Hey all! 👋
Bit of a long one ahead but we'd be keen to get some insights/feedback from actual people for a concept we've had for the last few years around Derry Halloween. To really simplify it, if you don't know who we are - we're a local company that does all sorts of live event broadcasting. We've been toying with the idea of running a high-quality live broadcast of the Halloween parade/fireworks/drone show/etc for the last few years.
The main concept of the stream is to not only bring more of a global audience to Derry for the festival's finale but also to make Derry's Halloween even more accessible. For example, We've worked with care homes on the Cemetery Sunday streams before to allow their non-mobile residents to not feel like they're missing whatever is happening and thinking something similar with this too. It also allows for those who might not react well to large crowds/loud noises to still enjoy the whole thing but in a bit more of a controlled environment. These are just a few examples but the list of use cases could go on quite a bit.
Ideally, it would be on a free-to-watch basis on something easily accessible, like YouTube, with maybe some local companies sponsoring the production of the broadcast. We've spoken to the council numerous times but there was no real interest from them.
It definitely could be expanded on, but really I was just looking to see if you guys think it would be worth looking into and maybe if it's something that you think you or someone you'd know would take advantage of!