You gotta love puppy training, there’s nothing quite like working with a clean canvas. Although this phase is a quick one, the way you move through it is pivotal for a young dogs future. From management, foundation building, socialization, and confidence building, a little help can go a long way. Here with 5 month old Nova the Rottie puppy we decided to take a field trip on her last day of her one week puppy board and train. Although in the video you’ll see us working repetitions and some obedience, the majority of our public outing was actually focused on engagement building as well working to prioritize me while ignoring other distractions in the environment. The residual side effect of this is great socialization, environmental and otherwise, as well as confidence building and simply building on the concept that going out to a new environment does not have to be an unstructured free for all. We can instead teach focusing and collaborating with the handler is a top priority and will almost certainly take place. With this kind of mindset being built, you don’t have to cross your fingers and roll the dice in hopes your young dog does not end up with behavioral issues, rather you can lead the way and almost guarantee they won’t while raising a confident and well-balanced dog!
Board and Train Mia working on some of her basic obedience skills with the added distractions of the real world. Of course though, we did not start here. We started in a neutral environment, step-by-step proofing her basic skills to eventually include more distractions. When we first ventured out into public we did not focus on obedience, but instead focused on collaborating and working together through engagement building and playing, just having a good time while being nuetral to the outside environment. Afterwards we combined the two concepts and started asking for that obedience we learned back at home base but now in the real world. This is a lot of work to fit into just two short weeks, but Mia did great!
Evie out in public! Every dog's learning experience is a little bit different. When Evie first got to me she had pretty much no interest in training due to her being super fearful. Behavior modification always takes time, and fear reactivity is no different. As much as I would’ve loved to spend several weeks building Evie’s foundation, trust, and confidence before focusing on these public outings, we only had two weeks together. So after about a week of foundation building, we decided to get to work on that much needed exposure. The obedience might not look quite like some other dogs after a couple of weeks, but she has come such a far away in relation to her confidence, and overall state of mind when faced a new social situation and challenge. And believe me challenges were in abundance... Maybe it’s those special ears of hers, but people out in public had a very tough time respecting her space. No worries, I was there every step of the way to advocate for her. This step is so important for those of you with fearful dogs when helping them learn to be comfortable in social settings. Evie had no interest in strangers approaching and touching her, and allowing every unknowing person do so would only hurt the process. I promise you your dogs will notice and appreciate you stepping up and advocating for their space! When this is done, a fearful dog will be begin to let down their guard because they know you have their back and best interest in mind at all times. Overall I’m very proud of her and it’s really awesome to see her strutting her stuff and getting compliments from strangers!