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Press Release

Speakers Chambers Consents to UN on Human Rights Check-List Legislations

(Monrovia, March 18, 2020) On the sidelines of his legislative engagements at the Capitol Building in Monrovia, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, has met with the Legal Consultant of United Nations in Liberia on Human Rights, Madam Mama Fatima Singhateh, and discussed issues surrounding the possibility of gathering a check-list of legislations on human rights.

Madam Singhateh, flanked by the House’s Committee Chair on Peace, Religion and National Reconciliation, with over sight on Human Rights, Hon. Dorwohn Twain Gleekia, told Speaker Chambers that she is working for the United Nations in Liberia to bring about a check-list of all existing human rights laws in Liberia and those under consideration at the Liberian Legislature.

She named some human rights laws in Liberia that the United Nations takes interest in such as Liberia’s Domestic Violence Law, laws affecting FGM, Child/Children Rights Laws, women’s rights, and access to health, education, Water, atrocities during conflicts, amongst others.

During the sidelines conversations, Speaker Chambers told the UN’s Legal Consultant that the Liberian Legislature looks forward to working with the United Nations on the matter. Speaker Chambers however asserted that it’s about time that the United Nations works with African nations to improve their economies. He says most of the rights issues in Liberia and several other African countries are due to underperforming economies.

The Speaker has, at the same time, called on the United Nations to work with other Western nations to mitigate other existing human rights violations globally.
George D. Watkins
Head of Political Affairs & Communications Unit
Office of the Speaker of the 54th Legislature
Capitol Building, Capitol Hill
Monrovia, Liberia
Tel: +231-(0)886578146
Email: [email protected]
[email protected]

CSO, House Speaker Share Perspectives Ahead of Proposed Reforms of Forestry Law A local civil society organization, impl...

CSO, House Speaker Share Perspectives Ahead of Proposed Reforms of Forestry Law
A local civil society organization, implementing the European Union Non-Sate Actors Project, Volunteers To Support International Efforts In Developing Africa (VOSIEDA) and House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, along with the Chairman on Contracts and Concession Review Committee, Representative Clearance Massaquoi have all met to share perspectives ahead of plan to reform the forestry law of Liberia.
The meeting was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2020 at the Capitol Building office of the Speaker. The meeting with the Speaker was trigged by Lofa County District #3 Representative, Clarence Massaquoi who is also the Chairman on Contracts and Concession Review Committee and one of Liberia’s Representatives to ECOWAS’ Parliament.
During the meeting, VOSIEDA’s Program Manager, Abraham Billy briefed the Speaker and his team on opportunities and challenges in the forestry sector as it relates to monitoring, enforcement of laws, compliance to agreements and benefits sharing.
Mr. Billy said, research has proven that even though present laws are good, prudent management of the forest and increase revenue intake that will benefit all sides enhance productivity. He urged the Speaker and team to consider strong partnership with CSOs during the review process of the forestry laws, adding, national forest forums with the House’s committee on Agriculture and Forestry will generate useful information for the review process.
Responding, House Speaker Bhofal Chambers embraced the idea to collaborate with civil society organizations in improving existing forestry laws to maximize revenue generation for the government and community members. According to him, there is an urgent need for critical reform in the laws managing the forest, noting, “Antiquated and unhelpful laws need to be amended or repealed to suit the best mode. He said, his office has realized almost zero growth in the sector, increased in conflicts within and amongst and between clans, communities, families, neighbors, friends and even counties.
The Speaker said, Liberia could learn from German model of forest management which, he said, generates about 170 billion Euros from the annual sales of its forest or woods products (of about 14 billion kilograms), and as well as employ nearly 1.2 million Germans. Dr. Chambers, however called for meticulousness in any efforts aimed at reforming the forestry laws to avoid depreciation of the rain forests.
For his part, the Chairman on Contracts and Concession Review Committee, Representative Clarence Massaquoi said the review process should take into consideration what is applicable and not applicable under the existing laws, which he noted, can be used to judge the past, inform the present and determine the future.
Meanwhile, the CSO and the Office of the Speaker have reached an agreement to host a one day national forest forum to debate the pros and cons ahead of the reform process.

Press Release(USA, New York, July 18, 2019) Following his engagements in Washington D.C., with the United States Congres...

Press Release
(USA, New York, July 18, 2019) Following his engagements in Washington D.C., with the United States Congressional Members including Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, Liberia’s Chief Legislator and Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers, has arrived in New York, at the United Nation’s (UN) Headquarters in New York and is currently participating in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP), symposium on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals self-assessment toolkit.

Ms. Gabriela Cuevas Barron, President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) is presiding in the ongoing the seven-agenda symposium session, with focus on the 2019 High-Level Political Forum aimed at empowering people and ensuring inclusiveness and equality, in line with the debate held by the IPU Committee on the United Nations Affairs and a special Speakers’ Dialogue held during the just ended 140th IPU Assembly last April 2019 in the Qatar, amongst others.

In 2016, the IPU and UNDP produced the Sustainable Development Goals self-assessment toolkit. The purpose of the toolkit is to help parliamentarians and parliamentary staff review key processes and identify institutional gaps in parliaments works on the SDGs. The toolkit is designed to enable parliaments to discuss issues, gather information and answer questions that help them make informed decisions about the most suitable and effective way to engage in SDGs implementation.
Political Affairs & Communications Unit
Office of the Speaker, 54th Legislature
Republic of Liberia
0775143219, 0886578146

Press Release Speaker Chambers Dissects UNMIL’s Successes and Shortfalls Tells visiting UN Rapporteurs How UNMIL Imparte...

Press Release
Speaker Chambers Dissects UNMIL’s Successes and Shortfalls
Tells visiting UN Rapporteurs How UNMIL Imparted Liberia and its Challenges

(Monrovia, June 28, 2019) House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers has told a New York based United Nations personnel visiting Liberia, on assignment of the UN’s Department of Peace Operations, that UNMIL imparted Liberia in many positive ways, ranging from manning the peace, security and the economy.

Mr. Herbert J. Loret, Program Manager for UNMIL Legacy Report project under the Department of Peace operations of the United Nations, along with Mr. Josh Jorgensen a Consultant, also of the UN’s Department of Peace Operations, are in the country on a review of the works, approach and activities of the defunct United Nation Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), aimed at getting the lessons learned in the Liberian story and what the UN could improve on, or do-away-with, for the future and now, in other conflict hot spots of the world.

Speaker Chambers told the visiting UN rapporteurs that UNMIL, in its early days in the country, commenced its mission on a good footing. He said the mission conducted a disarmament process the “DDRR” amidst challenges, but stated that the mission’s approaches to contract and significantly deal with NGOs in the ex*****on of some paramilitary works outside the government security architecture entertained an inflicted number of ex-combatants in the DDRR process which did not achieve its fullness as envisaged.

The Speaker however intoned that UNMIL imparted the economy through micro economic activities in the Liberian commerce and trade, and accounted for a record flow of foreign currency in Liberia’s post-conflict economy.
When asked by one of the visiting UN Rapporteurs, Mr. Herbert J. Loret about the role the UN played during the Liberian peace-keeping and the peace building processes, Speaker Chambers says the United Nations performed well in challenging times and environment in keeping the peace with the deployment of armed troops to deter troublemakers and thereafter work with state-actors in peace building.

The Speaker furthers, that the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) was too focused with governing than running a people partnership agenda. Dr. Chambers says UNMIL focus with the GOL at the time changed some of the structuring of the framework of institutions. He says the mission even attempted to undo conventional practices in the security sector command when it worked with the previous government and proposed tenure of service for persons heading security institutions.

Speaker Chambers says the United Nations needs to consider working with countries like Liberia where it succeeded in keeping and building peace, and transitioned its engagement to help build technical skills and capacity, wherein countries like Liberia can benefit in working with the UN to attract good investments and proffer good economic modules for sustainable growth.
George D. Watkins
Political Affairs & Communication Unit.
0775143219, 0886578146

Press Release(Monrovia, March 19, 2019)  The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers says shocks in...

Press Release

(Monrovia, March 19, 2019)
The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Dr. Bhofal Chambers says shocks in the Liberian economy will be overcome as the Liberian Government is indulging in positive economic measures to mitigate the prevailing challenges.

The Speaker says that the blunt economic challenges, the country is experiencing, are the result of the actions and/or inactions of the past regime. He says however the Weah’s administration has accepted the challenges and is working to turn the situation around for the good of the Liberian people.

Speaker Chambers was speaking Monday in Monrovia during an interview on the State-run ELBC which was simultaneously broadcast on several radio stations across the country.

Speaker Chambers divulged that at present several investors are expressing interest to do business in the country and the Legislature will be meticulous to reviewing and legislating those pieces of concession agreement(s) coming in to the legislature to meet the standards set by the laws of Liberia; when they are good, the impact in the Liberian economy will be felt positively thus encouraging co-prosperity.

The Speaker however lamented on the failure of the past regime to properly legislate several pieces of concession documents. According to Speaker Chambers, he believes that such actions from the past are contributing to the present economic challenges the country is experiencing.

Commenting further during the live radio broadcast, Speaker Chambers says under his stewardship at the legislature, he will work with his colleagues for the promotion of the passage of reasonable laws, and ensure that there be proper representation, and constructive oversight roles played, in consonances with the responsibilities of a sitting lawmaker.

The Speaker then cautioned Journalists in the country to refrain from stereotypical ways of reporting issues in the media. He says a number of bad taste reportage is often propagated by few media practitioners and cautioned them to do away with such practice. He said in a rather stern tone that Liberia is tired with vacuous and vituperative over dramatization of news contents.

The Speaker says Journalism is a noble profession and he believes that it has rules and code of or ethics that should be followed. The Maryland County lawmaker averred that Journalists must have the courage to report and execute their functions in line with the ethics of their profession, to include objectivity, fairness, independence, impartiality and humanity.
George D. Watkins
Political Affairs & Communication Unit.

Speech Delivered by Hon. Dr. Bhofal Chambers, Speaker of the 54th Legislature, and House of Representatives, On the Open...

Speech Delivered by Hon. Dr. Bhofal Chambers, Speaker of the 54th Legislature, and House of Representatives, On the Opening of the 2nd Session of the Legislature, Monday, January 14, 2019.

My Distinguished Colleagues:

We gather here today on this second working Monday in this year, 2019, in respect and fulfillment of the People’s mandate with reference to Article 32 of our Constitution. Today, we once more have gathered in the spirit of true democracy and patriotism. As we commence this second session of the 54th Legislature, I am humble in spirit and in deeds to working with you all in the best interest of our People.

The First Session of the 54th Legislature brought 43 new Members, and retained 30 old Members, following the 2017 General Elections. I believe that such development, in our democratic culture, is on the right course and by this, we can agree that our electorates do take due cognizance of our workings as Lawmakers.

As the year 2019 endures, it is my hope that we, the Legislators, brace ourselves for the challenges ahead. Our constituents and various constituencies which have placed this huge public trust on us, expect a lot out of us in their desire to have good laws and for us to exercise our functions to the best of our abilities in their best interest, so that the plans and promises intended for them come to fruition.

Distinguished Colleagues, the 2018 session of the 54th Legislature, our House of Representatives recorded 57 regular sittings, 43 executive sittings, 6 special sittings and 15 extraordinary sittings, thus totaling 121 sittings during our session in 2018.

Also, during the year 2018, we were able to pass 26 bills and 8 resolutions in the best interest of the Liberian people. Amongst those bills and resolutions we acted on, 9 originated from the House of Representatives, 5 bills were received from the Liberian Senate and concurred with; 12 bills were passed out of 17 bills originating from the Executive and 8 legislative resolutions were acted on. It is equally important to note that, during the year 2018, the House of Representatives successfully conducted 13 Public Hearings.

In line with legislative best practice, it is our hope that bills and resolutions pending in committee room, which account for 53 in total, will be properly scrutinized for prompt Plenary’s action. Amongst those bills in committee room, it is worth mentioning that we have 30 bills from the House of Representatives, our House, 4 bills from the Liberian Senate, and 5 bills from the Executive. Other pieces of documents awaiting legislative actions are 10 petitions and 4 resolutions.

Distinguished Colleagues, in 2018, some of our Colleagues opted to be elected to the Liberian Senate for Montserrado and B**g Counties to fill the vacancies created following the Presidential Election victory of Sen. Dr. George M. Weah, now President, and Sen. Jewel Howard-Taylor, now Vice President, respectively..

The results of that special election to fill the vacancies at the Liberian Senate led to Hon. Saah Harding Joseph’s victory as Senator of Montserrado County, thus creating a vacancy in the House of Representatives.

Subsequently, a bi-election was conducted to fill the vacancy in the House was done in District 13, Montserrado County for Hon. Joseph’s replacement.

Distinguished Colleagues, following the bi-election in Montserrado District 13, the National Elections Commission announced victory in favor of Hon. Edward P. Flomo who will be officially sworn in office on tomorrow to fill the vacancy. Let me use this medium also to express my sincere gratitude to God Almighty for keeping us alive to fulfill our respective purposes, in accordance with our constitutional assignments. I am pleased to further inform you that, during the year 2018 we all have stately surmounted our various challenges, thus restoring dignity to this august body.

Let me also inform you that during the period 2018, the House of Representatives enjoyed an enhanced level of cordiality with the Liberian Senate, which has eluded this Legislature in the past.

Liberia, unarguably, is a country of laws. And it is no doubt evidenced by the fact that we, as a Legislature, are peacefully co-existing with the other branches of government, conscious of our constitutional margins conducting government business with the optimum acceptable standards of respectability.

During the year 2018, the Honorable House of Representatives was presented with some hard facts on a sitting Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, which detailed abuse of office and several violations of the principles upon which the laws of our land are based. Having exhaustively deliberated on the matter surrounding the Associate Justice, the Honorable House of Representatives proceeded to pass an Impeachment Bill by a majority vote and forwarded same to the Liberian Senate for trial.

Distinguished Colleagues, the year 2018 had its challenges as it relates to the culture of democracy. The Liberian people woke up to a few unsubstantiated declarations surrounding printed monies in the amount of 10.5 billion Liberian dollars. The House of Representatives convened an extraordinary session weeks after it closed for its annual break in consonance with our organic law, the Constitution, to discuss the issue and find a remedy. It was concluded based on the facts that the Central Bank of Liberia Executives and Board Members acted in total disregard to the constitution; it printed the 10.5 billion Liberian dollars without any legislative authorization. They flagrantly flouted the law…

During the year 2018, as Speaker of this Honorable House, I entertained several guests for and on behalf of the House of Representatives; those guests included the Speaker of the ECOWAS Parliament, the Majority Leader of the Chinese Parliament, the United States Ambassador to Liberia, the British Ambassador, the Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), the Qatari Ambassador to Liberia, Representatives of the African Union, the South African Ambassador, the Moroccan Parliamentary President, UNICEF (Country Director), the United Nations Country Representative and many others.

Distinguished Colleagues, as we inaugurate this year’s session legislatively, it is my fervent hope and prayer that we treat our offices as a public trust, by uprightly upholding and respecting the principles and spirit of representative democracy, and setting positive examples of responsible citizenship.

Finally, let it be made abundantly clear that this Legislature will ensure that harmony and coordination with the other branches of government will be a priority. At the same time, it will be our duty to fully support the Pro-Poor Agenda under the leadership of His Excellency, Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia and we will always be prepared to offer suggestions for alternative programs, policies through dialogue or enact laws so that the best interest of our people is served.

May God Almighty bless us all and continue to sanctify this noble CHAMBERS.

I thank you.

Press ReleaseAhead of the Global Campaign 16-Day of Activism on Violence Against Women -Speaker Chambers Recommits Pledg...

Press Release

Ahead of the Global Campaign 16-Day of Activism on Violence Against Women
-Speaker Chambers Recommits Pledge to Women Empowerment

(Monrovia November 22, 2018) House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers has recommitted his support for the advancement of women in the world, especially the advocacy purpose of the Liberian women agenda on broader political participation and empowerment.
Speaker Chambers says the need for women to compete with their male counterparts in a competitive condition and environment cannot be over-emphasized.

Speaker Chambers made the assertions Thursday at his Capitol Building Office in Monrovia when the Head of Female Journalist Association (FeJA), Madam Siatta Scott-Johnson, sanctioned by the UN-Women Monrovia Office, began the collection of video and audio messaging ahead of the 16-Day of Activism on violence against women which begins in early December each year.

During the video messaging production, Speaker assured the Liberian public about his stance to giving women opportunities and stressed the need for women to compete with their male counterparts once the chance is given and the field is level.

Speaker Chambers however bemoans the idea of setting up or giving a special quota to women, simply on the basis of their gender, but wants women to be prepared to face the challenges enduring what it takes to make dreams and ambitions become realities.

The Pleebo-Sodoken Lawmaker then divulged that he has been working with several female lawmakers at the House of Representatives who have mount up to the occasion to work hard, irrespective of their gender.

George D. Watkins
Political Officer / Communications Unit
0886578146, 0775143219

“No Intent to Supervise the Judiciary Outside the Clouts of the Supreme Court”-Speaker Chambers Asserts-  “The Legislatu...

“No Intent to Supervise the Judiciary Outside the Clouts of the Supreme Court”
-Speaker Chambers Asserts-
“The Legislature is contemplating on drafting a bill that will establish a committee that will be above the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court. Chief Justice Francis Korkpor.

The Head of the 54th Legislature, House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers has told newsmen in Monrovia that his stewardship at the Liberian legislature will promote the tendency of good governance and the respectability of the rule of law and a liberal democracy.

In what appears to be his apparent response to Chief justice Francis Korkpor about plans by the Legislature to enact laws that will subjugate the independence of the Judiciary at the whims of the Legislature, Speaker says the Honorable House of Representatives has no plans for such, but works with its Judicial Committee to strengthen its legislative oversight as compare to their responsibilities of providing oversight in the functions of several Executive Branch of government controlled institutions.

Speaker Chambers says the Legislature has no intentions of such, but wishes to execute its fiduciary responsibilities given it by the framers of the Liberian constitution. The Speaker acknowledged that Liberia is a common law country and all aspects of such philosophy are been encouraged by state-actors across the Liberian governance and democracy.

It has been insinuated in the corridors of the Liberian Judiciary that the Legislature is contemplating drafting a Bill seeking the establishment of an oversight committee to critique and review opinions and rulings of Justices of the Supreme Court and subordinate courts, but Speaker Chambers has said that there is such intent by the strengthening of the Judicial Committees of the Legislature.

”I don’t really know what’s happening at the level of that branch; I don’t know what their thoughts are regarding the philosophy of the rule of law”, A Liberian Lawyer, Cllr. Johnson rhetorically questioned.
Cllr. Johnson told reporters at the Temple of Justice in Monrovia last week, that if the Legislature usurps that kind of function, it would constitute an act of transgression against the principle of checks and balances.

It can be recalled that Chief Justice Francis Korkpor disclosed at the opening of the October 2018 Term of Court last Monday October 8 that “the Legislature is contemplating on drafting a bill that will establish a committee that will be above the jurisdiction of Supreme judge.

He added that “this will not only affect the justice system of Liberia, but it is an assail (attack) of justice and of the doctrine of the separation of power as provided for by the constitution of Liberia.”

Press Release   (Monrovia, October 9, 2018)  The Charge d’ Affairs of the State of Qatar, Amb. Fahad Rashid Al- Muraili ...

Press Release
(Monrovia, October 9, 2018)
The Charge d’ Affairs of the State of Qatar, Amb. Fahad Rashid Al- Muraili recently paid a courtesy call on the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives at his Capitol Hill office.

During the visit, Amb. Al-Muraili told the Head of the Liberian Legislature, House Speaker Dr. Bhofal Chambers of the Qatari Parliament interest of establishing ties with the Liberian Legislature.

Amb. Al-Muraili says he believes that the peoples of the two countries have several things in common and hopes that both the Qatari and Liberian lawmaking bodies kindle a good working relationship, where there will be an exchange of ideals in the context of reciprocity.

Amb. Al-Muraili during the visit expressed his profound appreciation on the continuing good diplomatic ties between Liberia and the State of Qatar which has grown significantly under President George Weah’s stewardship as President of Liberia.

The Qatari Ambassador also used the occasion to inform Speaker Chambers that he sees the bond between the State of Qatar and Liberia as a lasting one, thus acknowledging efforts of the Weah’s administration with less than a year in power as an encouraging start and a path in a trajectory to mitigating governance problems amidst challenges in the Liberian story.

The Qatari Charge d’ Affairs further divulged that he looks forward to working with other GOL ministries and agencies, countenance on existing agreements with the State of Qatar. Amb. Al-Muraili also intoned his readiness to keep engaged with the Office of Speaker on a periodic basis.

For his part, Speaker Chambers expressed thanks for the visit and said that Liberia is a Country that is open to people with good minds like Qatar and appeal to the Head of State of Qatar through Amb. Fahad Rashid Al- Muraili to encourage investors to come to Liberia and invest in the country and its people.

Speaker Chambers also told Amb. Al-Muraili and his delegation that Liberia and Qatar has come a long way and have been in a good working relationship, noting that his presence to his office will help to strengthen the relationship.

Bobby B. Addison
Communications Unit



WHEREAS , the Sustainable DevelopmentGoals (SDGs) agreed the by all Heads of State and Governments in September 2015 to set the world on a path towards towards sustainable development through the adoption of the 2030 agenda;

WHEREAS, the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development that has emerged consist of 17 sustainable development Goals of which poverty eradication is the overriding objective of this new agenda, alongside the promotion of economic, social and environmental development;

WHEREAS, Article 8 of the Liberian Constitution provides for the policy towards enduring opportunities for improving the livelihood of our citizens, to include health and welfare facilities;

WHEREAS ; the attainment of SDGs requires domestic resource mobilization, and it is established the economic growth pivots on frequent movements of people, which suggests that roads connectivity is a causality to economic growth, and that recent borrowing to connect our cities is in the overwhelming interest of the Liberian people.
WHEREAS , Article 34b (iii) of the 1986 Constitution states that , ‘“ no loan shall be raised by the government on behalf of the Republic or guarantees given for any public institutions or authority otherwise, then by or under the authority of Legislative enactments,”

Now therefore , we the members of the Honorable House of Representatives and Liberian Senate do hereby authorize the President of the Republic of Liberia to employ all legal and legitimate means in securing Loan Financing Agreements for the construction of paved roads leading to the 15 counties of Liberia, prioritizing the below listed corridors .
1. Sawmill (Gbarpolu County) – Gbarma-Kongba-Vahu-Menekroma-Voinjama-Kolahun-Foya (Lofa);

2. Bopolu-Belle; Gbarpolu

4. Zwedru-Fish town; River Gee

5. Montserrado County Soul Clinic-Johnsonville-Mount Barclay-Tyler Island 72nd connection;

6. Todee – Bomi Corridor; Neckley’s town-Rehab.-Pipeline-White plain corridor;

7. B**g – Gbarpolu corridor – B**g – Bassa corridor and Formutolee Route;

8. Margibi – Bassa Corridor (Gibi – Bassa);

9. Virginia-Arthington-Mount Coffee Corridor;

10. Moulton Corner-Suehn Mecca corridor;

11. We Statutory District , Bassa Bassa to Kokoyah , B**g County

12 Sacclepea – Butuo;

13. Palala – Sacclepea

14 . RIA - Charleville Road


This is what the ZEE MANNEH MAN,John Kollie writes, I can’t get tired reading this one.

“The abjectly suffering people of Liberia deserve roads, roads and roads from what ever source, loan, grant or whatever. If loan will do the deal, let GEORGE WEAH go for it and not listen to the crazy market noise on facebook. Social media doesn't run anything good. If it were, DONALD TRUMP would be the most successful president of the U.S. He tweets all and every day and is yet the most criticized man. 98 % of the noise makers on facebook don't cross REDLIGHT market place and therefore don't know what is happening to our suffering people of the South East, Lofa, Gbarpolu and Capemount etc. Don't mind them, credit to give our people some hope. It's been all talks for years and for 12 years ELLEN and her team were rather breaking down the homes of poor people for land they don't own and had to deed for. Look at FENDELL, millions of dollars of poor people's real REAL ESTATE development was destroyed by the UP government. But I guarantee them that my advocacy will not stop until the people of FENDELL get redress. Build the roads for our people, GEORGE, you must.”




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