Knightfall (2019)
Knightfall (2019) is a historical drama television series that aired on the History Channel. Created by Don Handfield and Richard Rayner, the show explores the final days of the Knights Templar, a medieval Catholic military order that became one of the most powerful and wealthy organizations in Europe before being disbanded in the early 14th century. The series delves into the political intrigue, betrayal, and religious conflict surrounding the Templars during their fall from grace.
Set during the early 14th century, Knightfall follows the life of Landry du Lauzon (played by Tom Cullen), a skilled and devoted Templar knight, as he navigates the complex world of the order. The show opens with a dramatic battle scene in which the Templars, led by Landry, successfully defend the Holy Grail during the Crusades. However, despite their victory, the knights face an internal crisis, as corruption and secrecy begin to seep into their ranks.
As the series progresses, Landry is caught up in a power struggle within the order, leading to conflict with the French king, Philip IV (played by Ed Stoppard). Philip IV, known for his ambition and greed, seeks to dismantle the Templars in order to seize their wealth and power. The show also explores Landry's personal journey, including his struggle with faith, his relationships with fellow knights, and his past, which includes a complicated romance.
At the heart of the show is the political maneuvering between the Templars and the French monarchy, which culminates in the infamous arrest and ex*****on of the Templars in 1307. The series portrays the historical events leading up to this moment, including the betrayal of the Templars by King Philip IV, and the fates of various key figures like Jacques de Molay, the last Grand Master of the Templars.