Tell the truth and Shame the devil or tell a lie and Shame yourself.
James 5:16 KJV
Confess your faults
Stop making excuses
Stop blaming other people
Stop telling lies when it is you that messes up
It is a shame a sham and out right pitiful when grown ask people do not take responsibility for their actions and or for their lack of action.
"one to another"
Yes. If you are wrong confess it to the one you were wrong to. People may forget what you say but they will never forget how you made them feel. What I have began to do to those that do not come to me to make it right. I go to them and remind them and then give them time to respond. Then Mt next move is in direct response to their response. When you stand on Biblical principles there will be a vine dressing event to occur. Folk get cut off.
and pray one for another, that ye may be healed.
If you were to send for the Elders of the Church to pray for you as the Bible says. Who would you call? Have you prayed for or been prayed for to be healed? Do you think those who are knowingly and willingly living in sin gets a prayer through? Think about it. Who do you really want praying for you. And who would really want you to pray for them?
Now that is who I want praying for me. One who is in right standing with God. Too long has the preacher been watering down their messages, too long have they been sugar coating the Word of God. To the point that when I and others like me preach that sin is sin people get upset. If it is me you or whoever it is in sin it is still sin. It was sin with Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, when God killed all but 8 people it was sin, when God destroyed the inhabitants of S***m and Gomorrah it was sin then and it is sin now. So whether you get mad or get glad it will not change one word in the Word of God. Stop playing, stop pretending. Don't be a Judas. Amen Amen Amen Pastor Wendell D Gray