We've traveled the country with our drone and put in a lot of time in the air.
Here's some brief our thoughts on drone footage! It should be dynamic, well timed and intentional to add value to your videos. Used to set the stage, so the story can move in on the details. A sequence of shots, starting with wide establishing moving to medium shots followed by macro shots, creates a tangible feeling for the viewer. They know where it is, what they are looking at and what it feels like to be there. When considering a drone shot, decide if the wide setting ads to the story, does it bring out the best in the scene. Does it distract from the videos flow or is it jarring. Simply said, make sure it's a good fit for the project and not used simply for the sake of "drone footage".
Hope this helps someone! Shoot us a message, we love answering questions and learning as well!
Your business/project deserves to be seen, send us a message and we can help you on your next project!!
#drone #videobusiness #videography #marketingtips #nc #dtws #winstonsalem
It might strike some as odd but I've become wary of two things after flying my drone all over the country. First... while seemingly innocuous, small birds can be aggressive and often want to arrange a meeting between your drone and the ground. I've always evaded this outcome but no stress compares when pigeons are attacking at two hundred feet up.
Secondly, I've learned that in certain cities and even small towns its important to not look like a federal agent and in some places it's not smart or polite to fly at all. Even the sweetest looking grandmother might jump in her car and drive up and down the street till she finds you to made sure you aren't FBI. In this instance I had just landed and was talking shop with someone else and she caught up with me. We chatted a bit, but I understand peoples concerns about drones, so I showed her the shots I got of the sunset over the water, the town and the boats. She left happily convinced I was not an agent, just a guy promoting the town and tourism. The shots paired with these experiences are in the reel here. Overall, drone operation is one of my favorite facets of what Siege Engine Creative does. It offers the opportunity to add grand settings to videos or capture client products/services even at the scale of a ship or large vehicle. It's pushed me to wander down beaches and to the top of mountains. It's also opened the door to meeting new people thru conversations asking about how to get their own drone or what I do (not a secret agent)! 😎
#video #drone #film #marketing #photography #videography #internalcomms #winstonsalem #nc #videoagency #videoforhire #videocrew #winstonsalem #nc #NorthCarolina
Do you know what works on the platforms you're posting on? If you don't, you need to spend intentional time wherever you post and figure out what kinds of content really works there! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
How do you even know if your advertising is working? You should be getting the most out of your money! Online marketing tracks the data you that need, to get results! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
Is your marketing strategy meeting your intended customer? Save your time and money and figure out where your customers are and target that outlet!#siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
How are you presenting yourelf? Does your brand inspire confidence in your customers? Everything you do should have purpose behind it, from the logo, to the colors you use, and especially what you post on your socials! Know your customers and how they thinkl and craft your brand to them! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
Where's the balanace between being informative and giving away trade secrets? Maybe there doesn't need to be one. If you're putting out such informative content that they realize they can't do it all, you will have shown them that YOU'RE the expert and they'll be even more likely to get you product or service! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
Not getting the return on your time investment into social media? You need to position yourself as the expret in your field! People dont want to be sold to, the want a connection! Build that equity and the conversion will follow! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
Is what you're posting worthy of your audiences time? Your content needs to provide value! Wether it's entertaining or informative, it needs to be something they actually would engage with. Focus on the consumers POV! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
How do you consume on social media? Would you stop and watch your own posts? This simple perspective change could give you that boost you've been looking for! t#siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur your engagement!
Your time is valuable so the effort you put into reaching people with your posts should be rewarded! Learn how platform's purpose and the results will come in! #siegeengine #socialmedia #business #entrepreneur
Is this what you mean by going viral? 😅
In all seriousness, though, here's some slick recent 3D animation work by Dayton Busse.