🎆My 10 New Year's Wishes for Worcester❤️. I'm praying that...
1.THIS TIME real reforms will happen at the Worcester Police Department. That the recent DOJ report's findings aren't covered up or fudged - that THIS TIME bad WPD cops who r**e, spit on people, slap their faces...break their arms...are held accountable in a court of law and, hopefully, fired from their City of Worcester taxpayer-funded jobs, if found guilty.
2. This winter - real City of Worcester Warming Centers for Worcester's homeless. Not just the city manager pretending that the two city public libraries and the Worcester Senior Center are open to the homeless...equipped to handle - or even welcoming of - our most vulnerable folks.
3. Establishing a SINGLE WOMEN'S City Homeless Shelter. Most homeless women fear being sexually assaulted at the city's SMOC shelters and risk their lives when outdoors alone.
4. Creating more affordable housing - get the Woo homeless people off Worcester streets and sidewalks and their friends and relatives' couches and give them tiny homes or studio apartments via the HUD voucher program in which to live. Warmth, safety, a sense of privacy. Is that too much to ask for, Worcester?
5. Connect with the feds and tell HUD: your voucher amounts $$ do not match sky high Worcester rents. Since it's a felony for a tenant and a landlord to make a side deal where the tenant pays the rent gap $ out of pocket (sometimes as low as $30 or as much as $200), the HUD voucher amounts need to increase SO POOR AND WORKING CLASS WORCESTER PEOPLE CAN SECURE AN APARTMENT in their city, Worcester.
6. Bring back the great youth clubhouses of my girlhood - WHEN THEY OFFERED KIDS ALL KINDS OF FUN, CREATIVE ARTS AND SPORTS OPPORTUNITIES for FREE: the Girls Club (we had two clubhouses back in the day), the Boys Club (also two clubhouses) and the SPORTS/REC Department at the Friendly House (once led by Director Tony Poti and other city jocks) offered poor city kids like me and my kid sisters, for a nominal fee or for free: gym, track, field hockey, boxing, arts and crafts, home economics, yoga, team sports, field trips to various Worcester County camps or state parks in the summertime, swimming lessons, roller skating, basketball, baseball ... The list goes on. There were no self-esteem or STEM classes at the old Girls Club - there was just FUN. And you healed and felt more confident thru participating in your clubhouse's fun activities. And if a kid confided to a coach or one of the junior assistants in a program - an adult he or she liked and trusted - well, then, that's when the one-on-one counseling happened, with program directors often connecting to the child's parents or guardians. It was all about strengthening kids mentally and physically THROUGH SPORTS AND RECREATION AND THE ARTS - not just hand-outs. Lots of us were underprivileged, but we were treated like curious, active young humans - not basket-cases who weren't capable of growing thru sports and the arts. Just like the kids of the West Side.
7. A real CLASSICAL HIGH SCHOOL for Worcester's best and brightest students - like the old Boston Latin. Let's not get all WOKE about this, Worcester! Let's just take the city's smartest kids and put them together in an elite, competitive, free, public WORCESTER high school where they're all expected to apply to Ivy League schools before graduation, get 800 on their SATs and work mightily to be the best. Yes, we have the Math Academy and Worcester Tech, but this high school could be about the language arts ...
8. Get the private colleges of Worcester to PILOT: or make MORE payments $$$ to the City of Worcester in Lieu of Taxes.
9. Hire MANY MORE MINORITY TEACHERS for the Worcester Public Schools so that our public schools reflect our majority-minority student body. There are hardly any Black or brown school teachers in the Worcester Public Schools - check out the recess lines outside our elementary schools in the afternoon: all kids of color and they're led by white teachers. (The white teachers are often Irish ladies who were political hires - women whose moms or dads or aunties taught in the Worcester Public Schools or whose husbands were the city's mayor or one of the city councilors and they got in to the system because they were mega-connected.) The WPS school superintendent this year was touting her hiring of more people of color for our schools - Black janitors. This just doesn't cut it.
10. Put the TEETH back into the City of Worcester Apartment Registry. When the leaders at Worcester's Building and Health Code Dept on Meade Street are making $100,000 and $125,000 salaries, don't expect them to rock the boat. So when all the Worcester landlords and slumlords clamored for changes in the new registry - such as no or very low fees or exemptions for live-in landlords - the City department heads on Meade Street immediately caved. This means many of Worcester's 100+-year-old three deckers will remain unhealthy, dangerous places in which to live - for the poorest of the poor. And many Worcester families will be stuck in fire traps. And when there's another fire in the dead of winter and the City of Worcester loses yet another WFD fireman or -woman to the flames - usually they're middle-aged men, married and with young kids - all the city makeshift shrines with those hideous gas station roses and plushie teddy bears, all those nighttime vigils with candles will mean s**t. They will not bring back the dead Worcester firefighter - often just a good bloke who LOVED his job and his kids more than anything - to his shattered family and grieving buddies.
- Rose 🌹