This show is hosted by Steve Olson, Sherida Zenger, and Chase Leavitt of the Fourplex Investment Group, Capital Advisors Real Estate, and partners... You've likely heard one of our hosts featured on another real estate podcast. Who doesn't love hopping on a call with shows like the Real Estate Guys, Get Rich Education, and more? While those channels are incredible and a huge blessing to the real e
state community—we've been longing for a show that exclusively discusses the strategy of building-to-rent. In this podcast, Steve Olson, Sherida Zenger, and Chase Leavitt break down strategies, discuss past/present deals, and bring on guests to help investors grow and develop within the build-to-rent market. Our three hosts have a combined resume of more than 25 build-to-rent developments, resulting in over 4,000 doors of residential multifamily in the last decade. and its growing need for affordable housing have become an increasingly popular investment strategy for the mom and pop investor, full-time real estate professionals, and major institutions. This podcast is a way for both new and experienced investors to master the build-to-rent niche. (Steve Olson, Sherida Zenger, Chase Leavitt)