We’re often tasked with providing voiceover for our clients. As part of our efforts to keep on the forefront of technology we’re constantly testing new products to see how they might best serve our clients. This video is one of those internal tests.
If you’re not aware, Runway: Act-One takes simple video footage of a person talking and can use that to animate pre-loaded templates to mimic the facial expressions and head movements of the performance. It’s not perfect, but it’s extraordinary to see where these tools are at in their development.
In this case we chose three different avatars and then modified the audio manually to add a little more life to these figures.
While a lot of creatives feel threatened by AI it’s important to know what’s going on in the industry and how we can best use these tools to help our clients share stories that resonate with their audience.
Have you used Runway or any other tools like it?
(We are not affiliated with Runway)
#VideoProduction #VoiceoverTech #AIDesign #StorytellingTools #InnovationInCreative