We just crossed $27,500 in offline/online donations! Thank you to all who have donated! Your generosity has been humbling. But the campaign is on until 5/20. Let’s keep going! To donate and help SEALs and their families, click here - http://spot.fund/6l54vsc Time to turn up the training…
We’re getting closer! We’re currently at $23,500 and have $1,500 to go. St. Lawrence Friends - I think I have a few hundred of you on Facebook. If you each donate $10, we’ll exceed the goal! #skipyourlatte #navysealsfamilies
Please listen to Kimberly Vaughn whose husband Aaron, along with 16 of his Navy SEAL brothers and 16 other Special Forces personnel, were killed when their Chinook helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan on August 6, 2011. The Navy SEAL Foundation continues to help her. Please consider a donation as part of my marathon effort. To make a donation, please click here - http://spot.fund/6l54vsc Thank you to Kimberly and thank you for considering a donation. As you heard, it not only helps SEALs, but also their families.
Upping my game from half-marathon to full marathon in Bhutan.To donate and help Navy SEALs and their families, please visit - http://spot.fund/6l54vsc
8 miler done. Any amount is appreciated for the Navy SEAL Foundation. Thank you.