I am the full time carer of my beloved who is daily overcoming Parkinson's every day! He inspires me in ways that are beyond anything I could have ever imagined! It may have slowed him down but it sure has not stopped him at all! In Addition to that I also do some of the following...
Online Biz Mapping • Bold Graphics & Biz Coach • Jumpstart Coach for Online Business using VOICE as their primary t
ool for connecting with this audiences • Author of becoming BOLD you • Spontaneous Songstress
We help speakers & thought leaders clarify their message and develop confidence through the beBOLDyou™ Voice and Visual Branding Workshop System. When speakers apply this system they will show up boldly, create impact & make the world a better place! I am the Owaka Town Crier, a Performance Artist & Encouraging Speaker: Living life with a positive outlook using my voice to share words and songs to inspire you to be fully alive on this journey we call LIFE! I also enjoy photography and adding text to graphics to uplift and encourage! I am often in front of a crowd whether I am shouting out a cry, speaking or singing a song. I enjoy doing these things and look forward to the next opportunity to share life with YOU! I have been and am an Inspirational Speaker, Singer & Photographer! • I am on the journey of writing books and as such am currently Authoring the Upcoming Books ' ' and 'My Unplanned Abortion' • In my spare time or to anyone who needs the gift I share a discovery that has changed the life of myself and my beloved - that being redox signaling molecules. Because of our journey with those we decided to join a company and I am currently (as of June 2016) a Director 700 with ASEA • to learn more about me and what I do you may visit my website at http://designbycyndilu.net Thanks and Blessings!