Basement Politics Unfiltered: School Closings & More News
🗣🚨 Basement Politics Unfiltered: School Closings & More News (1.24.2024)
💥 On This Episode: Two #YPS Schools Will Be Closing, Shanae Talks Affordable Housing, More Fires In #Yonkers and More...
💥 School 9 & the Cornwall Academy are set to close. Where will the students go? Plus more #Yonkers & #Westchester News.
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersCityCouncil #YonkersStrong #WestchesterCounty #NewYork #YonkersMoms #YPL #USA #YonkersPublicSchools #America #YonkersSchools #Albany #MikeSpano #NewYorkState #YonkersPolice #YonkersFire #YPD #YFD #NewYorkCity
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Is Mike Khader Back?
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Is Mike Khader Back? (1.21.2024)
On This Episode: Former #Yonkers City Council President, Mike Khader Is Back In the Spotlight.
Mike Khader goes on with Karate Ru to discuss his recent lawsuit judgements and his future plans. Let's hear what Khader had to say about the defamation lawsuit. Let's also take a listen to what Mike Khader says about the current Yonkers City Council president and her husband.
Also, some strange anomalies are beginning to appear around Yonkers that are making some property owners raise their eyebrows and start asking questions. That Plus More, on #BasementPoliticsUnfiltered
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #YonkersStrong #YonkersCityCouncil #CoY #MikeKhader #MikeSpano #YonkersRealEstate #NewYork #YPD #WestchesterCounty #NYC #LakishaCollinsBellamy #TashaDiaz #YPS #FreddyVazquez #YonkersMoms #NY #YonkersPublicSchools #Albany
Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Reorganization Meeting 2024
Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Reorganization Meeting 2024 (1.2.2024)
On This Episode: It's 2024 and Time to Reorganize the Yonkers City Council, Just One Day After the 2024 Inauguration Ceremony.
Earlier today, the #Yonkers City Council held it's annual reorganization meeting. This is when Council Members are assigned a committee and when the Majority & Minority Leaders are selected. This was also the first city council meeting for Deana Robinson, who is the only new council member.
Things got interesting when the councilman from the 6th district, Anthony Merante expressed his disappointment that he had not been given a committee to chair. Chairing a committee comes with a $15,000 stipend on top of a council member's base salary. He also surprised some when he began talking about Retaliation. District 2 council representative Corazon Pineda Isaac also expressed some concerns about the person named Majority Leader, specifically when it came to how a Majority Leader is expected to conduct themselves.
Also, let's take a look at the 2024 Inauguration Ceremony held yesterday at the Yonkers Riverfront Library. Plus More...
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #YonkersCityCouncil #WestchesterCounty
#MikeSpano #NewYork #YonkersMoms #YonkersStrong #CSEA9169 #CSEE #YonkersPublicSchools #YPS #YonkersPolice #YPD #YonkersFire #YFD #NY
Basement Politics Unfiltered: End of the Year... Goodbye 2023
Basement Politics Unfiltered: End of the Year... Goodbye 2023
On This Episode: 2024 Is Right Around the Corner... Let's Take a Look Back at 2023.
What were some of the Highlights of 2023?
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #Yonkers #WestchesterCounty #NewYork #YonkersCityCouncil #YonkersMoms #YonkersRealEstate #NewYorkState
Basement Politics Unfiltered: You're Fired!
Basement Politics Unfiltered: You're Fired! (12.21.2023)
On This Episode: Major Internal Changes Within #Yonkers City Hall.
There a changes taking place in Yonkers as department heads are have been fired and others forced to resign according to sources. are these changes in the best interest of the city or is there something else going on?
Plus Stolen Valor?
Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Week In Review 12.17.2023
🗣🎙 Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Week In Review 12.17.2023
📺 On This Episode: The City Is Making Some Administrative Changes, Yonkers Is Burning & Designer Boots?
🗣 Word on the street that Sam Borrelli, the controversial #Yonkers Building Dept. Commissioner was Fired appears to be true. lso, the #YonkersFire Chief Anthony "Tony" Pagano was FORCED to Retire or be Fired. So what are all the changes about?
💥 Also, Yonkers has been seeing quite a few more fires than normal lately. Some are questioning What's Really Going On? Are these Fires the work of Arsonist? Were Two Arsonist caught on camera setting one of the recent fires? Are people being told to keep quiet?
😂 Lastly, Pay Raises for Designer Boots?
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #YonkersStrong #YonkersPolice #COY #NY #YFD #US #WestchesterrCounty #NewYorkState #YonkersCityCouncil #America #FBI #MikeSpano #MikeKhader #LakishaCollinsBellamy #NYC #CSEA9169 #Albany #DOJ #YonkersMoms #YPD #YonkersRealEstate #USA
#YonkersPublicSchools #YPS #YonkersNails #UnitedStates #Westchester @highlight Yonkers, New York 10705 Northwest Yonkers, Yonkers Northeast Yonkers, Yonkers Yonkers, New York New york. Yonkers Park Hills, Yonkers, New York Southeast, Yonkers Colonial Heights, Yonkers Crestwood, Yonkers Yonkers, Westchester County Yonkers, New York Getty Square, Yonkers, New York Yonkers, New York Ludlow, Yonkers, New York Latinos en Yonkers, Nueva York #YonkersStrong
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Thursday News Recap
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Thursday News Recap (11.30.2023)
On This Episode: High Water Meter Readings & a 16 Year Unlicensed Driver Gets a Break. Plus More...
The City Votes on a Bond Issuance of $18 Million to address problems with water meters. Residents have complained about unusually large water bills. So exactly what is the problem and why is borrowing $18 Million the answer?
Also the 16 year unlicensed driver who killed Yonkers Police Det Sgt. Frank Gualdino after losing control while speeding eastbound on #TuckahoeRd will no longer be criminally charged. Instead, he will be dealt with in Family Court, where it is likely he will never see a day in jail. This has many people upset both publicly & privately. What are your thoughts?
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#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #YonkersMoms #YonkersPolice #YPD #CoY #WestchesterCounty #Police #YonkersPD #YonkersCityCouncil #Albany #NYPD #Westchester #NewYork #America #UnitedStates #MAAD #Moms #NYC #NewYorkCity #NewYork #FrankGualdino #WaterMeter #WaterBill
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Raises for the Yonkers City Council
🗣🎙 Basement Politics Unfiltered: Raises for the Yonkers City Council
🗣 Sources are telling Basement Politics that the City Council will VOTE to give themselves a Ra se come the Christmas Holiday while Taxpayers are Distracted.
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #CoY #Yonkers #WestchesterCounty #NYC #NewYork #NY #YonkersCityCouncil
@followers @highlight Yonkers, New York 10705 Northwest Yonkers, Yonkers Northeast Yonkers, Yonkers Yonkers, New York New york. Yonkers Park Hills, Yonkers, New York Yonkers, New York Colonial Heights, Yonkers yonkers New York Central Ave. Yonkers NY Yonkers, Westchester County yonkers new York Getty Square, Yonkers, New York New York City, N.Y.
New York, New York The City of Yonkers Crestwood, Yonkers Southeast, Yonkers Lawrence Park
Basement Politics Unfiltered: Politics Is A Nasty Game
🚨Basement Politics w/ Freddy Vazquez: Politics Is A Nasty Game (11.17.2023)
📺 On This Episode: Politics Is A Dirty Game With Collateral Damage. Some Can Dish It But Can't Take It.
💥 For TWO YEARS My Family has been the targets of Harassment, Bullying, Threats and Retaliation. People have come our home, have posted pictures of the house & address online and have colluded to make it a difficult work environment for my wife, have targeted our business & reputation by being Slanderous on Social Media as well as have posted pictures of MY KIDS online. They attack My Family particularly My Wife by posting her picture along with complete lies about her Professional Performance. They have posted confidential information that they somehow managed to get on social media posing a Threat to Our Safety. All this for TWO Straight Years, but when Freddy Vazquez Post Facts, they quickly forget what they have done to PLAY VICTIM. I don't do the Victim Things, I do the Clap Back Thing.
💥 They should have by now talked to Frankie, Brian & Ru unless of course they know & DIRECT the attacks by Two Losers who rely on the GOVERNMENT to SUPPORT THEM. Like Someone They Idol Told Me, They Are Bottom Feeders, Stay Focused... Let's Discuss...
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #Yonkers #YonkersMoms #YonkersStrong #CoY #WestchesterCounty #YonkersRealEstate #NewYorkCity #NYC #NYS #YonkersPublicSchools #YPS #YonkersPolice #YPD #YFD #YPL #Albany #NY #Westchester #YonkersNails #YonkersCityCouncil #YCC #MikeSpano #USA #America
@followers @highlight Yonkers, New York 10705 Northwest Yonkers, Yonkers Northeast Yonkers, Yonkers Yonkers, New York New york. Yonkers Park Hills, Yonkers, New York Yonkers, New York Dunwoodie, Yonkers, New York Colonial Heights, Yonkers yonkers New York Yonkers, New York Yonkers, Westchester County yonkers new York
Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Det. Sgt. Frank Gualdino Case
Basement Politics Unfiltered: The Det. Sgt. Frank Gualdino Case (10/31/2023)
On This Episode: Former Yonkers Police Lieutenant Anthony DiMaggio Comes on to Discuss the Recent Indictment in the Death of Det. Sgt. Frank Gualdino.
Det. Gualdino was set to retire before being hit by a 16 year old driving recklessly in a blue BMW M5 without a license. The driver has not been named but was indicted after what #Yonkers Police say was an 11 month long investigation. Many Residents were outraged at the lack of information on the case and the possibility that no charges would be sought by either Yonkers or the #Westchester County DA, leaving many to speculate on his family's political and business connections in the city.
Tonight Lt. DiMaggio joins me once again to discuss the case and indictment, giving you the perspective from a 15 year LEO vet, who like many in the City of Yonkers, was the victim of Retaliatory Termination, losing NOT only his job but the pension he worked 15 years for.
Tune In Tonight at 8PM.
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#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #YonkersStrong #YonkersMoms #YPD #COY #YonkersCityCouncil #MikeSpano #WestchesterCounty #NewYorkState #NY #YonkersMomsandDads #YonkersFire #YFD #YonkersPublicSchools #YPS #FrankGualdino #YonkersPD #Albany #America #UnitedStates #Police #wcpd #NYPD #CSEA9169 #CSEE #Teamsters456 #TashaDiaz #NYS #JoseAlvarado #NYC #LEO #PoliceOfficer #FreddyVazquez #NewYork
Basement Politics Late Night Edition: Happy Thanksgiving 2023
Basement Politics Late Night Edition: Happy Thanksgiving 2023 (11.23.2023)
Live Update... What's to Come...
#YonkersNewYork #YonkersNY #Yonkers #YonkersCityCouncil #MikeSpano #CoY #YonkersPolice #YPD #YonkersMoms #YonkersStrong #NewYork #NY #WestchesterCounty #YonkersNails #YonkersPD #NYPD #Police #Albany #US #America #UnitedStates #USA #American #Politics #NewYorkState #YFD #YonkersPublicSchools #YPS #CentralParkAve #LudlowPark #McLean