📌 This week's hot topics of Winchendon;
Featuring Gardner 🪑
🔻Winchendon/Ashburnham are holding public meets on December 11th (Ash) & 12th (Winch) on a land purchasing deal regarding 1350 acres
🔸 If the respective Towns decline to purchase the land, expect a fancy glass forest of solar panels in its place visible from Mt Watatic
🔻Winchendon decided to send its middle schoolers to the less desirable city of chairs where business is down and crime is up. Winchendon education powers to be also decided high schoolers needed a little Jesus in their life, shipping children off to cornerstone church.
🔸Two years ago, we were force-fed remote learning because of a virus that still circulates. Still, the education commissioner, baby face Jeffery Riley, thinks 3-4 hour school days in church and electric chair city will be more efficient. This is a temporary fix while cleaning crews scrub the burnt crust from a boiler explosion.
🔻 City of Chairs has seen its fair share of hurdles this year, from liquor store shootings, failing businesses, bankrupt hospitals, an influx of refugees, and stolen ambulances.
🔸Besides being a great place to send Winchendon middle schoolers to sharpen their scooter gang skills, the chair city seems to be headed in a direction the likes of Fitchburg 2010. Maybe converting the chairs to electric chairs may help deter crime while providing a valuable export to make this once mediocre city mediocre again.
🔷Update Winchendon Murdock schools open for regular operation Thursday as air quality tests pass regulatory standards
▪️Kids are relieved as va**ng mold in the doorless bathroom stalls was less than ideal when no water bubblers worked to wash down their paper bag lunch at the run-down Elm Street school.
🔻 Another local Winchendon business learns online etiquette and maintains a social media blackout after online backlash
🔸It’s a tough pill to swallow (their pride, that is) after learning Winchendon is not the place to have a business with unseasoned customer service
🔻 Scooter gang has been rumored to be sharpening its skills in the crime city of chairs
🔸Some Winchendon citizens are concerned that the gang may start incorporating wheelchairs next spring.
🔻 Two roosters are still at large in the Lake Dennison area
🔸Unofficials urge citizens in the area to remain vigilant
-Winchanon News Weekly Wednesdays