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Off the Platform Powerlifting Podcast hosted by Greg Turrell & Jackson Hinch. Guests, banter, education and good yar

No particular topics for this episode, whatever goes was the theme of this episodeGreg, Jackson & Hamish discuss whateve...

No particular topics for this episode, whatever goes was the theme of this episode

Greg, Jackson & Hamish discuss whatever they want in this 90 minute episode.

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This week the boys are with #1 and also #2 Open Powerlifting version of Steve Johnson Aka the FORSAKEN WARRIOR. Whatever number you want to assign to this Steve in OP, we've got one of the OG's of the sport (in social media land at least)!

Many of us meatheads have dreamed of living at the gym...come on, of course you have. Steve puts a whole new spin on this, and we'll hear how he bounced between sunbeds, his car, and an iHop. Can you sleep in a sunbed? Damn straight you can.

From his epic deadlift to his battle with Rob Hall in the Animal Cage, Steve's lifting career has gone from strength to strength.

Tune in, stream or download this episode where we yarn away with this legend and true gentleman.

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Brandon Allen is back!

We got our boy Brandon back on to talk about his historic rise through the arm wrestling ranks, his massive win against Larry Wheels, and how this is only the tip of the arm wrestling iceberg.

Has Brandon left powerlifting for good? Is he going to go up against Larry again? Does Brandon still love long ass trips on planes?

Tune in to find out mofos!


The boys are joined by renowned PED coach Victor Black to cut through the bu****it that prevails across social media.

Love em or hate em, PEDs or performance enhancing drugs are here to stay, and folks will do what it takes whether its to give themselves the competitive edge in sports (and lets face it, to be able to compete at all in some sports), bodybuilders looking to compete in the largest bodybuilding events around the world, or powerlifters who compete in non-tested federations, and lets face it...sometimes in tested too.

Lets not forgot those who are looking for a better quality of life.

One of many episodes on the topic, tune in for part 1.

Note: NOT for younger audiences, discretion is advised


The boys are back this week with a huge breakthrough star of 2021, Tamara Walcott.

Tamara became the all time world record holder for the heaviest raw Deadlift ever pulled by a female, 288.5kg/636lbs !!
With competition PBs of 265kg/584lbs Squat and 165kg/364lbs Bench to go with her enormous Deadlift Tamara is one of the few women in the world to have broken the 700kg Total barrier.

Initially joining the gym to lose weight and beat a food addiction, she found her place in strength training rather quickly. Tamara has dropped a phenomenal amount of bodyfat, gained muscle size and obviously a lot of strength and confidence in the process. Bringing the idea to the forefront again that strength training is a valid vehicle for weight loss goals and entire lifestyle changes for and healthier life.

This busy single mum has become a sensation and motivation to the masses with appearances on Ellen, NBC, ESPN, articles in Sports Illustrated, and many more platforms, which may just be one of the biggest exposures Powerlifting has had to the general public in forever.
We did warn her in coming on that our reach wasn't quite as big as Ellen's, but nearly....


We're joined by NZ's first lifter to achieve a 1000kg total - Joe Whittaker, and the man behind the event where it happened, Nick Bakker from Viking Brothers


The world is becoming more and more virtual, no surprises there. COVID has sped up that process substantially. Sports apps are nothing new, you can map your run, you can track and share your meal plans, macros and weight gain/loss progress.

Formula One drivers have competed virtually, so if its good enough for them, then why not virtual powerlifting meets?

This week the lads met with BRAWN founders Sohail Rashid and Andy Smith to talk about their revolutionary new powerlifting app and virtual event that has so far taken the powerlifting world by storm. Its now effectively the BIGGEST powerlifting meet the world has even seen.

With support from the IPF itself, they are also achieved what no one else has been able to achieve so far and unite lifters from across the divide, including having Jess Buettner, Ashton Rouska, Austin Perkins, John Haack, Jen Thompson.

Tune in to find out more.

To enter:
1. Download the APP Brawn Power from Apple and Play stores
2. Enter the event here -

**Use code "Wolfpack21" to get 50% off your entry into Powerlifting's First International Virtual Event**

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This week on the podcast the boys are joined by Sam Solomi and Julia Mills from across the ditch.

This power couple have been pioneers on the UK strength scene, Sam being the first to hit a 1000kg total and Julia being the first female to hit a 600kg total. Massive feats regardless of your whereabouts or federation alignments. Leading the way for the UK strength scene.

Both of these awesome athletes are also full time coaches, bringing other lifters up with them to new heights.

Sam coaches many athletes, but specializes in Grip training and has hit some massive feats here, currently he is working on pinch gripping 3x20kg plates together... mind-blowing !!

Julia coaches competitive athletes and general population alike, using strength training as a method of transforming people's bodies more than they thought possible.

We sat down with the team and talked how to get started in Powerlifting, how to make the most out of your training, and what's next on the horizon for these two titans of strength !!"


Absolute privilege to be joined by our mate Daniel Ross Hurlin

An absolute powerhouse of a man with a deep passion for the sport and an unrelenting drive to see South African powerlifting take it's rightful place again as a force to be reckoned with on the amateur and professional platforms.

Get a brief glimpse into the man, and how powerlifting in South Africa has evolved in recent years. We barely scrape the surface with this chat, so we're going to have to get Dan back for more!

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Owner: Badger Athletic
Founding member: Rhino Powerlifting

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Audio courtesy of DOOM Eternal OST Remix (the_kovic), original composed mixed my Mike Gordon


"Female Powerlifting you say ?

We may have found the epitome of that !

Oh and she may or may not speak about Roller Derby!

Amber Hansen may be a name you've heard before, and if you haven't you're about to know !!
Classic, Raw, Equipped.
Showdown, US Open, WPO.
Amber has done it all, and performed at the highest levels of the sport.
Amber has also just recently benched the All Time World Record for the Unlimited Equipped class in training with a huge 277kg/610lbs !!

The boys are joined by an absolute powerhouse this week in Amber, and they discuss all things powerlifting along with plenty of real life advice (and banter as usual in case you thought you'd miss out).

Amber goes over her history of lifting, her career in the armed forces (did we mention she won Air Force Sportswoman of the Year !!), women in strength sports and the direction of powerlifting, and even fills us in on how Roller Derby actually works.

An awesome episode with a stellar guest."

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Off the Platform Exclusive!

The boys are joined by eagle eyed Italian Powerlifters Alessandro and Gabrielle

Our two guests did what no IPF official could do at the recent IPF Worlds and spotted a raw lifter wearing equipment under his softsuit! Our two intrepid sleuths spotted French lifter Mael Le Paven and his coach colluding to fool the IPF officials into thinking Mael was lifting raw, whereas in fact he was using a squat suit for his squats and slingshot for his bench !!

Watch the video of the pursuit out of the venue here!

Tune in to hear the whole story!

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YT: VikingsVenetoPowerlifting


The Strongest US Marine - Danny Grigsby

Danny was one of two athletes to just miss out on being the first to Deadlift 1000lbs Raw in a Full Power Meet.
Danny balances his Powerlifting training with serving as a Corps Sergeant in the US Marines based out of Washington DC.
Being the classic embodiment of a "Powerbuilder" Danny is yoked and may potentially have the most jacked neck in modern Powerlifting.

The boys discuss work life balance, how to train in less than ideal conditions, the state of Powerlifting in the current age, and what's up next for the Strongest US Marine !!"

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50 Episodes!!!Who would have thought we'd last this long! Coming up to our 1yr anniversary this week, are there any topi...

50 Episodes!!!

Who would have thought we'd last this long!

Coming up to our 1yr anniversary this week, are there any topics or guests you'd like us to cover?

Also for those messaging, we can neither confirm nor deny that Jackson is case zero in Palmerston North.


This week the lads are with the powerlifter phenom, Eliot Page.

Top 3 at the Irish Pro with a 1005kg total in the equipped division.

We talk equipped lifting, the new norms in the UK, and Eliot's rise through the ranks.

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Greg tackles one of the OG's of powerlifting media, former Powercast host along with Mark Bell at Marks Supertraining gym, he's the owner of 3rd Street Barbell, host of 50percentfacts and one third of the team behind Kizin coaching

Silent Mike

We talk gyms, social media, Sheiko and where he's at in life.

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This week we're joined by none other than NZPF legend, Rory Lynch.

We break down the IPF worlds a little, get off topic most of the time, Jackson shares a few stories as only Jackson can.

And no episode is complete at the moment without touching on the USAPL situation!

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The boys are joined by Patrick Morrison, 6 x Pro Raw Winner, easily one of Australia's greatest lifters of all time.

Best lifts at 100kg bodyweight

Squat: 372.5kg
Bench: 180kg
Deadlift: 352.5kg

From events across Australia, through to pro-raw and the Kern US Open, Patrick shares his story, thoughts on powerlifting, and of course he touches on his future plans and will he ever compete in Pro-Raw again?

Listen in to find out

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Jackson flying solo again with this weeks guest, Rob Hall!

From torn hamstrings to rotator cuffs, if it can be broke, Rob has broke it!

But when you're hitting 1015kg totals, sh*ts gonna hurt

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Life & Lifting with Will Crozier

Greg is back!

Joined by Jackson and this week's guest, Will Crozier!

Will shares his secrets to making powerlifting great again!

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Greg is out for this one, so Jackson takes up the challenge and smashes it out of the park!

This week we've got Blake Lehew, a 910kg lifter at 82.5kg....WTF. The #1 82.5kg lifter in the world at the moment!!!!

Can he take Haack's records off him? Tune in to find out!

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F**k the breathing belt!!!????

What the hell are these two on about.

Got the local lads back together, Hamish, Greg, Jackson and Kris talk all things powerlifting for a couple of hours.

Abit of this and abit of that!

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Pure chaos in the first of many episodes where the hosts from KOTL & OTP come together to talk Powerlifting!

Not one planned topic was followed in this episodes...we did try, but it quickly got off track

Greg, Jackson, 6-Pack and Rory cover RPE, Stem Cells, Hulk Hogan's Meatballs, the USAPL & Laurel Hubbard.....and that's the general theme of this one.

Get the lads together and it's abit of this and that!

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This week boys talk to Aussie Powerlifting Superstar, Gawain Johnstone!

From his early days weightlifting, to coaching super leagues in the US, to 1000kg totals and high fiving Arnold himself at Pro-Raw.

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6 Pack is BACK!  This time he's not alone!Jackson, Greg, 6 Pack & Rory Lynch will break down the 2021 IPF Worlds and who...

6 Pack is BACK! This time he's not alone!

Jackson, Greg, 6 Pack & Rory Lynch will break down the 2021 IPF Worlds and who knows what else!

It's Tested vs. Untested, its David vs Goliath, it's Conventional vs Sumo, its Equipped vs. Raw, its Tinder vs. Grinder
.....its KOTL VS OTP

Episode out soon on all major platforms


Yep you heard it here first, Stan Efferding vs. Mark Bell in the ring 😮

The lads are joined by the Rhino - Stan Efferding!

From 10 minute walks to the Vertical diet, we'll introduce many of our newer listeners to one of the OG's of the strength world. The original World's Strongest IFBB Pro Bodybuilder.

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The boys are joined by MONSTER bencher Jimmy Kolb.

BTW Jackson is DUSTY AF.....see if you can spot it.

#1 ATWR Bencher in the 'Unlimited' class in Openpowerlifting, yes bigger than any multi-ply bench and bigger than the newer 'rubber' bench shirts.

The gloves are off in this tell all interview with Jimmy.

Jimmy talks about how he remains true to single ply, benching that monster bench in a Titan Super Katana shirt....yes the shirt that keeps on giving. We cover Jimmy's training regime and why he's got a whole lot more in the tank.

What's it like holding 1100+lbs over your chest, tune in to find out.

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This week we debrief the recent Wolfpack Invitational!

We're joined by Jackson, Kris, Hamish and Greg

Hamish tells us about the critical role he played in the warm-up area on the day itself. Hamish also learns a lesson normally learned in your first week in a gym...but it's a mono or something to that effect as an excuse. Seems Hamish has never used a mono either.

Kris turns a computer on for the first time and it goes downhill from there.

Ben Creagh is mentioned in the first 30 seconds and speaking of naturopaths? The boys apologise for giving him grief in our last episode, no scratch that, they don't.

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Coming up soon on Off the Platform!We've got two awesome guests coming up so shoot through any questions you'd like us t...

Coming up soon on Off the Platform!

We've got two awesome guests coming up so shoot through any questions you'd like us to ask!

First up we'll have who has just benched 1120lb (509kg) in single ply. Yes you read that correctly....he benched what many of us total. Thats just fcking insane.

Episode following that we've got the OG of powerlifting/bodybuilding hybrids, creator of the Kooler, founder of the Vertical Diet, IFBB Professional bodybuilder and World Record Holding Powerlifter. He is one of only 10 men in the world to ever total over 2,300 pounds raw in competition. Stan holds the title as the Worlds Strongest Bodybuilder.

Flick us through your questions!


Strobe lights take another hit and Jackson has a rare victory....but strobe lights at every powerlifting meet one day will prevail

This week we've got the man and the myth, Ashton Rouska

Recently crowned105kg lifter at the USAPL Raw Nationals, lifting an incredible 805/451.9/821.2 (365.5/205/372.8)....

At 100.4kg bodyweight and aged 24..... can you imagine Ashton in the 120kg class!

We cover this event, his match up with Bryce Lewis, a little bit about training, nutrition, sleep and psychology, and to top if off we talk about IPF Worlds OR The Showdown, where do you want to see Ashton next?

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28/06/2021 just goes downhill from here

This episode Jackson & Greg are joined by old mate Hamish Coulter. The episode was meant to be a range of topics but it quickly descends into chaos, yet somehow we go on for nearly 2hrs.

A brief recap of some of the big events of the year, although that goes off track quickly. A summary of the Wolfpack event coming up....think we managed to cover that properly.

Some digs at Jackson's new lean figure...does he even lift? Why does his training partner look more jacked? Is 2 chins better than 12....

Podcast available on all the platforms, and if you like our faces, check out our YT channel.

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