If you bought Archangel Book of Days but haven't started reading it yet, this Sunday would be the ideal time to begin. The messages of daily inspiration start on Sunday, so why not read the first one on the first Sunday of a new year?! If you haven't purchased the book yet, this would be a great time to do so and move through this year with an angel message every day. If you're local, we still have a few signed copies to sell. If not, you can order from Amazon or other online booksellers. Those who buy the e-book version also get the bonus of 14 of Diana’s angelic art pieces inside.
Here’s the book description:
“In the quiet of the heart and the wonder of the soul, the divine voice whispers pure love and light for all to hear. This book shares inspiration, hope, and blessings for those times when the chaos of the world or concerns closer to home seem to silence or dampen that eternal divine song. Archangel Book of Days brings messages of love, wisdom, empowerment, grace, inspiration, and blessing from the seven primary archangels for each day throughout the year. The latter portion of the book provides meditations, invocations, activities, and techniques for connecting more fully to each of these seven archangels: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Jophiel, Chamuel, and Zadkiel.”