West Papua - Melanesian

West Papua - Melanesian live humanely in all things.

Mengapa Indonesia gagal mengatasi konflik Papua Barat. "Pemerintah negara tersebut fokus pada upaya membendung, bukannya...

Mengapa Indonesia gagal mengatasi konflik Papua Barat.

"Pemerintah negara tersebut fokus pada upaya membendung, bukannya menyelesaikan, krisis yang berakar pada referendum yang meragukan".

Sudah lebih dari sebulan sejak kelompok bersenjata menculik Phillip Merthens , seorang pilot kelahiran Selandia Baru, pada 7 Februari 2023, di Nduga, Papua Barat, Indonesia. Kelompok tersebut adalah Tentara Pembebasan Papua Barat. Dikenal dengan akronim TPNPB, ini adalah sayap bersenjata Gerakan Pembebasan Papua (OPM).

Seperti diberitakan media lokal, TPNPB yang dipimpin oleh Egianus Kogoya, seorang komandan setempat, menyerbu pesawat kecil Susi Air setelah mendarat, membakarnya dan menyandera pilotnya. TPNPB kemudian membawanya ke daerah kubunya dimana TPNPB akan menggunakan dia sebagai “pengungkit politik”. Pihak militer dan polisi masih belum mengetahui di mana TPNPB menyembunyikan pilotnya, sebagian besar karena kesulitan medan.

Namun, militer telah menyerbu desa-desa untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang keberadaan kelompok bersenjata tersebut. Karena terintimidasi, beberapa warga Papua meninggalkan desa mereka di Kabupaten Nduga dan Lanny Jaya. Setelah penculikan tersebut, terjadi kerusuhan mematikan , dan yang terbaru, konfrontasi bersenjata antara kelompok tersebut dan pasukan keamanan telah menewaskan warga sipil dan tentara di Kabupaten Yahukimo dan Puncak.

Jelas dari semua ini bahwa permusuhan yang semakin intensif yang melanda Papua Barat selama enam tahun terakhir masih belum berakhir. Namun kenyataannya semua hal ini tidak mengejutkan.

Untuk memahami peningkatan eskalasi ini, penting untuk melihat kegagalan pemerintah Indonesia dalam menanggapi krisis ini.

Pemerintah pusat lebih fokus pada penanganan dampak konflik dibandingkan penyebab konflik. Kebijakan pemberantasan pemberontakan – baik program pembangunan, otonomi khusus untuk wilayah tersebut atau operasi militer menyeluruh – ditujukan untuk mengurangi ketidakpuasan masyarakat adat dan serangan kekerasan dari TPNPB ke tingkat yang dapat dikendalikan. Belum adanya proses politik yang tulus antara pemerintah pusat, Masyarakat Adat Papua, dan kelompok nasionalis di Papua Barat.

Itulah sebabnya kebijakan-kebijakan ini menimbulkan ketidakpercayaan di kalangan masyarakat adat Papua, bahkan ketika kelompok bersenjata TPNPB telah mengembangkan kemampuan yang lebih mematikan untuk menyerang warga sipil dan pasukan keamanan.

Patut diingat bahwa akar konflik bukanlah hal baru dan telah terjadi sejak tahun 1960an.

Sejak menjadi bagian dari Indonesia melalui referendum yang disebut Pepera pada tahun 1969, separuh bagian barat pulau New Guinea dan wilayah paling timur Indonesia, yang biasa disebut Papua Barat, hampir tidak menikmati stabilitas. Referendum yang disengketakan ini – ketika militer memilih kurang dari satu persen penduduk West Papua untuk memilih integrasi dengan Indonesia di bawah ancaman kekerasan – menjadi preseden bagaimana negara Indonesia mengabaikan kepentingan rakyat Papua.

Dari tahun 1970an hingga 1990an, pemerintah Indonesia memukimkan ratusan ribu orang dari wilayah lain di Papua Barat melalui program transmigrasi, yang bertujuan untuk secara paksa mengubah demografi wilayah tersebut dan mengendalikan wilayah tersebut, bahkan ketika pemerintah juga memulai tindakan militer. operasi. Dampaknya: Jumlah Penduduk Asli Papua yang berada di tanahnya sendiri menurun, banyaknya korban jiwa, dan pengungsian besar-besaran.

Karena langkah-langkah ini, identitas orang Papua – yang berbeda dari Indonesia – muncul bukan dari perbedaan budaya, agama dan fisik, melainkan dari diskriminasi rasial yang dilakukan oleh negara, ditambah dengan keluhan masyarakat adat Papua di masa lalu dan masa kini.

Konflik ini telah melahirkan gerakan tanpa kekerasan dan perjuangan bersenjata untuk membela identitas dan hak-hak masyarakat Papua.

Ketika Joko Widodo menjadi presiden Indonesia pada tahun 2014, terdapat harapan untuk penyelesaian krisis ini. Ia membebaskan segelintir tahanan politik Papua dan berjanji untuk menangani kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di Paniai pada tahun 2014, terkait dengan insiden di mana tentara Indonesia menembaki ratusan pengunjuk rasa Papua, membunuh empat remaja, dan melukai lebih dari selusin lainnya di dataran tinggi Papua. Janji untuk membuka Papua Barat bagi jurnalis asing dipandang oleh banyak orang sebagai tanda niat baik Widodo.

Namun, komitmen untuk mengatasi konflik tersebut runtuh di hari-hari terakhir pemerintahan pertamanya.

Di bawah pemerintahan kedua Widodo sejak tahun 2019, keluhan masyarakat Papua semakin meningkat. Alih-alih memikirkan akar penyebab konflik, negara lebih fokus pada program pembangunan dan infrastruktur, termasuk jalan raya Trans Papua yang sedang dibangun di beberapa kabupaten di Papua Barat, food estate, kawasan ekonomi khusus, kawasan pariwisata strategis, dan perkebunan kelapa sawit. perkebunan.

Penerima manfaat utama dari inisiatif ini sebagian besar adalah masyarakat non-pribumi Papua yang tinggal di wilayah pesisir dan perkotaan. Masyarakat adat Papua, khususnya yang tinggal di daerah dataran tinggi, hampir tidak mendapatkan manfaat dari proyek pembangunan. Sebaliknya, mereka terus-menerus hidup dalam ketakutan dan trauma akibat meningkatnya kekerasan. Ratusan hingga ribuan warga sipil terjebak dalam baku tembak dan menderita pengungsian serta pelanggaran hak asasi manusia lainnya setiap kali terjadi konfrontasi bersenjata antara aparat keamanan dan TPNPB.

Pada tahun 2019, penghinaan rasial yang ditujukan kepada mahasiswa Papua memicu demonstrasi damai yang kemudian berubah menjadi kekerasan di seluruh Papua. Alih-alih mengakui dan menyelesaikan rasisme dan diskriminasi yang mengakar terhadap masyarakat Papua, Indonesia pada tahun 2021 merevisi otonomi khusus untuk wilayah tersebut yang pertama kali diperkenalkan pada tahun 2001, untuk jangka waktu 20 tahun berikutnya. Mereka juga membagi wilayahnya menjadi enam provinsi. Rangkaian kebijakan yang bersifat top-down ini – yang diterapkan tanpa konsultasi luas dengan masyarakat Papua dan perwakilan mereka – mencerminkan strategi putus asa yang bertujuan untuk membendung konflik dibandingkan menyelesaikannya dan mengungkap kegagalan pemerintah pusat.

Sementara itu, TPNPB secara konsisten menolak kebijakan negara, termasuk kegiatan ekonomi, di dataran tinggi Papua. Kelompok ini telah memperingatkan agar tidak melanjutkan operasi penerbangan komersial dan bahkan telah menembaki beberapa pesawat yang terbang melintasi daerah dataran tinggi. Mereka menuntut warga sipil non-Papua meninggalkan zona konflik. Penculikan pilot baru-baru ini menunjukkan bahwa TPNPB yakin peringatan sebelumnya tidak didengarkan.

Namun konflik dan eskalasinya juga menyoroti trauma transgenerasi yang belum terselesaikan yang masih dialami masyarakat Papua. Hal ini, diperkuat oleh ketersediaan senjata yang relatif canggih – yang diakses oleh TPNPB dari perdagangan ilegal dengan militer dan polisi serta pasokan ilegal dari Papua Nugini, Thailand, dan Filipina – telah memfasilitasi kampanye bersenjata sejak tahun 2018 di Nduga, kabupaten termiskin. di Indonesia.

Memang benar bahwa sebagian besar TPNPB merekrut anggotanya dengan memanfaatkan keluhan mendalam pemuda Papua. Saya tahu, karena sebagai relawan lokal pada tahun 2019, saya berbicara dengan segelintir anak pengungsi Nduga yang tertarik untuk bergabung dengan kelompok bersenjata karena trauma mendalam dan kesulitan hidup dalam kondisi yang tidak menentu. Mereka hampir tidak menerima pendidikan yang layak di distrik mereka dan sangat antusias untuk bertemu dengan para guru dan belajar di sekolah darurat yang dibangun oleh relawan kemanusiaan setempat. Namun pemerintah Indonesia secara sistematis gagal mengenali dan mengatasi trauma transgenerasi di kalangan korban konflik bersenjata di Papua, khususnya anak-anak. Hal ini sangat kontras dengan program deradikalisasi besar-besaran di negara lain.

Pada saat yang sama, TPNPB telah memodifikasi kapasitas tempurnya untuk mengintensifkan serangan bersenjata terhadap negara dan warga sipil. Dukungan finansial dari simpatisan juga meningkat. Struktur organisasinya telah dimodernisasi, dengan pemuda Papua menduduki posisi-posisi penting. Yang terakhir, penggunaan media sosial untuk melawan narasi pemerintah dengan mengungkap penyalahgunaan kekuasaan yang dilakukan negara semakin canggih.

Singkatnya, hubungan Indonesia dengan masyarakat Papua tampaknya akan semakin memburuk.

Tidak harus seperti itu. Pelajaran dari konflik bersenjata di wilayah selatan Thailand dan Mindanao di Filipina selatan adalah bahwa kehadiran individu atau kelompok yang kredibel dan terpercaya sangat penting untuk memulai perundingan damai. Ini adalah elemen yang hilang dalam konflik Papua.

Penangkapan pilot tersebut hanyalah gejala dari kesenjangan kepercayaan ini. Defisit ini semakin parah dan pemerintah Indonesia tidak bisa menyalahkan siapa pun selain dirinya sendiri.


Why West Papuans are raising a banned independence flag across Australia, NZ and the Pacific. -------------------------O...

Why West Papuans are raising a banned independence flag across Australia, NZ and the Pacific.
On 1 December each year, in cities across Australia and New Zealand, a small group of West Papuan immigrants and refugees and their supporters raise a flag called the Morning Star in an act that symbolises their struggle for self-determination.

Doing the same thing in their homeland is illegal.

This year is the 62nd anniversary of the flag being raised alongside the Dutch standard in 1961 as The Netherlands prepared their colony for independence.

Formerly the colony of Dutch New Guinea, Indonesia controversially took control of West Papua in 1963 and has now divided the Melanesian region into seven provinces.

In the intervening years, brutal civil conflict is thought to have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives through combat and deprivation, and Indonesia has been criticised internationally for human rights abuses.

The Morning Star will fly in Ronny Kareni’s adopted hometown of Canberra and will also be raised across the Pacific region and around the world.

“It brings tears of joy to me because many Papuan lives, those who have gone before me, have shed blood or spent time in prison, or died just because of raising the Morning Star flag,” Kareni, the Australian representative of the United Liberation Movement of West Papua (ULMWP) in Australia told SBS World News.

‘Our right to self-determination’

“Commemorating the anniversary for me demonstrates hope and also the continued spirit in fighting for our right to self-determination and West Papua to be free from Indonesia’s brutal occupation.”

Indonesia’s diplomats regularly issue statements criticising the act, including when the flag was raised at Sydney’s Leichhardt Town Hall, as “a symbol of separatism” that could be “misinterpreted to represent support from the Australian government”.

“It’s a symbol of an aspiring independent state which would secede from the unitary Indonesian republic, so the flag itself isn’t particularly welcome within official Indonesian political discourse,” says Professor Vedi Hadiz, an Indonesian citizen and director of the Asia Institute at the University of Melbourne.

“The raising of the flag is an expression of the grievances they hold against Indonesia for the way that economic and political governance and development has taken place over the last six decades.

“But it’s really part of the job of Indonesian officials to make a counterpoint that West Papua is a legitimate part of the unitary republic.”

The history of the Morning Star
After World War II, a wave of decolonisation swept the globe.

The Netherlands reluctantly relinquished the Dutch East Indies in 1949, which became Indonesia, but held onto Dutch New Guinea, much to the chagrin of President Sukarno, who led the independence struggle.

In 1957, Sukarno began seizing the remaining Dutch assets and expelled 40,000 Dutch citizens, many of whom were evacuated to Australia, in large part over The Netherlands’ reluctance to hand over Dutch New Guinea.

The Dutch created the New Guinea Council of predominantly elected Papuan representatives in 1961 and it declared a 10-year roadmap to independence, adopted the Morning Star flag, the national anthem – “Hai Tanahku Papua” or “Oh My Land Papua” – and a coat-of-arms for a future state to be known as “West Papua”.

The West Papua flag was inspired by the red, white and blue of the Dutch but the design can hold different meanings for the traditional landowners.

“The five-pointed star has the cultural connection to the creation story, the seven blue lines represent the seven customary land groupings,” says Kareni.

The red is now often cited as a tribute to the blood spilt fighting for independence.

Attending the 1961 inauguration were Britain, France, New Zealand and Australia — represented by the president of the Senate Sir Alister McMullin in full ceremonial attire — but the United States, after initially accepting an invitation, withdrew.

Cold War in full swing
The Cold War was in full swing and the Western powers were battling the Russians for influence over non-aligned Indonesia.

The Morning Star flag was raised for the first time alongside the Dutch one at a military parade in the capital Hollandia, now called Jayapura, on 1 December.

On 19 December, Sukarno began ordering military incursions into what he called “West Irian”, which saw thousands of soldiers parachute or land by sea ahead of battles they overwhelmingly lost.

Then 20-year-old Dutch soldier Vincent Scheenhouwer, who now lives on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast, was one of the thousands deployed to reinforce the nascent Papua Volunteer Corps, largely armed with WW2 surplus, arriving in June 1962.

“The groups who were on patrol found weapons, so modern it was unbelievable, and plenty of ammunition,” he said of Russian arms supplied to Indonesian troops.

He did not see combat himself but did have contact with the local people, who variously flew the red and white Indonesian or the Dutch flag, depending on who controlled the ground.

“I think whoever was supplying the people food, they belonged to them,” he said.

He did not see the Morning Star flag.

“At that time, nothing, totally nothing. Only when I came out to Australia (in 1970) did I find out more about it,” he said.

Waning international support
With long supply lines on the other side of the world and waning international support, the Dutch sensed their time was up and signed the territory over to UN control in October 1962 under the “New York Agreement”, which abolished the symbols of a future West Papuan state, including the flag.

The UN handed control to Indonesia in May 1963 on condition it prepared the territory for a referendum on self-determination.

“I’m sort of happy it didn’t come to a serious conflict (at the time), on the other hand you must feel for the people, because later on we did hear they have been very badly mistreated,” says Scheenhouwer.

“I think Holland was trying to do the right thing but it’s gone completely now, destroyed by Indonesia.”

The so-called Act Of Free Choice referendum in 1969 saw the Indonesian military round up 1025 Papuan leaders who then voted unanimously to become part of Indonesia.

The outcome was accepted by the UN General Assembly, which failed to declare if the referendum complied with the “self-determination” requirements of the New York Agreement, and Dutch New Guinea was incorporated into Indonesia.

“Rightly or wrongly, in the Indonesian imagination, unlike East Timor for example, Papua was always regarded as part of the unitary Indonesian republic because the definition of the latter was based on the borders of colonial Dutch East Indies, whereas East Timor was never part of that, it was a Portuguese colony,” says Professor Hadiz.

“The average Indonesian’s reaction to the flag goes against everything they learned from kindergarten all the way to university.

Knee-jerk reaction
“So their reaction is knee-jerk. They are just not aware of the conditions there and relate to West Papua on the basis of government propaganda, and also the mainstream media which upholds the idea of the Indonesian unitary republic.”

In 1971, the Free Papua Movement (OPM) declared the “republic of West Papua” with the Morning Star as its flag, which has gone on to become a potent binding symbol for the movement.

The basis for Indonesian control of West Papua is rejected by what are today fractured and competing military and political factions of the independence movement, but they do agree on some things.

“The New York Agreement was a treaty signed between the Dutch and Indonesia and didn’t involve the people of West Papua, which led to the so-called referendum in 1969, which was a whitewash,” says Kareni.

“For the people, it was a betrayal and West Papua remains unfinished business of the United Nations.”

Raising the flag also raises the West Papua issue on an international level, especially when it is violently repressed in the two Indonesian provinces where there are reportedly tens of thousands of troops deployed.

“It certainly doesn’t depict Indonesia in very favourable terms,” Professor Vedi says.

“The problem for the West Papua [independence] movement is that there’s not a lot of international support, whereas East Timor at least had a significant measure.

‘Concerns about geopolitical stability’
“Concerns about geopolitical stability and issues such as the Indonesian state, as we know it now, being dismembered to a degree — I think there would be a lot of nervousness in the international community.”

Australia provides significant military training and foreign aid to Indonesia and has recently agreed to further strengthen defence ties.

Australia signed the Lombok Treaty with Indonesia in 2006 recognising its territorial sovereignty.

“It’s important that we are doing it here to call on the Australian government to be vocal on the human rights situation, despite the bilateral relationship with Indonesia,” says Kareni.

“Secondly, Australia is a member of the Pacific Islands Forum and the leaders have agreed to call for a visit of the UN Human Rights Commissioner to carry out an impartial investigation.”

Events are also planned across West Papua.

“It’s a milestone, 60 years, and we’re still waiting to freely sing the national anthem and freely fly the Morning Star flag so it’s very significant for us,” he says.

“We still continue to fight, to claim our rights and sovereignty of the land and people.”

Tingkatkan Pengawas Pelayanan Publik, Ini yang Dilakukan Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Papua. ----------------------TRIBUN-PAP...

Tingkatkan Pengawas Pelayanan Publik, Ini yang Dilakukan Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Papua.
TRIBUN-PAPUA.COM, JAYAPURA - Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Papua terus meningkatkan sinergitas pengembangan jaringan pengawas pelayanan publik di empat provinsi di Bumi Cenderawasih, Senin (4/12/2023).

Momentum itu dilaksanakan melalui di tingkat kementerian, lembaga dan pemerintah daerah setempat.

Kepala Ombudsman RI Provinsi Papua, Yohanes Babtis Jaka Rusmanta mengatakan, pelaksanaan workshoop tersebut sebagai bukti kepedulian terhadap peningkatan pelayanan publik.

"Ini kegiatan untuk meningkatkan evektifitas di bidang masing-masing serta membangun jaringan dan tupoksinya," ujar Yohanes.

Baca juga: Listrik Menunggak, 3 Minggu Asrama Gelap: Mahasiswa Supiori di Jayapura Mengadu ke Ombudsman Papua

Berkaitan dengan jaringan pengawas pelayanan publik, menurutnya, sudah terbentuk sejak tahun 2021, namun terkendala beberapa hal.

"Terkendala lantaran pergantiaan posisi jabatan dan indonesia terlebih khusus Papua dilanda Covid 19 sehingga kurang jaringan itu kurang maksimal," ujarnya.

Yohanes mengatakan, dengan adanya beberapa kendala di tahun sebelumnya, pihaknya merasa perlu melakukan penyegaran.

"Dengan begitu pembahasan jaringan pelayanan publik ini dibahas lagi guna tingkatkan sinergitas," beber dia.

Selain itu, ini menjadi tugas utama yang diturunkan oleh Ombudsman RI kepada setiap perwakilan salah satunya Papua.

"Semua ditugaskan untukmembangun jaringan salah satunya di Papua. Tentu ini hal yang penting untuk perlu dibangun," katanya.

Disinggung soal pelayanan publik di Papua, Yohanes menyampaikan, belum berjalan maksimal.

Sehingga, hal itu menjadi tantangan untuk setiap lembaga pemerintah di empat provinsi bisa lakukan sinkronisasi.

"Perlu adanya jaringan, sehingga sistem kerja dan pelayanan secara umum bisa evisien," ungkapnya.

Ombudsman berharap, melalui workshop ini semua bisa memberikan masukan terhadap pelayanan publik.

"Agar kedepan pelayanan publik bisa berjalan maksimal sehingga tidak terjadi maladministrasi," tandasnya.

Yohanes Babtis Jaka Rusmanta mengatakan, pelaksanaan workshoop tersebut sebagai bukti kepedulian terhadap peningkatan pelayanan publik.

West Papuans call on NZ govt to confront Indonesia. -------------West Papua's pro-independence movement was celebrated b...

West Papuans call on NZ govt to confront Indonesia.
West Papua's pro-independence movement was celebrated by activists around the world last week with the raising of the morning star flag.

December 1st marks the day, the Morning Star - West Papua's Independence Flag was first hoisted in 1961.

RNZ Pacific's Finau Fonua attended a flag raising event in Auckland where he spoke to activists.

West Papuans in Auckland call on NZ govt to confront Indonesia.


Unite as a big West Papuan family for the future of West Papuans who live peacefully without any further loss of life. 62 Years of the West Papua struggle from December 1, 1961 until now

Approximately 24 years ago, the Bali National Student Conference which was attended by almost all elements of the 98 stu...

Approximately 24 years ago, the Bali National Student Conference which was attended by almost all elements of the 98 student movement produced 3 (three recommendations); First,

Supporting the Timor Leste People's Referendum to determine their own fate, secondly, supporting the Acehnese People to determine their own fate and thirdly supporting the Papuan People to determine their own fate through a referendum. If the people of Timor Leste and the people of Aceh have been given the opportunity, why not Papua?

PNGUFWP deputy Chairman Noel Anjo Kolao taking ownership to design & print West Papua flag for Free West Papua campaign ...

PNGUFWP deputy Chairman Noel Anjo Kolao taking ownership to design & print West Papua flag for Free West Papua campaign in PNG. Papua New Guinea Union for Free West Papua

            Pasifika and SF Bay Area/Ohlone Territory relatives showing up for our Beloved West Papua! 2023 at SFSU EP 1...

Pasifika and SF Bay Area/Ohlone Territory relatives showing up for our Beloved West Papua! 2023 at SFSU EP 116! Thank you Prof. Lee Kava, SFSU/Stanford PISAs, Samoan Community Development Ctr crew, Poor Magazine and Homefullness, EPIC, Laura Coelho for the flyer, our West Papuan speaker (anonymous due to Indonesian/US terror). Papua Merdeka for Life! Waa waa waa!


Free West Papua - Michael’s Song for West Papua
Poor News Network/Prensa POBRE

04.11.23 | Launch Event | 5\/9The Mansorandak custom welcome is conducted by Independence leader in exile, Paula Makabor...

04.11.23 | Launch Event | 5\/9

The Mansorandak custom welcome is conducted by Independence leader in exile, Paula Makabory.

In this custom, guests are being welcomed by symbolically step onto a traditional porcelain plate as a gesture of hospitality.

Mansorandak comes from the arrangement of three words in Biak language. “Man” means man or person, “so” from the word beso which means to participate, and “randak” means beginner or the first time. Therefore, Mansorandak means the first or first person to participate.

The Mansorandak custom is seen as a way to convey thanks for a person's safe return, serving to ward off any evil spirits that may have accompanied them during their journeys. It's a purification ritual.

The Mansorandak custom is not exclusively reserved for family members returning from their travels; it is also conducted to extend a warm welcome to first-time visitors and dignitaries.

For certain reasons, it is considered an appropriate form of greeting and respect in the customs or culture of the West Papuan people .

The Mansorandak begins with a procession of flower baths of various kinds on a traditional plate. The pates are lined up at the entrance of the house.

At the launch, we welcomed guests and notable guests, Aunty N'arweet Carolyn Briggs, FCA Director Daniel Santangeli, FCA Producer Aamer Ahmed, Senator Janet Rice and Councillor Bernadette Thomas at the Gabriel Gallery. We welcomed them by having them stepped onto the traditional plate and splash some "flower bath" water to purify them and welcomed them into the space of the exhibition. ✊🏾

✨Photographed by Gianna Rizzo

West Papua People's Forum Not Recognized, ULMWP President: Congress in Sentani Is an Illegal Action.  --------------TRIB...

West Papua People's Forum Not Recognized, ULMWP President: Congress in Sentani Is an Illegal Action.
TRIBUN-PAPUA.COM, JAYAPURA - Executive President of the United Liberation Movement for West Papua (ULMWP), Maenase Tabuni, said that the first congress in Sentani by the Provisional Government and elements from the West Papua National Parliament was an unconstitutional activity.

The congress was said to be in conflict with the 2023 ULMWP Constitution and the provisions of the ULMWP II Summit, the ULMWP judicial letter as guardian of the ULMWP Constitution.

Apart from that, the congress is considered to be contrary to the spirit of the 2014 Saralana Declaration, the Results of the 2017 First Summit and the 2023 ULMWP II Summit.

"The implementation of the 1st Congress and all forms of maneuvers by the interim government and individuals from the PNWP were purely unconstitutional acts and treason," said Menase Tabuni to journalists including Tribun-Papua.com in Waena, Jayapura City, Monday (20/11/2023).

Tabuni also said that the First Congress violated the Communiqué of the leaders of the 2014-2023 MSG, 2015-2023 PIF, and the support of the international community which continues to provide support to the ULMWP as a forum for the unity of the Papuan people to fight for the independence and political sovereignty of the Papuan people.

"ULMWP never agreed and formed the West Papua People's Forum and agreed to form the 1st ULMWP Congress Committee," he said.

Tabuni admitted that currently his party is focused on filling in the ULMWP body structure, in accordance with the 2023 ULMWP Constitution.

He also asked all ULMWP internal and external parties to respect, comply and acknowledge the results of the ULMWP II Summit in Port Vila, Vanuatu on 22, 26 August-3 September 2023.

Tabuni emphasized that the ULMWP II Summit in Port Vila was the highest decision-making forum.

"So all the maneuvers and efforts currently being made in the name of ULMWP are invalid and illegal," he concluded

Int'l Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination & Liberation West Papua, a territory located on the western hal...

Int'l Indigenous Peoples Movement for Self Determination & Liberation

West Papua, a territory located on the western half of the island of New Guinea, has been on international headlines for the past weeks as massive protests calling for a free West Papua (Papua Merdeka) continue on a daily basis in different regencies of the Indonesian-occupied nation. ✊🏾🏞️.

THIS IS THE OPEN ATTITUDE of ULMWP President Manasseh Tabuni regarding the 1st Congress in Sentani.------------------TRI...

THIS IS THE OPEN ATTITUDE of ULMWP President Manasseh Tabuni regarding the 1st Congress in Sentani.
TRIBUN-PAPUA.COM, JAYAPURA - ULMWP Executive President, Manasseh Tabuni said, based on the facts and paying attention to the 2023 ULMWP Constitution and the provisions of the results of the ULMWP II Summit, the ULMWP judicial letter as guardian of the ULMWP Constitution, he as the elected leader of ULMWP confirmed the activities of the Congress to -I Sentani is an unconstitutional activity.

"The implementation of the 1st Congress and all forms of maneuvers by the interim government and individuals from the PNWP (West Papua National Parliament) are purely unconstitutional acts and treason," said Manasseh Tabuni at a press conference in Waena, Monday (20/11/2023).

According to Manasseh, this is contrary to the spirit of the 2014 Saralana declaration, the results of the 2017 First Summit and the 2023 ULMWP II Summit.

Apart from that, it is contrary to the 2023 Constitution of the ULMWP, the Communiqué of the 2014-2023 MSG leaders, the 2015-2023 PIF, and the support of the international community which continues to provide support to the ULMWP as a forum for the unity of the Papuan people to fight for the independence and political sovereignty of the Papuan people.

Manasseh emphasized that the ULMWP never agreed and formed the West Papua People's Forum and agreed to form the 1st ULMWP Congress Committee.

"Currently we are focusing on filling in the ULMWP body structure in accordance with the 2023 ULMWP Constitution," he explained.

For this reason, Manasseh asked all ULMWP internal and external parties to respect, comply and acknowledge the results of the ULMWP II Summit in Port Vila, Vanuatu on 22, 26 August-3 September 2023 as the highest decision-making forum.

"So all the maneuvers and efforts currently being made in the name of ULMWP are invalid and illegal," he said. (*)





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