Welcome to the Global Technology Billboard Directory (GTBD), the World’s First 100%, Graphics-Based User Created Search Engine & Advertising System…
A totally mind blowing social network directory aligned with advertising and promotional solutions for everyone by everyone participating!
The “GTBD Search Engine” connects to all web based systems via a simple URL from websites to simple media/graphic file addresses; its flexibility performs as a standalone web presence, advertising spot or shopping cart sales point or even your online store. Sending clients, friends, classmates or leads to your billboard in the directory, is made uncomplicated by the use of a simple URL brings your single billboard to the top of the directory or all your billboards, should you have multiple boards, into the top positions.
GTBD makes its user interface capabilities completely versatile to perform as creative as your imagination can perceive. Use it to create presentational points or as a personal link system, to your favorite websites like banking, stock, shopping, mail or gaming zones.
Use your billboard features to create chat rooms, do surveys our combine billboard groups like directories simply by using specially created “Keywords” to identify too. This can be done just by putting your special keyword in your billboard profile, then ask other account holders to do the same.
GTBD directory allows you to join likeminded billboards together such as drillers, farmers, investors and more just using a simple search term! The features in GTBD give you the ability to group people, companies, organizations, products and ideas a breeze.
Products, Services, People, Corporations, Companies, Mom & Pop Sole Proprietorships, Concepts, Ideas along with much more can share, tell and present themselves to the World as a “One Stop Spot” for the World’s People to Communicate.
GTBD goal is to provide a powerful new public search engine tool for everyone to use without directory intervention or gathering of data.
The rules are simply: 1.) Use your billboards space to share a concept worth a thousand words… 2.) Use its link system to connect, share, display or sell yourself or your company’s ideas, make citizens aware of something you believe is important, maybe you are a news service, broadcast media outlet, professional writer, novice or just use it to show off your work, music or talents to further your goals. Be Creative!!! 3.) Use our/your Search Directory to create a new visual, informative, comprehensive web connection designed by you and the participating citizens of the World… If it is on the Web, then it can be recreated, connected, displayed or aired/played on “GTBD”. 4.) No multiple billboards of like kind nor redundant URL’s allowed! You are allowed multiple billboards as long as they’re for different products, places, things or reasons.
Please use your discretion and remember “Variety is the spice of life” keep our directory full of great adventures, interesting things, fun items & places, profitable ideas & concepts, exciting entertainment, fun, dynamic and great… A place for the World to search, interact, sell, promote and share together!
This new, unique, interactive and pliable Search Engine is a Global One Stop Portal for all People, Companies, Organizations and Advertisers to create an evolving, picturesque world on the web simply by getting involved in a new era of Global Marketing…
The Global Technology Billboard Directory or GTBD.
You must be on a Desktop Computer to create an account and upload your Billboard Content.
Visit http://GTBD.us be part of the Future in “Interactive Search Information and Content”
Claim Your Free Spot Today @ http://gtbdadmin.gtbd.us