Theta Kreativ

Theta Kreativ Theta is multimedia that surfaces societal problems through an inspiring and entertaining platform.

Client: "Can you give me an idea of how the 'Back to School' program will look for our business?"You: "I can send it to ...

Client: "Can you give me an idea of how the 'Back to School' program will look for our business?"

You: "I can send it to you tomorrow."

Client: "Could you send it today, right now? I'm thinking of presenting it in about half an hour as I’m heading into a meeting."

You: "Hmm...ok, give me 10 minutes"
Bthw. If your interested to do such an event, let me know
Theta Kreativ

Art & Craft Station
Concept: A creative space where kids can decorate their school supplies like notebooks, pencils, and lunchboxes.

Treasure Hunt for Knowledge
Concept: A scavenger hunt where kids search for hidden “knowledge treasures” like mini books, brain teasers, and educational toys.

Healthy Snack Creation Workshop
Concept: A fun, hands-on workshop where kids learn to make their own healthy snacks for school.

Interactive Story Time Corner
Concept: A cozy corner where kids can listen to interactive stories or even act them out.

Back-to-School Fashion Show
Concept: A runway where kids can show off their coolest back-to-school outfits.


Reflecting on our recent event 🎥📽️

We had the incredible opportunity to collaborate with RC Cola
to bring this beautiful day to the kids😁

The day was filled with numerous activities, gifts,
and endless fun, creating unforgettable memories
for everyone involved.
Rc Cola Kosova
Theta Interactive

Happy Children's Day
Theta x Rc Cola


Drejtoresha Nacionale e Help për Kosovë, Shqipe Breznica ishte e ftuar në podcastin e parë për Help, të zhvilluar nga Theta Kreativ 👩‍🎨

Podcast-i nga Theta Kreativ për Help është një mundësi fantastike për të shfaqur punën që kjo organizatë ka bërë gjatë këtyre viteve dhe gjithashtu për të informuar audiencën për mundësitë që ofrohen për ta.

Për të mësuar më shumë rreth podcast-it


Jemi te lumtur t'ju prezantojme me projektin e rradhes, me produksion te Theta Kreativ per bashkepuntorin tone Help Kosovo.

Help Kosovo ka filluar zbatimin e takimeve informuese me qytetaret ne kuader te projektit “Perfshirja dhe Fuqizimi Ekonomik ne Ballkanin Perendimor”.

Ky projekt financohet nga Qeveria Gjermane dhe komunat partnere ndersa zbatohet nga organizata Help Kosovo.

Per me shume informacione rreth ketij projekti mund te informoheni ne faqen zyrtare te Help Kosovo:

Keni projekte që kanë nevojë me u tjerrë e promovu? Ti nise Podcast-in, e na Teknikë, Studio e Brendim deri edhe në Traj...

Keni projekte që kanë nevojë me u tjerrë e promovu? Ti nise Podcast-in, e na Teknikë, Studio e Brendim deri edhe në Trajnim. Zilona TANI
📞 049 318 813 / [email protected]


Podcast i realizuar Arjeta Murati dhe Rron Rama, GenZile.GenZile Podcast ka mi rreh temat si: Orientimi ne karrier, punesimi, sfidat dhe mundesit e gjenerate...


Nuance eshte nje aktivitet qe ju lejon te mbani nje qendrim rreth nje deklarate te diskutueshme ose të padiskutueshme e orientuar drejt gjetjes se informacio...


Qysh me fitu vetebesim?


Seksi tabu per gjeneraten tem!


Me marr vendimi apo jo, kjo eshte ceshtja.

Degjoni mendimet e gjenerates Z per vendimmarrje.


Sa here e pyetni veten "A ko' me dhez a jo?"


A duhet me pas balancë n'dashni?


Gjenerata jem e ka lehte me gjete pune.
Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni?

Video e plote ne Youtube:

Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE Project Theta Creative


Une shoh te ardhme ne vendin tem.
Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni?


Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE Project Theta Creative


Podcast i realizuar Arjeta Murati dhe Rron Rama, GenZile.GenZile Podcast ka mi rreh temat si: Orientimi ne karrier, punesimi, sfidat dhe mundesit e gjenerate...


Gjenerata jem e ka problem me gjete pune?
Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni? Video e plote ne Youtube/ Linku ne Bio:

Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE Project Theta Creative


Podcast with Swedish Ambassador in Kosovo, Mr. Jonas Westerlund about 16 days of activism.
Discussion on gender norms, gender-based violence, and engagement of men and women in violence prevention.
Early mechanisms of prevention, examples of school reforms to paternity leave!
The rest you will find out while listening to the Podcast!
Embassy of Sweden in Pristina
Besnik Leka


Dallimi ne gjenerata- Rrjetet sociale jane humbje kohe per gjeneraten tem?
Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni?

Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE Project Theta Creative

Shkolla eshte humbje kohe? Cka duhet me ndryshu?Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni?

Shkolla eshte humbje kohe? Cka duhet me ndryshu?Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni?

Theta Creative shared a post on Instagram: "Shkolla eshte humbje kohe? Cka duhet me ndryshu?Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni? ". Follow their account to see 38 posts.

It was an honour to have as a guest speaker in our Podcast Swedish Ambassador in Kosovo, his excellency Mr. Jonas Wester...

It was an honour to have as a guest speaker in our Podcast Swedish Ambassador in Kosovo, his excellency Mr. Jonas Westerlund.

Thank you Theta Creative for inviting the ambassador over for an open and reflexive dialogue about patriarchal structures, the importance of engaging men when it comes to promoting equal rights and men’s vital role in the fight against gender based violence.🧡

Talk about paternity leave, ability for men to open up and be better able to communicate were discussed to the conviction that both government and civil society play a vital role in challenging gender stereotypes and unequal gender roles to create a more just society.


Ky emision eksperimental paraqet qendrimet e pjesemarresve mbi tema te ndryshme shoqnore duke levizur ne platformen e nuances ne mes dy ekstremeve. 🔜

Enhancing Youth Employment- EYE Project


Rrjetet sociale jane humbje kohe per gjeneraten tem.
Pajtoheni apo Nuk pajtoheni? 🤔 💭


What are the topics? What do these people do? Is there something funny here? The time has come! NUANCE

What are we going to talk about? 🔜

What are we going to talk about? 🔜

You haven't recorded a podcast yet? Now is the time. We offer full podcasting services. DM OR CALL US +383 49 318 813

You haven't recorded a podcast yet? Now is the time.
We offer full podcasting services.
DM OR CALL US +383 49 318 813

We can't wait to show you what we are preparing for. We will let you enjoy these photos until the right moment comes.   ...

We can't wait to show you what we are preparing for. We will let you enjoy these photos until the right moment comes.


Nazim Gafurri


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