Good Humor Radio Hour Show Spring 2018
Video for the Good Humor Radio Hour Show this last April 2018 at the Tyler History Center. We are working on Pre-production for a Halloween Show at the Tyler in October. Lookout for details coming soon.
Mahoning Valley Part 1 Business Development
This is Part 1 of my practicum project focusing on Business Development.
Comments are welcome
Mahoning Valley Part 2 Arts & Entertainment
This is Part 2 of my Practicum Project focusing on Arts and Entertainment
Mahoning Valley Part 3
This is Part 3 of my Mahoning Valley Practicum project.
Comments are welcome.
The Mahoning Valley.......Why you should live here!!!
This video is 1 part of a 3 part series I am working on for Practicum Class at YSU. This is NOT the final copy, there are somethings I need to fix. But I am posting this to get some feedback. So please comment. criticism is welcome. Most information on these companies came from their websites. I enjoy doing things that bring a positive light to our community. The other two parts consist of Arts & Entertainment and Food. I want these to be a tool for people outside the area to know we got some good stuff going on and the cost of living here is very reasonable.
Ohio Music Live: BUNDERTHIRD
We shot this in the YSU TV studio with very limited audio resources, This was all live with students as production crew. Corey Crisan and myself were producers for the show. Basically as a producer you are in charge of getting everything together for the director and putting it in a box and the director turns it into something watchable. Extra special thanks to BUNDERTHIRD. Please check them out.
Moments in Mahoning Mob Edition
Naples Brothers