Mark McLaren Photography

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  • Mark McLaren Photography

Mark McLaren Photography Karratha Photographer and Videographer Capturing images, video media and content writing. My travels have taken me to some awesome places. Cheers

Landscape Photography Commercial and domestic services Via Hi i am a freelance photographer and media creator based in Karratha in the Pilbara. I enjoy writing and passionate about all facets of capturing the perfect image coupled with my words . Just back from Scotland , Iceland and now capturing the North West of Australia in all its glory

The quest is always ongoing..


Check out my business page:

Connect : [email protected]

Certified UAV Pilot offering Drone photography , Mapping, Surveys.

The best thing about having a night at the islands here, is when you leave the lights on it adds to the view ;) Happy hu...

The best thing about having a night at the islands here, is when you leave the lights on it adds to the view ;)
Happy hump day..

Lets start the week off by telling each other what we did over the weekend ..Ill go first ..I headed up to the Historic ...

Lets start the week off by telling each other what we did over the weekend ..
Ill go first ..

I headed up to the Historic Town site Cossack and was filming for and the City of Karratha . It was the last day of the Cossack Art Awards.

The place was buzzing and full of families . It was the first time i have seen Cossack being enjoyed by so many people.
It gave me a real insight of what it may have sounded like back in its day ..

Apart from the ice cold slushy machines and kebab van which smelt fantastic !

I clicked and filmed away and bumped into so may faces i hadnt seen for a while and each one greeted me with a beautiful smile.

It was a lovely day.

I have attached a pic for you...

Ok .. Your turn......

Woodside Energy Rio Tinto

Fridays are my favourite day ..always loved a Friday ... So today is no exception .. sitting here editing a clients vide...

Fridays are my favourite day ..

always loved a Friday ...

So today is no exception .. sitting here editing a clients video and images i took a break to have a coffee and remind myself why i love the PIlbara.

It didn't take long .. As you know i was out at the Islands and took some whale shots .. Then this little fella rocked up ..
Now its that time of the year for turtles and i think they were wrestling ....

So it wont be long before mumma turtles are dragging themselves up a long sandy beach .. Digging a huge hole.. Laying eggs.. Burying them and heading back into the ocean..

So with all that Have an awesome weekend beautiful people :)

Just back from the Dampier Archipelago.. A long day on the water and a vist from this beautiful creature .I was so tempt...

Just back from the Dampier Archipelago.. A long day on the water and a vist from this beautiful creature .
I was so tempted to get in the water and swim with it .. but remembered there are other things in there too ..

So i took a photo.. however i have promised myself that it will happen.. Once i put my big boy pants on ..

Until then ... this..

When you pop down to the local with your mate for a drink...Have a lovey weekend beautiful people :)

When you pop down to the local with your mate for a drink...

Have a lovey weekend beautiful people :)

Well hello…What have you missed?Not a lot.. its been a rollercoaster of a few weeks.. more dips than highs..  but that’s...

Well hello…

What have you missed?

Not a lot.. its been a rollercoaster of a few weeks.. more dips than highs.. but that’s roller coasters for you ..

However as this little carriage trundled back into the station.. The bar lifts and I sit for a moment before the eager thrill seekers clambering in to take the freshly vacated seat, have no idea of the journey that just unfurled.

Im sure you can see the finger prints on the safety bar..

Talking of safety...

I do love this image as when I took it , I thought that the “seaweed man” looked as if he had just dragged himself onto the rock .. tired and happy to be safe..

So with me freshly back in the driving seat and clicking away.. and the little seaweed man high and dry on his rock...have yourself a wonderful weekend beautiful people.

Well did you think id miss my weekend  post ?Just home from a beautiful day out on the water filming.Now my little weary...

Well did you think id miss my weekend post ?

Just home from a beautiful day out on the water filming.

Now my little weary eyes are closing, but before i let them ...
I thought id share this .

Nothing spectacular ... not even a hint of a sunset hue... but even so .. it caught my eye !

With that i will bid you a good night and awesome weekend beautiful people ..

Have a good one 🙂

Well whats your plans ... ?Mine ..?  working ...But enjoyable "working"..Whatever and wherever you find yourself  enjoy ...

Well whats your plans ... ?

Mine ..? working ...

But enjoyable "working"..

Whatever and wherever you find yourself enjoy ..

Happy Friday beautiful people.

Sunset at Hearsons Cove ..

When you lose something and only mum knows where it is ..Captured this tonight right on the last of the light ..

When you lose something and only mum knows where it is ..
Captured this tonight right on the last of the light ..

Almost heaven ... West Virginia ... Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah RiverLife is old there, older than the treesYounger...

Almost heaven ... West Virginia ...
Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River
Life is old there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains, growin' like a breeze....
You know the rest .. and if you are anything like me .. now humming the song .. Apologies..

Yip this ol country road was trying to take me home .. but a bolt of lightning knocked out the button that lifted the barrier and turned off the red flashing lights.

So as any self respecting Pilbara road user would do .. we all got out made friends .. put up the drone for a selfie ..

With Thursday closing the door and Friday walking up the path ... I thought id start organising my images .. "keep or de...

With Thursday closing the door and Friday walking up the path ... I thought id start organising my images .. "keep or delete" for my website .. I know .. WEBSITE ! ..
Its now going to be a thing .. stay tuned..
Anyway as i was saying .. i was going through the image bank .. I must have got through ...3 images.. and opened up this one ..
Im sure you may remember it .

This was on a surprise trip to Scotland.. i ended up at the Edinburgh fringe and as customary in Scotland .. If you mention the word hioliday ...It rains.

And it rained.. The poor street performers on the royal mile were continually running to shelter each time the heavens opened up.

As i stood there under half a tartan umbrella , supplied by a Japanese tourist. Watching all the visitors to the city continue about their business. Some were running , some were drenched and did not seem to care . Then there was this th*****me , laughing and protecting their little pooch from the weather.

Before i knew it i had clicked the moment .

Now as i sit here typing this post, looking at the image i can remember that moment so well, which is strange... As i cant remember last weeks dinner.

Well thats a memory for Friday.. Maybe i shall get another 3 images processed by Monday...
..The thing is , its nice to have the memory.. but the real joy is making them..

Have a memory making weekend beautiful people.

Edinburgh VisitScotland - Your Scotland

We had a bit of rain in Karratha / Dampier yesterday . As always the local kids in Dampier head to the foreshore to stan...

We had a bit of rain in Karratha / Dampier yesterday . As always the local kids in Dampier head to the foreshore to stand beside the flooded areas and wait for vehicles to go through and drench them.

I must have given them a few passes and made me chuckle watching them jump up and down as I headed back to go through the water each time. It’s funny how the simple things in life are replaced as we get older.
Let the inner child in you bubble up this weekend .

I might have been away filming , but as Elvis once crooned ..."You were always on my mind.. You were always on my mind ....

I might have been away filming , but as Elvis once crooned ..."You were always on my mind.. You were always on my mind ... Now you have that song playing in your ear i shall let you enjoy the vista as he sings ;)
Hope your Wednesday was a sweet one and that Thursday is equally as good if not better ...

Uhu ! .. Thank you very much ..

Markie has left the building ;)

.... Good Morning ...Have yourself a beautiful weekend .. Get out amongst it :)

.... Good Morning ...

Have yourself a beautiful weekend .. Get out amongst it :)

A wee trip down memory lane ... The beauty of the Pilbara


Well this post is a very different one ..

Tonight ... I would like you to picture the image in your head ..

Created from my account of todays little experience..

Ok ... clear your mind .. Sit back and let your imagination take you to my place ...

" The weather here is fantastic at the moment and still seas .. make the exploration of the Dampier Archipelago by boat like driving a car .. No bumps .. No massive swell .. Just smooth passage under blue clear skies and silky deep blue seas !

I pulled into a bay around 5pm tonight .. the sky was taking on the light lilac hue as the sun started its descent . I flicked a small squid lure out onto the millpond surface and instantaneously hooked a squid.
First this year and it didnt feel like much as i reeled it in ..As it got nearer the boat it became real obvious that this little guy had attitude . It was so small , the size of my hand and as i netted it , i thought.. "Todays your lucky day little fella"

I reached into the net and its little tentacles were all around the lure. I carefully unravelled each one and as i did so , i explained to the little squid that if if meet with him later on in life he might not be so lucky.

It slayed its little tentacles around as if to acknowledge my kindness , then its little beak was shown (Squid have a little parrot like beak in the middle of of there tentacles for eating.)
As i stood there holding it i admired the little thing showing its mouthpart and watched as it oped and closed . A millisecond after i dropped it to go free back into the beautiful clear water ,
I was engulfed "Whoosh!" from the little squids ink and slime .

As it disappeared into the blue , i stood hanging over the side of the boat as the jet black ink and slime it had just launched at me dripped from my face.

I shouted after it .. things a little squid should never hear..

I also advised it and its friends not to go near my lures ..

They didnt .. i think that they were still laughing ...

Thankfully the ink has now been jetwashed off the boat and me :)

Moral of the story....

If you are cutting someone or something some slack .. or doing a favour ...Dont expect anything in return ;)

Have yourself a ink free weekend beautiful people


All aboard .. !  Got the sandwiches made .. a flask of tea and a sneaky bottle of rum for the  sing song on the way back...

All aboard .. ! Got the sandwiches made .. a flask of tea and a sneaky bottle of rum for the sing song on the way back..

The destination is the Coral Coast .. Feel free to stare out the open windows and feel the breeze on your face.

Holiday Time in the Pilbara's Yesteryear

Well i've been busy .. thats all i got for you..Busy.. Now i'm still busy .. but i managed to find a window.. (15 mins) ...

Well i've been busy .. thats all i got for you..

Now i'm still busy .. but i managed to find a window.. (15 mins) to write this wee post for the weekend ..

The post .. well its the opposite of being busy.. Its about being present ..

As i sat here watching the stragglers of streams of ocean trying to catch up with the rest of the retreating tide. I watched the sun slowly appear and light the sky. The iron ore ships still being loaded, hoping to catch the tide when it returns.
I thought .. isn't this nice..

Its funny how a mere scattering of ancient rocks .. an outgoing tide and a rising sun can help start of the day on a good note.

So with all that being said ..
..i wish you an awesome weekend ahead and find your moment to be present . Let all the thoughts float by and enjoy wherever and whenever it happens

When I was on Nusa Lembongan  Bali .. waiting for the ferry to Bali .. I decided that I had enough of my favourite Nasi ...

When I was on Nusa Lembongan Bali .. waiting for the ferry to Bali .. I decided that I had enough of my favourite Nasi Goreng… So Chocolate and strawberry banana split was ordered … I thought ……..I’ll start the diet on Monday 🤠😉

So with all the facebook posts  7 years and all that .. I took a look at some of the posts we shared .. and being a sort...

So with all the facebook posts 7 years and all that .. I took a look at some of the posts we shared .. and being a sort of melancholy guy .. i thought id share them .... again.. ;)
Its funny when i looked at. the images the stories i wrote to accompany them popped back up in my mind ..

Now i know its a Friday and with the weekend knocking on the door it may be a bit of a struggle to remember them ..
But im sure a quick flick over the posts will bring you up to speed ..
With all that being said and with Saturday knocking even louder .. i shall bid my journey sharing tribe an awesome weekend .

Enjoy whatever mischief you may find yourself doing .. and if mischief wasn't on the radar .. dial it in .. ;)


Celebrating my 7th year with this page . Thank you for your continuing support. We have explored … captured and travelle...

Celebrating my 7th year with this page . Thank you for your continuing support. We have explored … captured and travelled together …could never have made it without you. 🙏🤗🎉

1,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉 who would have thought 😂

1,000 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉 who would have thought 😂

I was just thinking...I think it may be getting near that time for another road trip...

I was just thinking...

I think it may be getting near that time for another road trip...

Karratha Bikers held a Poker run a few weeks back raising money for worthwhile causes. I bumped into them and captured s...

Karratha Bikers held a Poker run a few weeks back raising money for worthwhile causes. I bumped into them and captured some video and images.
I rode with them about 5 years ago and it was awesome . Missed this one though but got to be part of it in another way. Capturing pics and interviews.

I got creative whilst they took a short break at the Mermaid Hotel in Dampier.

Ended up in the clubhouse . Great bunch and made me feel very welcome.
I think ill join them on next years Poker Run.

Really liked the BnW of the bikes.. Thoughts ?

Karratha Bikers Association

No hat .. No sunscreen.. just a big camera lens bolted onto my camera as i tried and tried to capture dragon flies.. Who...

No hat .. No sunscreen.. just a big camera lens bolted onto my camera as i tried and tried to capture dragon flies..

Who were .. although beautiful were as red as me.. ;)

This wasn't a selfie to show you .. .....

As i lay there in a remote old river bed, my phone bleeped !...

"What you doing up there"?
I took this pic and sent to the enquirer.. (you know who you are)..

I wondered for a while how they knew i was "up there"..

Then i remembered my car has my business name written all over it and was parked at the side of the road

With that in mind .. have yourself an incognito weekend ;)

Thanks for being a top engager , it’s nice when comments (feedback ) appear on an image that I have seen and captured th...

Thanks for being a top engager , it’s nice when comments (feedback ) appear on an image that I have seen and captured then shared .
Accompanied with a short story that seems to fit .
So thank you …

Sammy Muir, Evelyn Hayes, Wendy Lloyd, Nella Comeau, Noelene Smith, Bevely McAllister, Annette Treseder, Barb Hanson, Jennie Cowan, Gwenda Marshall

The sky was on fire welcoming me home to the Pilbara,I was like a man possessed capturing the images that the sky made s...

The sky was on fire welcoming me home to the Pilbara,
I was like a man possessed capturing the images that the sky made so appealing.
The whole bay was lit up and looked fantastic.

So as we are about embark on a new week ahead ,lets hope the sunsets are as beautiful as this little beauty.

Yes the holiday is over and only images and memories remain..This was my first trip to Bali since before the world was s...

Yes the holiday is over and only images and memories remain..

This was my first trip to Bali since before the world was shut down.
So lovely to wander through the areas I used to go to and then get on my scooter and explore all the winding alleyways and beachfront.
I took so many images and each one has a uniqueness and memory.

The young girl was standing under a parasol at Double six in Legian .. “Excuse me may I take your picture “? .. Yes of course.. Click ! each one of the people in the frame replied the same and with beautiful smiles.

Did i eat lots of beautiful food ?... Yes ...
Was the weather good ? ... Beautiful..
Did you ride your little scooter as if you had stolen it .. (silence)
Did you meet beautiful people?... Yes..
Would you return?.... Already looking at flights.. ;)

Well as i start to load up the washing machine and let the blisters on my toes try to heal.. (I bought a pair of comfy looking beach shoes..Turns out the remove skin like a butchers knife ..)

My weekend consists of editing and more editing for Flying Fox Media.. and thus we are now truly back in it !

Have yourself a forward pointing, reflective weekend beautiful people.

Spoilt for choice ..Hammock or swing …I have full assurance that whatever I choose , it will accomodate the extra holida...

Spoilt for choice ..
Hammock or swing …
I have full assurance that whatever I choose , it will accomodate the extra holiday kilos …

I don’t know if the rope was to keep me out or in ? But it didn’t do either ! 😉Have an obstacle free weekend beautiful p...

I don’t know if the rope was to keep me out or in ?
But it didn’t do either ! 😉

Have an obstacle free weekend beautiful people 😊



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