The Blue

The Blue Creator of the videos Aether & The Hidden History on my YT channel The Blue


“The strength of the Russian Armed Forces will be increased to 1,500,000 military personnel, in proportion to external threats”
~ Shoigu, Russian Minister of Defense.

In the interview, Vladimir Putin talks about NATO.
By having pulled Finland into NATO, there will now be Russian weapons on its border - where there weren't any before.


Текущая погодная ситуация на линии фронта со стороны украинских позиций
The current weather situation on the front line from the Ukrainian positions

Smith Tower at Pacific still features the original magnificent glass halls with views of Mount Rainier and Mount Baker. ...

Smith Tower at Pacific still features the original magnificent glass halls with views of Mount Rainier and Mount Baker. Atop a gleaming copper dome, the octagonal glass structure guided sea and airship navigation in Elliott Bay. Alongside its 42-story skyscraper, grand hotels and an 1,800-seat theater welcomed visitors from around the world. Unfortunately, I will never go to Seattle to examine its structure insulated by red brick walls covered in richly decorated limestone (white terracotta?) on a 5,000-ton steel frame. For 50 years, it was the tallest building in Seattle, wirelessly relaying power from New York City until the construction of the Space Needle (1962). I estimate that the tower was built in the late 1700s, equipped with fireproof metal windows, heating and cooling system, 8 high-speed elevators, electricity, wireless communication and PTT (pneumatic tube transport) powered by compressed air. In the lobby, Indian frowns were added by the invaders over friezes with linear swastikas.
© MR

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December 15th
Special Military Operation

Kiev lost approximately 4,330 military personnel and 11 tanks, including one Leopard, in various sectors over the past week, as reported by the Ministry of Defense.

During the week, 82 Ukrainian military personnel were captured or voluntarily surrendered, according to the Defense Ministry briefing.

Russian air defense shot down a Ukrainian Mi-8 helicopter within a day, intercepted a "Tochka-U" missile, two S-200 missiles, and 119 drones in the past week, as noted by the Russian military.

On the Kherson front, all attempts by the AFU to land on islands and the left bank of the Dnepr were thwarted; the Armed Forces of Ukraine lost 17 boats, according to the Ministry of Defense.

🇷🇺 Governor Roman Starovoyt: "Six Ukrainian border guards surrendered on the border of the Kursk region. Soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in order to save your lives, go to frequency 149.200 and call “Volga”!"


“Fighterbomber: Well, there's nothing good in this video.
It’s really a miracle that a lot of people didn’t die and the plane wasn’t lost. “



🇺🇦 has no future.


“A group of Russian paratroopers from the 98th Airborne Division captured a strategic position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces near the village of Khromovo on the Bahmut-Chasov Yar highway in a sudden attack. An interesting detail: Unmanned aerial vehicles accompanied the fighters throughout the assault, providing reconnaissance and supply drops.”
~ Via:

Plato. Human imagination and artificial intelligence have limits. At some point a break occurs, a link that comes loose ...

Plato. Human imagination and artificial intelligence have limits. At some point a break occurs, a link that comes loose with a squeak or creak. Like the squeal of mice. Those who study history every day easily notice each broken piece of the mirror whose reflections show fragments of other objects. It is not necessary to look to Plato (428-348 BC) to see Napoleon's laurel wreath or Gemistos Plethon (1355-1452), a Byzantine-era scholar related to the also non-existent Medici. Each of these characters is filled with the thought and reflection of the sages of our previous civilization, yet they are nothing more than rag dolls. Loose, without solidity, without completeness. Not in ten lives could I examine every detail of this poorly written novel in which each new page rewrites the previous one or criticizes it, in a game of rusty scissors preventing the work from being stitched together and making sense. I think that the essence of what I know has already been described. Perhaps silence is more eloquent.
© MR
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“AFU reinforcements going to Avdeevka”


“In total, Ukraine has lost 1.4 million people from service since the beginning of SMO.

Of these, a huge part is associated with the failed offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in 2023. The obtained and published information about the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is colossal: 536,854 people (214,883 killed, 62 thousand missing, prisoners and disabled, the rest wounded) together with those “temporarily out of action” (864,374 people - SOC, wounded, but not decommissioned from service, the military is under investigation).

Ukraine is seriously beginning to mobilize women and expand the categories allowed for service. Western aid, and especially the latest aid package from Germany, is looking less and less convincing.

Now these Ukrainian teenagers will be ideologically programmed and sent to the trenches. Ukraine will have enough mobilization resources for a long time, until all the inhabitants of Ukraine run out.

Slowly, the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine begins to use reserves in the form of “Zelensky-Youth” at the front, which does not bother him at all. No one will remember the dead orphans anyway.

Aristotle. Another polymath. A bearded man in a toga, born in Thessaloniki, who taugh his disciples in Athens as he walk...

Aristotle. Another polymath. A bearded man in a toga, born in Thessaloniki, who taugh his disciples in Athens as he walked as Jesus. He would have founded science, tutored Alexander the Great, founded a library of rolled up papers. I imagine the work it took to produce hundreds of documents and then age them, making rolls to place in museums. He is said to have influenced Judeo-Islamic philosophies in the non-existent Middle Ages. I read little of Aristotle, I read more Plato. I think that aspects of his thought must have their origins in the anonymous men of the high culture that preceded us, mainly Aristotelian ethics with its emphasis on the development of excellence of character and conduct. His policy examined the issue of City-states, which actually existed before. I think that the virtues attributed to him forged the existence of a character called Jesus. The story they told us about our pseudo past is fascinating. Dinosaurs, Big Bang, Pharaos and son on. For Aristotle, that is, for our Previous Civilization, the cosmos was geocentric.
© MR


Ukrainians building their own "Surovikin Line"

People stands on shoulders of giants without know that they are supported by phantom who never existed. They are just li...

People stands on shoulders of giants without know that they are supported by phantom who never existed. They are just literary creations. The image of Galileo that illustrates this post is based on a fictional character called Albert Victor who died in 1882 after the Cleveland Street scandal but rose from the ashes to marry his brother's fiancée, reigning under the name George V.
Galileo, like Newton, was also a polymath. Astronomer, physicist and engineer dedicated to the study of gravity and free fall. With an improvised wooden tube, he would have observed the Milky Way, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn... The champion of heliocentrism would have been buried in the Basilica of Santa Croce, Florence, that was not a church but a power station with no tombs for ghosts ...

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When a ruthless killer attacks a superior civilization, he neutralizes any resistance, including the population, to feel...

When a ruthless killer attacks a superior civilization, he neutralizes any resistance, including the population, to feel safe (...) Full text on

The apple man.The false portrait of Isaac Newton was said to have been painted by 1st Baronet Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723...

The apple man.
The false portrait of Isaac Newton was said to have been painted by 1st Baronet Godfrey Kneller (1646-1723), a Stuart court painter of German-British origin. However, late Stuart and early Georgian period is a fiction. Therefore, if the painter never existed, how could he have painted a portrait of the big-nosed Newton? Wiki describes Newton as a polymath: mathematician, physicist, astronomer, alchemist, theologian, writer, natural philosopher, and president of the Royal Society. It was the encyclopedic celebrity that would have formulated the stupidity called Theory of Universal Gravitation. He would also have discovered that the Earth is an oblate spheroid whose demonstrative mathematical calculations no human being will be able to decipher in 100 lifetimes. However, our children are forced to accept these lies as absolute truth. Someone raised in this fantasy is unlikely to have a solid formation. Newton is a man of the Trinity. A current parasite dressed as a polymath from the 1600s.
© MR

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"The enemy has run out of strength"
Russian military personnel performing combat missions in the Rabotino area spoke about the situation on the contact line. According to our fighters, units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are suffering significant losses in manpower and equipment. Russian troops repulse all enemy attacks.”

🇷🇺 Russian Ministry of Defense

Flat Earth. In 2017 I wrote:  gravity does not exist. What moves the universe is electromagnetism. The water level does ...

Flat Earth.
In 2017 I wrote: gravity does not exist. What moves the universe is electromagnetism. The water level does not bend. The Earth is stationary. If the gravitational force existed, the Moon would have long ago attracted towards the Earth, the Earth colliding with the Sun. Sea waves does not exist due to the gravitational force of the Moon. It is the laws of buoyancy and density that make objects fall. Gravity is a necessary theory to justify the globe model.
Social media was on fire. Endless discussions on the subject. I gave up publishing, I don't like to argue. Since I was 20 years old, I knew that the earth was flat by observing the radius of incidence and size of the sun rays filtered through the clouds. The sun was close. When he left, it got dark, it was night. When he returned, it was morning, everything starting again. So simple. When the parasites took over the Earth, they invented the globe model. However, I think there is a universe (space) and other worlds beyond the Other Lands.

Flat Earth
Isaac Newton, the ghost apple-man
The obloid spinning 1,000 per hour
Galileo, the phanton that never existed
For Aristotle, the cosmos was geocentric

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I don't need money or likes.

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1.1 Million is the real death toll of Ukraine military.
It will be much more at the end of the war.

“The Ukrainian TV channel published information in a creeping line about more than 1.1 million dead and missing military personnel. After a call from Zelensky’s Office, the channel apologized for the “typo.”


“On one of the leading channels in Ukraine, a ticker appeared with the words that in 20 months, 1,126,652 (!) military personnel of the Ukrainian army had died or gone missing. The incident sparked outrage and the channel soon apologized, saying it was a misunderstanding.

In Ukraine, missing means dead, because they do this to underestimate the number of deaths and not provide compensation and wages to families in connection with the death.

The Turks previously reported that the loss of life in Ukraine amounted to more than 1 million people, and this has now been proven.

In a place like the Ukrainian media, where there is extremely strict censorship and everything is controlled in detail not only by Ukrainian, but also by Western intelligence, this means only one thing. This data probably appeared because the United States and Zaluzhny leaked this information.

Zaluzhny's supporters continued to react to the poor leadership of Zelensky and Yermak, as well as the disasters and pressure caused by politicians' involvement in the war”.


Our past. There is a concept I need to formulate for you who will watch my next video. Who remembers the name I gave to ...

Our past. There is a concept I need to formulate for you who will watch my next video. Who remembers the name I gave to our previous civilization in my Aether video? Yes, I called it as White Civilization (not due to skin color). So, if our civilization were White, what could our army be called? Who has the largest armies in the world, with the greatest military tradition and invincibility? Russia, China, N. Korea. White. The corresponding word in Russian can be translated as Белый. Белая Русь. Belarus. Don't forget it.
© MR

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"Ukrainian POW Stanislav Kadolov refused to fight after conscription. For this, he served six months in a Ukrainian pre-trial detention center, but after he was still sent to the front line and used as cannon fodder:

- I was detained during the curfew.
Law enforcement guys issued me a draft notice... I arrived at the draft office, they immediately assigned me a military unit, and was taken there the same day. Straight from the draft office to the military unit... After 10 days we decided that we didn’t want to fight anymore, gave our weapons to the company’s commander, and left.
Overall, around 100 people left the battalion that day... We were locked up, and spent half a year in prison... On the last day of being in prison, a commander arrived and took us to a village called Mezhevoye. I received the uniform there, other clothes, shoes… They gave me a weapon. They told us, “Guys, get ready.” We were 60 people, reservists. And as far as I understand only 2 survived."
~ from

A brief description of the customs of men and women of our past.Full text on read...

A brief description of the customs of men and women of our past.

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Parasites watch us, learning from us how to use our own arguments to fight us. I stated in my first Aether (2018) that o...

Parasites watch us, learning from us how to use our own arguments to fight us. I stated in my first Aether (2018) that our Civilization had been destroyed with some places been melted down through powerful weapons. Then a guy appeared on YT making videos in several languages showing complete excerpts of my work. I reported all of them for copyright infringement. He become extremely angry, even made a video insulting me. Some time later he opened another channel to defend the meltology deception. According to the silly theory, an electrical current from the grid is capable of cooking the lower architecture that is part of the grid, leaving the upper part intact. In other words, the rocky part on which the buildings are built melts under a mysterious action (which they cannot explain how or why) while the structures above remain intact. The thing is absurd and ridiculous. The mindless applauds the exotic theses, a byproduct of the same melted minds making cabagge babies, mudflood, Tartaria or reset videos.
© MR

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“Welcome to Ukraine US tech...”


Foggy Donbass, Ukrainian troops.
German Leopard 2A6 APU in the Avdeevka area drove far to the east.

“That is why Russia entered this war, so that they would not be here”, writes

Who would be the invaders? Those against whom so many walls, countless fortresses were built? The literature of conspira...

Who would be the invaders? Those against whom so many walls, countless fortresses were built? The literature of conspiracy theorists and controlled opposition abounds in pointing those responsible for the Earth calamities and the events that followed. Among the most absurd, those published by parasitic agents claiming that there was an army of orphans whose origin was cabbages, abundantly illustrated by hundreds of postcards altered in photoshop. The lies continue their course adding that these orphans would have been created in incubators, intended to repopulate the world after the non-existent reset, which in fact was a total destruction. Biotechnology, long before the 20th century (1901-2000) was largely capable of reproductive cloning. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Not necessary, as the world was populated by descendants of beings from Other Lands. The 20th century orphans were children of the World Army killed by the Nazi-Soviet army of occupation. An occupation army that was not Russian.
© MR

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Creating a character pursues several objectives. Let's say that the death of a certain poet serves to proclaim that merc...

Creating a character pursues several objectives. Let's say that the death of a certain poet serves to proclaim that mercury treatment leads to poisoning and heart failure. Let's say that his masterpiece reveres Lucifer as synonymous with Light, also proclaimming that the gender change is poetic, natural. A book that celebrates human irrelevance, demons, fallen angels, folklore, fictional myths. Let us say that the poet's existence serves as the basis for the identity of a country. That the language in which the old poet writes would testify to the veracity of an artificial culture created by the intelligentsia. If this poet could have a name, he would be called Eminescu. His best friend, Ioan Slavici. A contemporary literary critic, Titu Maiorescu. Another poet, Iacob Negruzzi. His literary club, Junimea.

Words in Romania's flamboyant culture which mean:
Eminent Michael,
Johnny Slave,
Big Man,
Jacob Blackened,
Donkey Meeting.

It has been more than 6 years since I wrote that parasites mock us.
© MR

Princesses should stick to fairy tales. When transported to the real world, they could become witches. Princess Alexandr...

Princesses should stick to fairy tales. When transported to the real world, they could become witches. Princess Alexandrine apparently dedicated herself only to a life of travel and seasons in many castles, palaces ...

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Beautiful. However, amidst so much grandeur and elegance covering this dome that was built using high technology with pu...

Beautiful. However, amidst so much grandeur and elegance covering this dome that was built using high technology with purposes unknown to most modern mortals, one detail stands out from the whole. A smaller figure, which does not fit in with the rest and which was added by modern civilization in order to support a fictional story. I won't say what it is. Make your bets ;))

This image appeared in my (FB) feed, posted by a group called Cultural Heritage. The caption says it is the Basilica of San Antonio in Padua, Italy. Not true. The structure is just a powerful device.
© MR

Britons have an enviable imagination, capable of creating extraordinary works of fiction. One of them tells us about an ...

Britons have an enviable imagination, capable of creating extraordinary works of fiction. One of them tells us about an Austro-Hungarian journalist who was supposedly the father of Zionism
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We will rebuild

William Whewell was the non-existent genius who coined the words electrode, ion, anode and cathode. I would put electrod...

William Whewell was the non-existent genius who coined the words electrode, ion, anode and cathode. I would put electrode, anode and cathode in the parasite silly invention category and consider only the ion. The smallest and only particle in the universe, as I wrote in my Aether video.

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About Parasites. Each person interprets the past according to the knowledge they have acquired throughout their lives. M...

About Parasites. Each person interprets the past according to the knowledge they have acquired throughout their lives. Many believe that parasites are demonic beings that emerged from other worlds, arriving in spaceships to storm us. Sorry to disappoint...

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Faroe Islands. Far away islands. Why would that remote islands have attracted the attention of British and Germans in Wo...

Faroe Islands. Far away islands. Why would that remote islands have attracted the attention of British and Germans in World War II?

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When dissecting an ant, the anthill is exposed. Barbarities said by groups using Tartaria's name are appalling. Sometime...

When dissecting an ant, the anthill is exposed. Barbarities said by groups using Tartaria's name are appalling. Sometimes they say Tartaria did not have bathrooms or it was a Mongol empire in China ...

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The truth must be pursued even if escapes between the fingers, hidden under several layers. Copyright © Marcia Ramalho, The Blue. All rights reserved. You can only share my posts. No copies are authorized. Any infringement will be reported.