Can’t wait to see you all very soon! Doors open at noon. 🙂 Ive got the freezers restocked & everything tidied up in here. 🙌🏻
Taking back a piece of me that started it all…Josh and I met at a local CrossFit gym in 2014. We were both extremely invested in our health. Our free time was filled with training for CrossFit/Olympic Weightlifting competitions, weekend hikes, day long bike rides and anything else we could think of to push ourselves physically. After a few years of dating and now newly engaged, we both realized we longed for more. We wanted to take another step in taking our health into our own hands. We had no idea what we were getting ourselves into & were completely naive about the work that was waiting for us to get to where we are today. We wasted zero time and jumped into the homesteading lifestyle. Plenty of sleepless nights, hours of research, finding mentors, learning along the way & learning the hard way eventually landed us to today. I never could have imagined just how much of myself I had to give up those early days. Physically, mentally & emotionally. It would have been easy to give up, but we persevered. Recently we were able to see big results of just how much we sacrificed. Josh stepping away from his career in architecture in order to spend these years as a young family, together. Opening the market an additional day. Spreading farm tasks over an entire week instead of a few short days/late evenings. To getting back to what started it all…. We couldn’t be more grateful for Jess & Jerod 540 Fitness We may not be able to commit every day to the gym like we did previously but getting this time back for ourselves means more to us than we can ever put into words. ♥️
Our secret to a happy marriage & farming? 🤔
We learned early on that we didn’t have the time to hold grudges or argue for that matter. Do tensions get high after a long day of everything seemingly going wrong? Absolutely!
My biggest piece of advice to anyone in a similar situation is forgive each other & move on. We have too much to accomplish to be mad at one another. The sooner we can deal with the issue, the better.
I also think the both of us being so passionate about the farm is a key role to our success in marriage. But I’ll touch on that more another day. 😉
Here’s some insight on what Gwen’s training will look like for the foreseeable future. 😍
Bonding with us & the livestock.
Joining us for chores every day.
Basic commands such as name recognition & coming when called.
That’s it! Simple repetition for now until we have all the basics covered. ♥️ we couldn’t be more excited to see her progress!
Got a lot of snow, but you all kept showing up. Thank you all for braving the storm. Keep warm this week! 🥶 ♥️
❄️❄️ we will remain OPEN today ❄️❄️ 12-4pm 1659 Apple Pie Ridge Rd. The roads & driveway are starting to become snow covered. If you venture out just take your time & be safe! 🙂 We can’t thank our amazing community enough for always supporting us. Inclement weather or not - you all always show up. ♥️ #yourfooddeservesbetter #supportlocal
A glimpse of our day today. If you make it through my rant… thank you. ♥️
The newest litter of piglets are enjoying exploring on this beautiful evening. 🐽 ♥️ #geraghtysmicrofarm #yourfooddeservesbetter #kunekune
More you know Monday. 🤔 Many of you probably grasp that we simply cannot raise food for you overnight. This part of farming and feeding our community is the most daunting… if you want my honest opinion. We are incredibly lucky to have the support from you all but year after year we hit ourselves with the same question.How much more do we need to raise? Did you know our butcher dates for 2025 are already set? That’s right. They have been for months. Across the nation farmers must book with their USDA butchers 6-18 months in advance. The piglets being born right now had butcher dates set before they were even born. Crazy, right? So when we sit down and analyze our growth year after year we can see historically we’ve doubled sales each year. This year is no exception. Investing in livestock is not cheap. Committing to selling a product that isn’t even here yet is stressful. Hoping you have another successful year can be overwhelming. We are filled with gratitude each time we open our doors and see you all filling your baskets with our pasture raised meats week after week. It’s why we are in this predicament. Most years we come up short in our planning. We think we are raising enough, and we miss the mark. We only use one butcher. We trust Gentle Harvest to care for them just as we have. We believe in their quality control & their packing standards. We won’t be traveling to several butchers and sacrifice these strict standards. Thanks for choosing to support our family. It’s not always easy & I plan on sharing more of the behind the scenes details that we don’t normally share! What would you like to learn more about? #geraghtysmicrofarm #geraghtysmarket #yourfooddeservesbetter Matt Kilmer - Realtor thanks for hosting us on the podcast Vihang thanks for the amazing videos!
✨ kunekune piglets ✨ My favorite way to start and end the day. ♥️🐽 this newest litter is growing like weeds! They aren’t even a week old yet. #geraghtysmicrofarm #kunekune #piglets #yourfooddeservesbetter
Rush hour….. farm addition 🐽🤣 #geraghtysmicrofarm #yourfooddeservesbetter