This is a section of Scripture where Jesus rebukes the false religious practices of the Pharisees and scribes ⬇️⬇️
You hypocrites, rightly did Isaiah prophesy of you:
‘This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far away from Me.
‘But in vain do they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.’”
— Matthew 15:7-9
I have spent years in a religious tradition that gets the same exact rebuke from Christ as this. It was eye-opening and shocking when i came to terms with the fact that i was in a cult that severely mis-taught basic and complex elements of the Christian faith. This was done by twisting and mis-representing various portions of Scripture in a historically disagreeable way, and to the detriment of those that were under that teaching and preaching.
The way that i was able to rightly understand God’s truth on a variety of topics, such as His triune nature, salvation by faith instead of through a Jesus-name-only baptismal formula, and the actual meaning, limitations, and functions of spiritual gifts, was through a series of verse-by-verse instruction and teaching out of God’s Word.
That (historically valid) style of preaching/teaching, where no verse is overlooked or left behind, puts the preacher in the position to deal with all of God’s Word faithfully and contextually, and leaves the hearer responsible for all of what God’s Word says, and not just the often-highlighted and out-of-context verses that have become popular among biblically-ignorant churchgoers.
It was this selfsame method of preaching and teaching, through a proper exposition and exegesis of Scripture, that led me to realize and conclude that what i was being taught at my local church and its affiliated partner churches was not only heresy, but even New Age Christian mysticism and emotionalism clothed in spirituality.
So many are held captive to those false doctrines and expectations, and our hope is to properly exegete God’s Word so as to bring forth the milk and the meat of Scripture so that hearers will not only understand the foundational truth, but grow to appreciate and comprehend the complexities of God’s Word as well.
This year, we hope to answer the questions that are actually being asked, and to deal with topics of concern as they organically sprout up through our biblical studies and interactions with others.
For His glory, and the benefit of His people, Soli Deo Gloria!