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A.D.A.L. Records ALL DAY ALL LONG RECORDS: Bringing you the best (and worst) of living-room recordings.


Happy New Year from Joe King, Kody Smith, ABC News, Bugs Bunny, and Elmer Fudd!

We're not much for memes here at ADAL Records, but this gave us a chuckle. (Created by Band Memes 666)

We're not much for memes here at ADAL Records, but this gave us a chuckle.

(Created by Band Memes 666)


It's the Friday before Halloween and ADAL Records has an early treat for you! Alumni Kody Smith and Chris Gooding have conjured a tune to celebrate the spooky season. So put on your wigs, make-up, masks, 'n' costumes, and join us for HALLOWEEN IN MORTVILLE.

(P.S. Should you dig Chris & Kody's song, here's a link to an EP they recorded back in 2008: STRAIGHT FROM THE HEPTAGONAL RING. https://www.bandlab.com/adalrecords/albums/dae92cc6-b6b4-eb11-a7ad-0004ffd347f9 )

Last month, the original Sweet 'N' Gross trio (Joe King, Kody Smith, and Mike King) reunited on The Gulf Shore to work o...

Last month, the original Sweet 'N' Gross trio (Joe King, Kody Smith, and Mike King) reunited on The Gulf Shore to work on a new album.

They've created music in recent years through file-sharing, but this was the first time they'd worked together in-person since 2009, and the first recording since 2008. Not much can be said about the album except that it will be the most ambitious A.D.A.L. outing to date.

In all honesty, it's far too early to be mentioning the project or what it's all about, but the fellas had such a fun time with their ridiculous recording set-up that they thought they would share.

Sweet 'N' Gross! No one asked for it... but they're back!


Joe King & Kody Smith met in the late ‘90s at Springhill High School. They (along with a few other young fellas) immediately began playing weird music in their spare time.

Joe & Kody have been in a couple of bands together, played some live shows, and collaborated on more A.D.A.L. albums than either of them can remember.

Nowadays they’re both old, boring dads living quiet, monotonous lives. But if you plumb through the layers of crust, you’ll find that, at heart, Joe & Kody are still those plucky teenagers from the ‘90s, salivating to shape strange sounds.

With that in mind, Joe & Kody (who haven’t seen each other in twelve years) decided to do what they’ve always done and record another low budget (no budget) album together. Half of it was created at Joe’s house in Nova Scotia, half at Kody’s house in New Brunswick, and the whole thing was edited/mixed in the front seat of an SUV (with a seven-pound Chihuahua bouncing around the vehicle) parked at the Fredericton YMCA while the kids were at swimming lessons.

When asked what the music sounds like, Joe & Kody responded: “Pretend you’re suffering from food poisoning but decide to attend Karaoke Night at your local watering-hole anyway. On stage are two men, two microphones, and a keyboard. The men are familiar, but you can’t quite pin names to their faces. They begin their set. You recognize all the songs, but the music isn’t exactly how you remember it. You know all the lyrics, but the men don’t always sing the words correctly. You’d much rather just go home, but the strange music sucks you in. You stay for the entire set. Afterward you wonder what the hell you’d just listened to.

Our album sounds like that.”

Well…. okay then.

Joe & Kody’s album, OFF-KILTER KARAOKE, will be available tomorrow. For now, they’d like to share the track list and a three-minute video with samples from the album. Enjoy!


1. INTRO (King of Springhill)

We're often asked: "Since you record all of your albums in living rooms, basements, and sheds, with frizzled microphones...

We're often asked: "Since you record all of your albums in living rooms, basements, and sheds, with frizzled microphones and laptops that only run Windows '98, what does an average A.D.A.L. recording setup look like?"

Well, it just so happens we have a behind-the-scenes photo of Joe King & Kody Smith as they work on their new album (available later this month!).

All Day All Long Records would like to take a moment to appreciate HOME RECORDO! It's the device we've used to create th...

All Day All Long Records would like to take a moment to appreciate HOME RECORDO! It's the device we've used to create the hundreds of songs in our ADAL library, and we have no intention of updating our equipment anytime soon. Thanks, HOME RECORDO!


All Day All Long Records has been quiet of late, so here's an interpretation of AC/DC's HELL'S BELLS by Joe King & Kody Smith to liven up the party!

Recorded in late 2022 under common A.D.A.L. conditions: in living rooms, with shoddy gear, and a zero-dollar budget; Joe & Kody play a version of this classic '80s tune unlike anything recorded before.

Are Joe & Kody currently working on a whole album of cover songs, everything from Pantera to Billy Ray Cyrus? Yes, they are! They hope to be finished sometime later this year. For now, think of Hell's Bells as their first single.

Pop in some earbuds and enjoy!

(Satan photos provided by internet robots.)


Déjà vu. Time loops. Tedious familiarity. These are the words that may come to mind when we mention that there’s, yet again, another version of THE SUPER NINJAS video game available for download.

We know, we know. But remember what Leonardo da Vinci said: “Art is never finished, only abandoned.”

Created by Queen Slowstep, the world of THE SUPER NINJAS was conceived in 2002 and developed over the next five years. Since then, the game has seen minor updates; with a notable 2017 update of Brobdingnagian proportions.

Slowstep thought he was finally ready to abandon the Ninjas, but new life has been breathed into the game, and Slowstep is proud to announce, for the game's twentieth anniversary: THE SUPER NINJAS DELUXE PLUS version 9.4; with SEVEN new zones, AND the game now works on both Windows PCs and Android 9.3 cellular devices.

To download the final version of THE SUPER NINJAS for FREE, simply call 1-800-597-DIRTYOLDTSN, or visit: https://gamejolt.com/games/the-super-ninjas/131855

But first, please click play below and watch a brand new THE SUPER NINJAS commercial!

The Super Ninjas 2002 – 2022. Rated PG-13.

New for 2022: 'Sweet and Gross' vaporizers!That's right! Now you can listen to all of your favourite A.D.A.L. Records mu...

New for 2022: 'Sweet and Gross' vaporizers!

That's right! Now you can listen to all of your favourite A.D.A.L. Records music while puffing on this incredible, fashionable, high-tech, resin-vaping stick.

Simply insert your handy-dandy resin cartridge into the vaporizer (similar to how you used to insert games into your Super Nintendo), and suck to your heart's delight! You'll know the vaporizer is working when lights appear on the back, and your lungs feel like they're about to burst! It's just that easy!

So what are you waiting for? Put your copy of Slow Burner into the stereo, and order your 'Sweet and Gross' vaporizer today!

DISCLAIMER (One of a kind product; not actually for sale).


If you're too tired or drunk to read the kids a Christmas story before bed tonight, let Bloody Cat Eggs do it for you! Please enjoy BLOODY CAT EGGS IN A PEAR TREE: a Christmas poem.


Boil yourself a Hot Toddy, and curl up with this (sort of) Christmas song. It's a cover of a Monster Magnet tune (DEAD CHRISTMAS), created by our favourite Christmas elf: Saint Bucket.




It's December 1st; time to shamelessly plug old A.D.A.L. Christmas tunes!

Here is I SAW DADDY KISSING KRAMPUS by BLOODY CAT EGGS (Charlie Smith, Audrey Smith, Kody Smith, and Julian Merlin).

"Merry Krampus to all, and to all a good fright!"

Text from a fan.

Text from a fan.

Tonight is October’s full moon, and today is Bloody Cat Eggs’ CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF!We know this album isn’t going to be...

Tonight is October’s full moon, and today is Bloody Cat Eggs’ CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF!

We know this album isn’t going to be palatable to everyone. It’s not the kind of thing you’d blast in the car to rid yourself of anxiety during the Monday morning commute; nor is it the choice album when dinner guests arrive. But if you don’t mind your music a little kooky and your stories a little spooky, then you might find a chuckle or a chill inside.

Audrey, Charlie, and Kody picked away at this for ten months, but they had help from lots of good friends. Therefore, many a thank you is in order.

“Thanks to Chantelle Daigle because she has to live with us.

Thanks to Matt Tabor, Ken Potter, and Joe King; who each created new music specifically for this foolish endeavour. There’s no way we could have pulled this off without you guys.

But they aren’t the only fellas who play on this. We were fortunate enough to be granted access to previously recorded instrumental jam sessions, and given full rein to manipulate them into Bloody Cat Eggs songs. The musicians involved in those sessions are: Julian Merlin, Joe Potter, Justin Adams, Adam Matthews, Matt Williams, Mike King, Chris Gooding, Chris Brown, and Joe King again. Thanks, guys! You are all men of fine breeding.

Lastly, we have to thank Gary Busey, Bernie Wrightson, and, of course, Stephen King. Please don’t sue us; we’re only kids!”

CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF audio version: https://www.bandlab.com/adalrecords/albums/c7e41896-462d-ec11-981f-0004ffd34262 (You may be asked to sign in to Bandlab; simply ignore and X out of the window that pops up, and you'll find the album.)

CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF illustrated version: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTNrWVjOXhs3xwir_7M3swot1hEPVywH

(CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF is rated R for language, terror, violence, and gore. Viewer/listener discretion is advised.)


What the hell even is a concept album/radio adaption/audio book except pretentious mumbo jumbo?

We recently caught up with BLOODY CAT EGGS to ask them.

Audrey (age 8): “Well, our album is a blend of concept music, radio adaption, and audio book because it tells a story. There are twelve songs, and each song represents a chapter from Stephen King’s CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF. Like Sergei Prokofiev’s Peter and the Wolf, we’ve assigned specific instruments (in our case, Casio keyboard sounds) to certain characters, and both the protagonist and the antagonist have musical themes that reoccur when their characters appear in the story.”

Charlie (age 10): “It’s an album because there is original music throughout. It’s a radio adaption because we’ve crammed it full of B-grade acting, sound effects, and Gary Busey dialogue samples. It’s an audio book because the whole thing is narrated by Audrey and me.”

Kody (age 40): “Ummm… what they said.”

Pretentious mumbo jumbo indeed.

BLOODY CAT EGGS revealed to us their album’s track list and duration (around 58 minutes), plus we have a five minute sampler to give you a little taste of what CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF is all about!

(Sampler rated R for language, terror, violence, and gore. Viewer discretion is advised.)

01. January (The Cycle Begins)
02. February (Valentine at the Window)
03. March (The Power’s Out in Tarker’s Mills)
04. April (A Bad Day to Fly a Kite)
05. May (The Beast Walks Among Us)
06. June (The Shortest Night of the Year)
07. July (Uncle Al’s Fireworks)
08. August (So Much for Good Police Work)
09. September (Pigs)
10. October (Trick or Treat, It’s the Beast!)
11. November (A Trip to the Mailbox, A Trip to Portland)
12. December (The Cycle Ends)

BLOODY CAT EGGS also wanted to relay that they recently checked their calendar, and they’ve decided to move CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF’s release date to Wednesday, October 20th… the day of the full moon!

*A lone wolf howls in the distance.*

As their nom de guerre – BLOODY CAT EGGS – Charlie Smith, Audrey Smith, and Kody Smith (with the generous help from a be...

As their nom de guerre – BLOODY CAT EGGS – Charlie Smith, Audrey Smith, and Kody Smith (with the generous help from a bevy of Springhill musicians) have spent the past ten months recording and piecing together a full length concept album/radio adaption/audio book inspired by Stephen King’s novella, CYCLE OF THE WEREWOLF.

They're still working on some finishing touches, so that’s all they're going to say about it for now. It’s set to be released on October 24th, with a five minute sampler available sometime next week.

For now, please enjoy their band photo.

Springhill, Nova Scotia: a community best known for its tragedies (from coal mine disasters to fires that flattened Main...

Springhill, Nova Scotia: a community best known for its tragedies (from coal mine disasters to fires that flattened Main Street) and its musicians (from Anne Murray to Jester’s Destiny to some kid banging on a drum kit in their basement on Pleasant Street).

It was French writer Antonin Artaud who said: “No one has ever written, painted, sculpted, modeled, built, or invented except literally to get out of hell.” Could the inexhaustible volume of Springhill musicians be the fallout of past tragedies? As a forty year old man who calls himself Pimp Daddy Hoe Bucket, I’m probably not the right person to answer that question. But it’s something to consider.

While visiting Springhill you could tour The Anne Murray Centre and see actual Gold records, Junos, and Grammys that Springhill music has achieved; however Springhill music is much more than accolades in pop, country, and adult contemporary.

Springhill music is catchy, original rock groups, and bar bands that can immaculately cover classic rock tunes. It’s singer-songwriters harmonizing poems they’ve transmuted into music, and electronic wizards flicking switches and switching records. It’s musical theatre and the odd punk or metal band. It’s someone rapping to themselves in their bedroom, and early morning shower-singers, and that old, well-dressed, bald guy who used to live on McGee Street and play his grand piano while wearing a suit every day at 4 AM.

I know what you’re thinking. “Hoe Bucket, you dummy, that describes just about any ol’ town. There are talented musicians all over the damn place.” And I’ll pleasantly agree with you.

However, per capita, it’s always seemed that Springhill has had more musicians running through its veins than any other ol’ town. You can’t walk two blocks without running into seven people who play guitar.

And that’s wonderful.

But far on the outskirts of those wondrous Grammys and rock bands and grand pianos you’ll find the Springhill musical equivalent of a mutant chained to the rafters in your attic: ADAL Records.

Founded in 2005, All Day All Long Records is an imaginary record label that actually cranks out an album every now and again.

It’s an idea that music doesn’t have to always rely on theory or pristine recording conditions to be entertaining.

It’s a place where otherwise conventional musicians can loosen their ties, put their feet up, and act like weirdos for a little while.

It’s a collection of music recorded by friends with bellies full of alcohol; in the finest living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, basements, sheds, and cabins that Nova Scotia and New Brunswick has to offer.

Some songs were captured with high-end dynamic microphones and others with 1998 we**am microphones. Such is the way of ADAL Records.

Anyway, the point of all this babble is that we’ve finally uploaded our entire back catalogue to a website where it can easily be streamed or downloaded for free. We currently have 194 songs on the site; featuring solo artists Queen Slowstep, Average Sound, DJ S’Nuff, Clampton Clawes, Shirtless Dirk, and Doctor Chis, plus bands like Sweet N’ Gross, Morris Code and the Signal, Straight From The Heptagonal Ring, Maimed by Hooves, Bloody Cat Eggs, Jeremy Reads, Camp Jams, Dawn and the Candles, Chantal’s Wedding, The New Bagsweat, and probably some other stuff that I’m forgetting.

For the people involved in ADAL Records, this site can act as a time capsule of sorts; since the majority of these songs were created when we were in our twenties, and that wasn’t yesterday.

And for fans of weird, low budget music from the Maritimes… https://www.bandlab.com/adalrecords/albums

- Pimp Daddy Hoe Bucket

(EDIT: You may be prompted to sign in to Bandlab. Simply X out of the window and you'll be taken directly to the ADAL albums. Thanks for listening!)

SURPRISE! We have a brand new DJ S'Nuff album for you; right here, right now! It is titled THE RET-CONNING, and we were ...


We have a brand new DJ S'Nuff album for you; right here, right now! It is titled THE RET-CONNING, and we were able to catch up with Mr. S'Nuff recently to get a few words on the album.

"I'm sure if you're reading this than you've been thinking to yourself that this pandemic would have been a lot more enjoyable with some homemade electronic beats.

You probably have not been thinking about what DJ S'Nuff has been doing these last few years besides enjoying the legalization of ma*****na.

Well, DJ S'Nuff - ever the procrastinating recluse - has come back to the ADAL fold.

Like previous DJ S'Nuff projects, this album is an ode to personal strife. It's also a reaction to the pandemic and even though it is late in the game, I hope it helps take your mind off the world's misery for at least a little while."

Enjoy THE RET-CONNING on Bandlab: https://www.bandlab.com/adalrecords/albums/70ab759b-57a7-eb11-85aa-0004ffd34857

or YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyTNrWVjOXhuUT4n6-7lv_9BSU5UVHlFh

Solstice has arrived and so has A LANDFILL OF FORGOTTEN FRUITCAKE!The track listing (which may entice some and repulse o...

Solstice has arrived and so has A LANDFILL OF FORGOTTEN FRUITCAKE!

The track listing (which may entice some and repulse others) is as follows:

1. I SAW DADDY KISSING KRAMPUS (featuring guitars garbed in garland by Julian Merlin)


3. COAL IN MY STOCKING (featuring seasonally slick techno beats by Matt Tabor)



Kody, Charlie, and Audrey hope you enjoy this and they wish you a Merry Christmas!

A.D.A.L. Records reminds you that this is best enjoyed through earbuds or decent speakers. Santa puts people who listen to music through crappy tablet speakers on his naughty list.

The YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RAHFu5GJkdI&list=PLyTNrWVjOXhsxsZR8-pzfwbzc3Hfrvecg

And a link for Dropbox in case anyone is weird enough to want to download these songs: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cgljxu90hqrnifb/AADmoMC6mop5LrawDwADvD0Ua?dl=0

Dropbox may ask to you sign in; just ignore that and X out of it. You should then be taken to the songs.


Last spring Kody Smith and his daughters, Audrey and Charlie, formed the lo-fi avant-garde band BLOODY CAT EGGS and recorded an E.P. while in quarantine.

On December 21st they’ll be back with a brand new, five song, Christmas E.P. called A LANDFILL OF FORGOTTEN FRUITCAKE. Using broken instruments, a recording program from the ‘90s, a digital camera (remember those?), some crayons and loose leaf, and a little egg nog, Bloody Cat Eggs has crafted an eleven and a half minute Christmas variety show that will have you both singing along and scratching your head in confusion.

Here’s a little teaser video to tide you over until Monday. (Best enjoyed through earbuds or decent speakers. What are you doing listening to music through crappy smart phone speakers anyway?)

Last January the folks at A.D.A.L. Records had a couple of projects on the back burner that would've been completed by n...

Last January the folks at A.D.A.L. Records had a couple of projects on the back burner that would've been completed by now if this year hadn't ended up the way it did. But sometimes good comes with bad, and different projects arose that likely wouldn't have happened if this year hadn't been like a feverish, toddler tantrum.

Two of those projects are: another E.P. from Bloody Cat Eggs (their second this year!) and a brand new, full-length album from A.D.A.L.'s very own master of the dance floor, DJ S'Nuff, with his first new output since 2009!

Both of those will be released before the year's end, but for now we figure it's the proper time to remind everyone of 2019's lo-fi, Christmas E.P., JESUS & PRESENTS, which contains:




And a completely ridiculous cover of Monster Magnet's DEAD CHRISTMAS by Pimp Daddy Hoe Bucket.

JESUS & PRESENTS is the kind of lo-fi nonsense that you'll either instantly forget or return to year after year. Enjoy!

We'll talk to everyone soon about the new releases!

Click the link for JESUS & PRESENTS!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4AN7s8-4L8&list=PLyTNrWVjOXhtMVyI6QWyUrVzy_MCXA5XV

Has your food been sending you messages? Even worse, have you been responding? Cabin fever can happen to the best of us,...

Has your food been sending you messages? Even worse, have you been responding? Cabin fever can happen to the best of us, so here's a new compilation of forgotten or unreleased songs to stop you from scaling your living room walls.

The album is called JARS OF PICKLED JAM BANDS and it contains music from Jeremy Reads, Camp Jams, Sweet N' Gross with DJ S'Nuff, and Clampton Clawes and the UNB String Ensemble! JARS OF PICKLED JAM BANDS can be found on either YouTube, or for free download from our Dropbox! Here are the links for both.

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jsQoPa9yuo&list=PLyTNrWVjOXhsgZgzAWFbcgmpEZHg131D9

Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2gv8hzkvufihpbt/AACSodiJsbWYnD5UuoE08r-Wa?dl=0

Stay safe, everyone. And wash your damn hands!

Old posters, live photos, recording photos, and other nostalgia.

Old posters, live photos, recording photos, and other nostalgia.


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20:00 - 00:00


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