the Philippines, and like many others, was a Catholic.After moving to Australia, married with small ch...

Cherry grew up in the Philippines, and like many others, was a Catholic.

After moving to Australia, married with small children, she suffered from debilitating depression. But then, she found the truth and God did what only God can do – He healed her, miraculously.

Listen Here:

Michele’s stories are incredible!   She shares miraculous stories of being healed of:1. A faulty heart valve2. Cirrhosis...

Michele’s stories are incredible! She shares miraculous stories of being healed of:

1. A faulty heart valve
2. Cirrhosis of the liver
3. A broken ankle
4. Near heart failure
5. Kidney disease

Amazing! An inspiring conversation about what God can do…today.

Listen Here:

Want to know more about how God can change your life? Save you? Perform a miracle for you?

Send us an email via [email protected] . You can also follow us on social media (we’re on Instagram and Facebook, just search for “Revival On The Air Today”).

I hope you join us again – until next time, God Bless.

P.s. apologies for the poor audio from me…I made a mistake in the recording, my laptop switched to my headset mic instead of my good mic without me realizing 🙄

When he was 30 years old, Nick was a typical bloke who didn’t believe in God.  He rode & raced motorbikes, worked in the...

When he was 30 years old, Nick was a typical bloke who didn’t believe in God. He rode & raced motorbikes, worked in the mines, and partied with his mates – he was living a regular guy life.

Then, one day, everything changed. He was involved in an accident that left him paralysed from the shoulders down.

Nick tells the story of his accident, the impact it had on his life and his investigation into anything & everything that might help him (from Visualisation & Positive Thinking to Reincarnation by going to see the Dalai Lama). Ultimately, his search led him to investigate how he could have a personal relationship with God.

It’s an inspiring story by an inspiring man. It’s about heartbreak, triumph and how God can change your life.

You can listen here:

Noel was just hours from death from a very, very aggressive cancer.  Noel and his wife Wendy share their story of the ca...

Noel was just hours from death from a very, very aggressive cancer. Noel and his wife Wendy share their story of the cancer that was growing on Noel’s head, so aggressively at one point, that they could see it growing bigger every day. The cancer ate through his skull into his brain, causing paralysis, and eventually making Noel bed ridden, unable to move or speak.

When he was only hours from death, something changed.

If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you know what happens…God steps in a performs a miracle.

Listen on Spotify or your podcast app, or head to our website (a warning - there are some photos of Noel's cancer on the website which are pretty confronting, but really add to the story).

God is amazing.

Alicia tells of her miraculous healing from depression after losing her medication when she was in Papua New Guinea – me...

Alicia tells of her miraculous healing from depression after losing her medication when she was in Papua New Guinea – medication she had been on for years and years, and couldn’t do without. She also talks about how she realised that she had been afraid to be healed.

It’s a wonderful story.

Pastor Craig recounts the story of how, in his mechanic workshop, a car fell off a jack while he was under it – and the ...

Pastor Craig recounts the story of how, in his mechanic workshop, a car fell off a jack while he was under it – and the full weight of the car (1.5-2.0 tonnes) fell on his head and body!!

We won’t spoil the surprise, but you’ve probably guessed by now that God does something miraculous for him.

Listen here or on your favourite podcast app.

Ben is interviewed by Pastor Peter Moore, where Ben recounts stories of several miraculous healings:1. Healing from Post...

Ben is interviewed by Pastor Peter Moore, where Ben recounts stories of several miraculous healings:

1. Healing from Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
2. Healing from Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
3. Healing from snapped Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL)

God is so gracious, powerful, and wonderful!

Head to for more information, photos and links.

Pastor Peter Moore tells his story of being involved in an incident where an out-of-control truck entered a highway rest...

Pastor Peter Moore tells his story of being involved in an incident where an out-of-control truck entered a highway rest-stop area where he and his family had just arrived. It’s a harrowing story, but one which is full of miracles. Lots of them.

Listen here or via Spotify or your favourite podcast app.

Paddy tells her story of how God transformed her from a 60 year old woman who was in such despair at the loss of her par...

Paddy tells her story of how God transformed her from a 60 year old woman who was in such despair at the loss of her parents that she was considering taking her own life, to a new person with an amazing outlook on life. She talks about the love of her new family of God and being healed of emphysema and asthma.

Adrian recounts his personal experience of being a volunteer firefighter on that notorious bushfire (forest fire) event ...

Adrian recounts his personal experience of being a volunteer firefighter on that notorious bushfire (forest fire) event in 1983 - "Ash Wednesday".

17 volunteer firefighters died that day (along with 58 other people).

Adrian was sent out on his own to check on a house & family, and when the fire front approached him, he had nowhere to go.

This is a pretty cool story.Ged talks about some truly amazing miracles he has experienced in his life, including the ti...

This is a pretty cool story.

Ged talks about some truly amazing miracles he has experienced in his life, including the time he was suffering from a stroke and was healed instantly while he was in the hospital.

And that's not the only miracle he talks about!

If you haven't experienced God's power in your life, you will be truly amazed at what God can do.

Mark 16:16 He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. 17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Want to know more? Send us via email [email protected] or head to our website to listen to other stories of God's power working people today.

Until our next episode, God Bless

Jane shares her struggle through a debilitating skin condition affecting her hands called Pompholyx Eczema.  https://rev...

Jane shares her struggle through a debilitating skin condition affecting her hands called Pompholyx Eczema.

As a mum, it stopped her from being able to do a whole range of things that she would otherwise do - she couldn't even tie her kid's shoelaces.

She talks about how it was so bad, she started drawing comparisons to lepers in the bible.

Jane tried all the possible remedies that doctors offered, none of which made any real difference.

And then, she handed it over to God....and he sure did come through with an amazing miracle.

Luke 7:22 “Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached.”

If you want to know how God can heal you, change you, and give you a new life, feel free to reach out to us via email [email protected] or head to our website to hear other amazing stories of God's power.

Until our next episode, God Bless.



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