We have been communicating wonders of modern science through eye-catching MoA/MoD animation and high-quality visuals for Nobel laureates and both early-stage and Fortune 500 companies We are the only company with an in-house scientific modeling department (PhDs and MDs) and 70+ expert consultants from global research centers such as Harvard University, HKUST, Cambridge, and MIT; software engineers
, biomedical illustrators, 3D designers, and computer graphics specialists. We have created more than 300 projects in the fields of biomedicine, pharmacology, oncology, immunology, virology, nanotechnology, chemistry, medical devices, quantum technologies. Our scientific accuracy has been recognized by Science magazine, Nature journal, National Science Foundation, and Nobel laureates. We lead turnkey projects, delivering everything from the idea to the final animation or interactive app. Our pricing model ditches hourly-based fees and covers the overall project. TRUSTED BY GLOBAL MARKET LEADERS:
Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, Takeda, Novo Nordisk, Roche, Nycomed, Google, Nature, MacMillan Publishers, Wiley, Elsevier, Springer, Smithsonian, Cambridge University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Monash University, and many others. FEATURED BY:
Leading media outlets with more than hundreds of millions of views: The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Telegraph New Scientist, Mashable, National Geographic, Popular Science, The Washington Post, Techcrunch, Newsweek, Vice, PBS, Fox News, NBC News, Wired, The Scientist, Discover Magazine, and Spiegel.