Two levels of YNS membership to benefit your business!
1) Try before you buy with access to basic information on how YNS can help YOUR company increase profits with cost-effective marketing results, including sample blogs written by YNS Marketing Specialists explaining the basic IMS2 system, a selection of sample podcasts from interviews with business professionals, and much more!
2) Paid membe
rship grants you access to a smorgasbord of information, the results of more than 20 years of specialized experience at your fingertips! Tools include full access to blogs written by YNS Marketing Specialists covering a full range of topics, a compendium of all podcast interviews, FREE promotional tools and 1:1 coaching with a marketing professional best suited to the needs of your company, and much, much more!
• Increase your brand awareness and create greater visibility
• Strengthen your industry credibility
• Stimulate increased buying interest and thus generating more qualified leads
• Produce more trial/sales
• Enhance your customer retention ratio
Better yet - We do most of the work! Even better - We minimize your risk! If you would like to learn more, give us a call. Improve your marketing results, obtain increased return on your investment AND get the IMS squared benefits!