I've been quiet for quite a while now. We moved over the summer - officially at the end of July. I am still homeschooling Neroli, and we are settling into our new life up on the Continental Divide.
While I HAVE been writing, I haven't been sharing what I have been writing or what I have been up to.
So, today I decided to share something that I wrote today that nicely sums up where I have been.
I am in the process of jumping to the next branch, and that is always an interesting process. There is such excitement in the unknown, chaos, and the magic of being present in your heart, when you allow yourself to be.
More to come soon!
Jessica Sutherland
I find myself floating in the void again, but this time I am comfortable here.
I rest when I need to rest.
I create when I am compelled to create.
I have learned to settle in when I am uncomfortable and become the observer;
both being in the moment and feeling all of the feelings,
but also in the role of sacred observer.
Looking for the lesson.
Watching for the pattern.
I am comfortable here.
I curl up next to my heart with a warm cup of tea
and dare to ask the formerly unaskable questions.
Such as…
what is it, dear body,
sacred temple of the Holy Spirit,
that you need from me?
What am I not hearing in your more subtle whispers?
Why has it come to a shout, yet again!?
What information is being presented to me in the pattern?
What program am I still running that isn’t allowing me to see and hear myself clearly?
And so it goes,
now somewhat happily,
spiraling in instead of spiraling out.
Dancing the sacred dance of delirium.
And so it is.