As more and more people are turning off the news and not purchasing newspapers, media organizations are needing to change what the are doing to have and build an audience. Celebrating Positive News Month in July and celebrating Positive News Day on July 15 can be part of the solution. They were created to promote positive news on a global level. During the month of July and especially on or as clo
se to July 15 as possible, all news media outlets—traditional and online—are invited to participate in a global media blitz that focuses on positive events and/or finding a positive spin on otherwise "negative" news. The goal is to change the definition of “news” and to someday not need a special time to focus on positive news. One way to look at it is that we want to change adversity into affirm-ity. During July, traditional media outlets are invited to publish/broadcast stories focusing on a positive angle as often as possible and on July 15 to have at least one story and preferably a full publication/broadcast focusing on positive news to create a commitment to Positive New Day. Citizen journalists worldwide are invited to submit stories to local media, and to share posts and blogs in social media focusing on positive news so local media know of the interest. Examples of positive news include someone helping another person, a change of attitude from something that seemed devastating, and a local organization that gives back to the community. Everyone is then invited to visit to post their contributions to promoting Positive News Day either as a link or a full original article or video. You also can share them on this page. Resources for sharing the event, including letters to the editor, a press release, a logo, and theme song also are available on the website on the Media Kit page. Some of the items shared on this page may be shared on the Positive News Media website at Please share positive news so that someday we can have positive news every day as the norm instead of needing to schedule an annual event. Feel free to post and share on social media using the hashtag , on this page, the Positive News Day blog (, or on the Positive News Media website ( any time throughout the year also. (See Events of the page or the website for more details. Go to the website to hear the theme song that will be released especially in time for Positive News Day.) This event is sponsored by True Visions Media ( and Purpose Talk Radio (